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Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
PS. I have nothing really against Nikon or Canon. I ultimately chose Pentax b/c I heard the hardware specs were similar, yet the cost was lower. I did hold a D40 and it felt like a cheap, plastic toy. I'm sure it takes great photos, but I was so disappointed in holding it. My K100 has a metal body so it's quite sturdy...maybe I'm too used to it :)
This also may be a sign of the times.

I remember when cars first came out with plastic like material on the interiors. It was minimal, but the change from wood and metal was dramatic. Many complained about how cheap it felt and looked.

Now, there are very few cars with any metal and wood trim on the interior.

Cameras change. Maybe we are seeing the future and it is not metal bodies?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 2, 2008
At my cat's house
Cameras change. Maybe we are seeing the future and it is not metal bodies?

I sincerely hope not. I have a Pentax K100D and it feels like a tank in my hands. My wife's Canon 450D is much lighter, actually it feels too light, I always feel like I could break something ;). I love the grip of my camera.


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2008
New York, NY
Wow! That's a serious camera.

Not that this really answers the question, but I'm a fairly serious hobby photographer. I've been paid to do portrait and event photography during college and toyed with the idea of going pro but realized I enjoyed doing it more for fun than for money. So . . . I now own a K100D (not even the K10D, I was too cheap). I had misgivings about Pentax but read the reviews and looked at sample pictures and it seemed that in the hands of good photog (with the possible exceptions of sports) they were on par with Nikon and Canon's offerings but considerably cheaper so I went with Pentax. I can't afford to break the bank on one of my hobbies.

The interesting thing is at my sisters wedding last week I was shooting with my K100D and relatives with digital Rebels and entry level Nikons kept coming up to me and commenting on how "cool" and "professional" and "expensive" my camera looks. Now I don't necessarily agree and I did have my beefy super-zoom lens attached but after the third comment I started to wonder if owning the camera that doesn't look like everyone else's camera isn't a bit of an advantage sometimes.


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2006
New Jersey
Gnome -- are you more of a prime shooter or a zoom shooter?

I've handled the D700, it's one hell of a camera, and if I was starting with a fresh system I'd probably head in that direction, but the simple fact is that you can't mount any of the fantastic Pentax FA Limited primes on it.

You can pretty easily do an event with two bodies -- one with a short lens (I'd go with the FA 31, but that one is a bank breaker) and one with a long (DA 70 or FA 77).

You also have pretty good options for zooms -- the Pentax 12-24 (same as the Tokina 12-24 in other mounts) is well regarded, as is the DA* 50-135mm. The telephoto end is a bit weak at the moment, there is a mythical 60-250mm f/4 that might be out by the end of the year, but don't hold your breath. No constant f/2.8 telezooms to compete with the Nikon or Canon offerings... you have to go 3rd party for that.

The bottom line -- if what you have suits your needs, and you're happy with it, enjoy it. If you're finding yourself outgrowing the system or looking for something that Pentax/Samsung can't deliver, you know the drill.


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2006
New Jersey
and the fact that nikon glass is ten times better quality with the ED

That statement is anything but a fact.

Pentax is behind a bit on internal focus motors -- a few of the newer zooms have them.

Do any Nikon primes have internal motors?


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
For you photo buffs, which web sites do you recommend for comparing and evaluating the difference in the camera and lens offerings for Canon, Nikon, Pentax and Sony?


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
I didn't expand on that Samsung partnership but it also means that if you buy the Samsung branded camera its often cheaper.

So two names - one camera - when I bought my Samsung it was £100 cheaper than the Pentax.

Don't give a count of ten to Pentax/Samsung just yet.

Have a look at the Pentax K20D or the Samsung GX-20


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2006
New Jersey is an excellent site for lens reviews.

I also take a look at when considering the purchase of new glass -- you can view images shot with a particular lens or camera there.

