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i don't get the point of needing a hard drive if it streams anyways.

unless you're going on vacation and want to watch a movie or which case you arent going to watch 200 hrs of video, and if you do, you should probably get a life.
i don't get the point of needing a hard drive if it streams anyways.

unless you're going on vacation and want to watch a movie or which case you arent going to watch 200 hrs of video, and if you do, you should probably get a life.

Its faster...I don't mind streaming, but harddrive is faster, and if my Mac is acting up, no worries!

I think the ATV has a market, you might not be it. A price drop wouldn't make the product any better, just easier to buy. A good product can warrant a high price tag, and bad one won't sell (tons) even if its cheap.

See Zune for more info. :p
Things are cached to the HD as it streams. I wouldn't want to be at the mercy of an 802.11g connection. The quality of the experience without the HD would go down quite a bit.

ATV is great for video, or close to great, anyway. The photo aspect needs a great deal of work.
i don't get the point of needing a hard drive if it streams anyways.

The hard drive is essential if ever your wireless network is down. I have all my photos, favorite albums/movies, and podcast up to date and synced at all times. Just in case my router goes out, or something to that nature, I still have content on it.

I don't understand why people don't get the synced vs. streamed rational!? Sync the important stuff, just in case, and everything else is available to the AppleTV as well. 40GB is perfect for my needs right now (with the aforementioned content). Hopefully this one will go in the bedroom when AppleHDTV with 200GB arrives? =) Wishful thinking, I know.

There are some complaints though. The UI needs tweaking in the photo "App", not just slide shows. HD content lacking in iTunes is kinda a bummer, though I'm sure Apple will roll it out in great fanfare (ie, AppleHD). A better more distinctive remote would have been nice, too.

To answer his original question; no the Apple TV is not dumb. It's the perfect solution to get my content from my iMac and Powerbook to my HDTV. Whether or not that was a serious question or just another rant post... who knows...
I don't know what all this bubbly talk about streaming is. Streaming isn't perfect. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a device that comes with enough storage to be a standalone media server. And I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting that without having to pop the thing open. But I also don't think it is wrong to be happy with what you have in your AppleTV's.

I am glad folks seem to like the AppleTV, but your putting lipstick on a horse*. I understand that may be because of the title of the thread, but lets just ignore that. AppleTV does have room for improvement, right now I *think* some of that room might be what is keeping me from stockpiling them.

*note I said horse, not pig— clearly the AppleTV is no pig, it's pretty, but I ain't gonna kiss it either
So buy or build a stand alone media server. Goodness knows there's plenty of options out there. ATV shouldn't, and can't, be a be-all, end-all solution.
Apple tv is a great compliment to Eye TV We no longer use video cassettes just Apple and Eye TV. Content is recorded upstairs and streamed or downloaded to the Apple TV in the family room. No hassles connecting laptops to the TV or risking my laptop because someone didn't see it on the floor next to the TV.
Things are cached to the HD as it streams. I wouldn't want to be at the mercy of an 802.11g connection. The quality of the experience without the HD would go down quite a bit.

I'd have to disagree here - I sync my music and photos, but I stream TV shows and movies and have no problem with a 802.11g network at home. Takes a couple of seconds to begin playing when selected, but that's it.
I'd have to disagree here - I sync my music and photos, but I stream TV shows and movies and have no problem with a 802.11g network at home. Takes a couple of seconds to begin playing when selected, but that's it.

What do you think it happening in the seconds before it plays? That's the video getting cached. Without media getting cached somewhere (either a traditional hard drive or ram) it would be a terrible bunch of heartache.

I don't think the AppleTV needs to be the end-all-be-all but I see room for improvement. If people think it is perfect I'm glad for them, I'm sure it makes for a happy purchase. I personally think that there are some basic features that would increase value without adding bloat, and having considered my options I think that I would need that value in order to happily own an AppleTV.

I think I see a Mac Mini in my future. Not perfect either, but it more closely resembles what I'd want. That is to say a larger hard drive and the potential for DVR.

I'd also like to point out that there doesn't have to be just two AppleTV's. We have iMac's and Mac Pro's, why not AppleTV's and AppleTV Pro's then?
My only problem with the :apple:TV is its lack of a DVD player. If it had this, it would allow people to use it as an "all in one" media center. Sure there are movies and shows on iTunes, but what if it's a DVD that isn't available via iTunes? Having a built-in DVD player probably wouldn't cost too much more on Apple's part, and it would make the high price a lot more justifiable.
What do you think it happening in the seconds before it plays? That's the video getting cached. Without media getting cached somewhere (either a traditional hard drive or ram) it would be a terrible bunch of heartache.

I don't think the AppleTV needs to be the end-all-be-all but I see room for improvement. If people think it is perfect I'm glad for them, I'm sure it makes for a happy purchase. I personally think that there are some basic features that would increase value without adding bloat, and having considered my options I think that I would need that value in order to happily own an AppleTV.

I think I see a Mac Mini in my future. Not perfect either, but it more closely resembles what I'd want. That is to say a larger hard drive and the potential for DVR.

