i know this won't register well with you but i wish you would try to believe what i'm going to say.. it's 100% true.
i do not care if my computers use nvidia or amd.
i've alternated between ati/amd and nvidia throughout the entire time i've used computers.. there is not a single difference from my user POV that has me differentiating between the two.
it's exactly the same as if my hard drive were made by seagate or w.d.. there is no difference.
that you continually use this amd vs nvidia type of bs against me.. or imply that i'm even in the slightest, secretly making decisions based off amd or nvidia -- is just ridiculous if you were to ever actually understand me.
i do not care if my computers use nvidia or amd.
look, d00d
you're doing the same freaking thing as i said earlier.. completely making up arguments for your other self to argue against and concluding you have proved me wrong.. what you're saying i'm doing/have done is pure fiction coming solely from that thing you refer to as your brain.. nowhere else.
i am not going to engage in another word of conversation with you until you show me you're making an effort to improve the way you and i communicate.
i've tried man.. i've tried to open avenues that you and i could possibly find some sort of common ground or respect to stand on and it's simply not working.. it takes two people to make that happen.
either put the effort in or no longer expect any of my time.
How can you possibly not care whether you have an nVidia or AMD when the qualitative differences could not be more pronounced at the moment. Maybe in 6, 12, or 18 months the companies' respective card offerings might be competitive enough to warrant debate because things can always change, but right now there is no contest. nVidia GPUs utterly spank AMD across the board, particularly in the tightly packed cases of an Apple computer where nVidia's superior power and heat management really shines. You may not care about power usage and heat production in your workstation, but you should when nVidia is so clearly superior.