Dpreview tests camera bodies, and now some lenses.... but honestly, I wouldn't spend any significant money on a camera body without first handling it to see if the ergonomics "fit" you well.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
キャンプスワ&# is an excellent site for lens reviews.

I also take a look at when considering the purchase of new glass -- you can view images shot with a particular lens or camera there.
Thanks for the feedback.

Dpreview tests camera bodies, and now some lenses.... but honestly, I wouldn't spend any significant money on a camera body without first handling it to see if the ergonomics "fit" you well.
Good point and well taken.

I am not in any hurry so I have plenty of time to research the options available.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I went to a photography store yesterday and the owner saw my Pentax K-10D and asked me whether I wanted that camera or was coerced into purchasing that camera!...

You are correct about Nikon and Canon being the leaders. If you want the most options going forward you go with Nikon/Canon. But I doubt Pentax will go away, nor will Olympus. There is plenty of room for Contax and Leica too.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I wouldn't spend any significant money on a camera body without first handling it to see if the ergonomics "fit" you well.

That used to be to the #1 advice for people new to SLRs. Years ago back in the film era people kept SLR bodies for well over 10 years. But now SLR bodies are like computers, while they might last 10 years no one would want to use a 10 year old SLR body. You tend to upgrade sooner then that as technology is still moving fast.

But once you buy a body you have selected a brand and the next body will have to be the same brand. Switching brands means selling all your lenses and starting over. It's expensive. So. while it will is important that the camera "fits" what's just as important is if the next SLR body you buy in 4 or so years alsop "fits" and the next body and so on.

SO I'd say now to mke sure the brand "fits" and works like you want it to. handle several camera bodies in each line and choose the brand with the best line. Do not choose a brand based on the feel on one SLR body. That body will only be used for a few years.


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2004
Is Pentax Dying?
It's true! Netcraft confirms.... errr.... oh, sorry.... wrong board. :D

I went to a photography store yesterday that doesn't sell Pentax. [...] He said that if i am serious about photography (which i am) I should not purchase a pentax lens but rather sell my equipment and buy a brand that he sells because he can make more money on it. Finally he said, "Pentax makes amazing cameras; the K-10D is a great piece of technology, but I can make more money if you buy a whole new camera from me."

Fixed that for you.


May 10, 2004
I didn't expand on that Samsung partnership but it also means that if you buy the Samsung branded camera its often cheaper.

Not so here. The Samsung version is about 50% more expensive than the Pentax. Why bother?


May 10, 2004
I sincerely hope not. I have a Pentax K100D and it feels like a tank in my hands. My wife's Canon 450D is much lighter, actually it feels too light, I always feel like I could break something ;). I love the grip of my camera.

Pentax DSLRs don't have a metal body.


macrumors 68020
Aug 12, 2003
At home
Not so here. The Samsung version is about 50% more expensive than the Pentax. Why bother?

I guess it's all about location. Funny enough I just checked and sometimes the Samsung is cheaper - and sometimes the same price (good old amazon) but never more. Of course I haven't checked every price but it always seemed to be about perception when I bought my Samsung. Even the guy in the shop replying to my comment "Its basically a Pentax - right?" - said "Yeah but the Pentax is better".


macrumors 65816
Feb 12, 2006
I barely ever visit this section of the forum anymore and I open it up and here's a thread about Pentax possibly dying? Yikes!

No, Pentax isn't going anywhere soon. They have protected themselves with Samsung and Hoya. Last I heard they were gaining, but that was a few months ago. Maybe things have changed since then?

That having been said, an upgrade from my K110D/K100D (Yes, both) to a K10D or a K20D would sure be nice.


May 10, 2004
I guess it's all about location. Funny enough I just checked and sometimes the Samsung is cheaper - and sometimes the same price (good old amazon) but never more. Of course I haven't checked every price but it always seemed to be about perception when I bought my Samsung. Even the guy in the shop replying to my comment "Its basically a Pentax - right?" - said "Yeah but the Pentax is better".

