iTunesAccess 12.8.1 is there under Frameworks.
Installed MobileDeviceOnDemand successfully just like iTunesAccess, but it didn't solve my problem. What's different is that it's not showing up in System Information... exactly, but there is a "MobileDevice". However,- install MobileDeviceOnDemand.pkg from Apple and reboot
pkgutil --pkgs | grep MobileDeviceOnDemand
at the terminal gives 3 results.I'll try this next. Would it be better to remove 12.9, iTunesAccess, and MobileDeviceOnDemand before installing 12.6? And you say the script in post 148 is for Mojave. Since I'm in Catalina, shouldn't I use post 91?- use the script from post 148 to install iTunes 12.6 alongside 12.9, maybe iTunes 12.6 will work with your iPod.
Could you please give some pointers on how to do this from back in post 101? I don't recognize where that screenshot's from. Could this be a cause of my syncing problems, or is it not worth worrying about?I think you have to stop AppleMobileDeviceHelper, Catalina seems to have two
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