I'd also like to point out that there doesn't have to be just two AppleTV's. We have iMac's and Mac Pro's, why not AppleTV's and AppleTV Pro's then?

I know it's the video being cached, but that doesn't change my point - once that's done which takes 3 seconds tops, then I have no issues whatsoever across my 802.11g network.

I also never said that it is a perfect device and that it couldn't be improved. I was just disagreeing with MikeL who said he wouldn't want to be at the mercy of a 802.11g connection.
I think it's dumb for different reasons. I can see the market, I'd love one myself but only if-

- It had a DVD player (hackers get it region free)
- No RGB scart output? It's not HD so why not? The most stupid move I have ever seen Apple perform, short of that iPod Hifi system.

If they were fixed I would buy one in a heartbeat and it would single handedly remove so many boxes from under my TV.
- It had a DVD player (hackers get it region free)
That would be cool - but I guess from Apple's point of view it would blur the line with the mac mini too much.
- No RGB scart output? It's not HD so why not?
It doesn't even need the scart socket - just an option to do RGB on the three video phono sockets, and its trivial to connect that to a scart cable (really cheap adaptor cable). It may even be possible to do this in software - which would make the thing a lot more appealing in the UK and Europe!

It sounds like you might be fairly happy with a mac mini under your TV.
I know it's the video being cached, but that doesn't change my point - once that's done which takes 3 seconds tops, then I have no issues whatsoever across my 802.11g network.

I also never said that it is a perfect device and that it couldn't be improved. I was just disagreeing with MikeL who said he wouldn't want to be at the mercy of a 802.11g connection.

My apologies, the second part of my comment was not a response to you. Sorry for making that unclear. It seems your response is a misunderstanding too because MikeL was responding to someone who didn't see the need for a hard drive at all, which would make caching impossible.
My only problem with the :apple:TV is its lack of a DVD player. If it had this, it would allow people to use it as an "all in one" media center. Sure there are movies and shows on iTunes, but what if it's a DVD that isn't available via iTunes? Having a built-in DVD player probably wouldn't cost too much more on Apple's part, and it would make the high price a lot more justifiable.

very true
Dumb? No. Limited? Extremely. It has potential, but I'm afraid it's going to end up being another HI-Fi.
i don't get the point of needing a hard drive if it streams anyways.

I just use streaming, but...

Check out the video on the iPod Touch with iTunes WiFi store, now, think of the possibilities with :apple:TV...

I use Amazon Unbox a couple of times, going directly to my Tivo. It's pretty cool. Now, think about what Apple can do with video rentals...

Hence, the hard drive...
My many issue with it is that after every show I watch or after I listen to an album I have to re-sync to my library, which takes about 10 minutes.

Why don't you just change your source to your mac and stream everything? You'll have access to everything all the time. I stream mine from my mac off an external harddrive and have yet to have a hiccup.
Why don't you just change your source to your mac and stream everything? You'll have access to everything all the time. I stream mine from my mac off an external harddrive and have yet to have a hiccup.

I think he has a defective unit, mine does not do that.

FWIW, I want to watch / listen to stuff when the Mac is not on.
just take the laptop into the living room

So use an $1100 item when a $299 one will do?

Now THAT is dumb.

Personally I think the aTV is a great idea but I'm waiting for an update to it. Prices will come down eventually, and I'd like to see it support more video options, like the free streamed versions of TV shows most networks are now offering.
i mean, look at its features, just take the laptop into the living room, it isnt worth the money just to stream content from your computer, i mean, even the new ipod has more storage than it

What laptop are you taking about? Are you giving me a laptop or something? Oh, you mean since you have a laptop, you don't need an AppleTV, so clearly it must be useless for everyone. I see. Or, maybe, you're missing the point entirely. That's more likely.
So use an $1100 item when a $299 one will do?

Now THAT is dumb.
:D That post made me happy.:D

Personally I think the aTV is a great idea but I'm waiting for an update to it. Prices will come down eventually, and I'd like to see it support more video options, like the free streamed versions of TV shows most networks are now offering.

I agree with you here. I also believe that :apple:TV has far more potential than some people give it credit for. The basics behind it will soon be more prevelant, but for now, a small percentage of the population will be "testing" it and the rest of us will wait until we're ready for it.
Where AppleTV makes more sense than using a laptop for me, is when I have my multi-room set-up complete.

I plan to have 3 rooms on a wired network, with :apple:TV. The price of 3 :apple:TV units is a lot lower than 3 laptops. Other benefits:

- I'll have all the exact same content in all 3 rooms without doing anything other than syncing.

- I can use my laptop and watch :apple:TV at the same time. I may not do both, but a family member might want to watch a movie while I'm traveling.

- I don't have to deal with switching connections when I stop working on the laptop and start watching :apple:TV.
I know it's the video being cached, but that doesn't change my point - once that's done which takes 3 seconds tops, then I have no issues whatsoever across my 802.11g network.

I also never said that it is a perfect device and that it couldn't be improved. I was just disagreeing with MikeL who said he wouldn't want to be at the mercy of a 802.11g connection.

And without the HD doing the caching, neither would you. Which was, of course, my point...
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