I don't know if it's better, but it's basically a rebadge. I would consider the Samsung only if it were a lot cheaper, otherwise it makes no sense.


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2006
New Jersey
I know that. It doesn't have a metal BODY. There's a lot of cameras with a metal chassis.

And what offerings from other manufacturers have a metal body -- at the same price point as the K200D or K20D?

Please, apples to apples. No sense in comparing an entry-level or mid-range to a D300 or 50D.


May 10, 2004
And what offerings from other manufacturers have a metal body -- at the same price point as the K200D or K20D?

Please, apples to apples. No sense in comparing an entry-level or mid-range to a D300 or 50D.

Read the thread. This is not about which camera competes with what. It's about his plea for continued availability of metal body cameras, and then giving a Pentax as an example.


macrumors 68040
Jan 25, 2002
in transit
In almost all of the photo forums I've visited, there's a thread about the impending demise of Pentax. Why? Because people haven't heard too much about them or their local salesperson tells them to go Canon or Nikon.

How many times did you hear about how Apple was going to go bust (especially pre-iMac/iPod?)

It's no question that Pentax is a smaller company than C&N (and in some respects Olympus with their fourthirds alliance) but they still produce some of the best glass out there right now. Name me one other manufacturer that produces a line of digital specific primes along side some of the best primes (cropped/full-frame/film) for any system, period. Name me one other manufacturer that can get you a weather-sealed body for under $700.

The point I'm trying to make here is that Pentax has always been a little quirky in regards to their features and lens line-up and has therefore found less mainstream success. As a result, their name brand recognition has suffered accordingly. Pentax doesn't make machine-gun FPS machines. They don't make absurdly-high ISO tank-like bodies. What they do make are solid, durable, full-featured camera bodies with a fantastic selection of lenses - especially digital-only primes.

Off the top of my head you can currently purchase:
14mm f/2.8
21mm f/3.2 Limited
31mm f/1.8 Limited
35mm f/2.0
35mm f/2.8 Macro Limited
40mm f/2.8 Limited
43mm f/1.9 Limited
50mm f/1.4
70mm f/2.4 Limited
50mm f/2.8 Macro
100mm f/2.8 Macro
200mm* f/2.8
300mm* f/4

On the road-map:
15mm f/?.? Limited
30mm* (rumored to be f/1.4 - if it's anywhere near as good as the 31mm, watch out...)
55mm* f/1.4

If you like shooting with primes, the Pentax system is a no-brainer (unless you absolutely need full-frame, in which case, have fun! :D)

Heck, Zeiss makes some primes for the Pentax K-mount that are phenomenal. And that's not even counting all the other third-party options like Sigma and Tamron. It should say something when Sigma announces several lenses for the Pentax system and continues to do so. I'd be worried about Pentax and the K-mount in general if that didn't happen.

Sure, they don't have superzooms like the Bigma, but they have enough consumer lenses to keep most happy and have stepped up to the plate with their recent DA* offerings. Now tell me that a company that has teamed up with one of the largest electronics manufacturers in the world (Samsung) is about to go belly up. Not likely. (Disclaimer: Samsung/Hoya might change the Pentax board of directors, business model etc, but the Pentax name and K-mount is likely to remain for some time.)


May 10, 2004
What do you mean Pentax does not have superzooms like the Bigma? The Bigma is available for Pentax.


macrumors 68040
Jan 25, 2002
in transit
What do you mean Pentax does not have superzooms like the Bigma? The Bigma is available for Pentax.

Yeah, I know. I should have been clearer.

I meant native, in-house long zooms made for Pentax by Pentax.

Some people put great emphasis on OEM lenses as opposed to using Sigmas/Tamrons/Tokinas. For whatever reasons.

You can get 400mm EF lenses and F-mount lenses made by Canon and Nikon respectively. Not so much for Pentax.
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