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iTunesAccess 12.8.1 is there under Frameworks.
- install MobileDeviceOnDemand.pkg from Apple and reboot
Installed MobileDeviceOnDemand successfully just like iTunesAccess, but it didn't solve my problem. What's different is that it's not showing up in System Information... exactly, but there is a "MobileDevice". However, pkgutil --pkgs | grep MobileDeviceOnDemand at the terminal gives 3 results.

- use the script from post 148 to install iTunes 12.6 alongside 12.9, maybe iTunes 12.6 will work with your iPod.
I'll try this next. Would it be better to remove 12.9, iTunesAccess, and MobileDeviceOnDemand before installing 12.6? And you say the script in post 148 is for Mojave. Since I'm in Catalina, shouldn't I use post 91?

I think you have to stop AppleMobileDeviceHelper, Catalina seems to have two
Could you please give some pointers on how to do this from back in post 101? I don't recognize where that screenshot's from. Could this be a cause of my syncing problems, or is it not worth worrying about?
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Is there any way to convert a library to an iTunes library? I added a few songs to Music before finding out how to go back to using iTunes, and would like to keep my play counts...if not, no biggie! Thanks all!
Grab one of the play count scripts for iTunes from and you can update them manually.
iTunesAccess 12.8.1 is there under Frameworks.
Installed MobileDeviceOnDemand successfully just like iTunesAccess, but it didn't solve my problem. What's different is that it's not showing up in System Information... exactly, but there is a "MobileDevice". However, pkgutil --pkgs | grep MobileDeviceOnDemand at the terminal gives 3 results.
MobileDeviceOnDemand shows up in System Information - Installations, these are the components installed (image from Pacifist)

I'll try this next. Would it be better to remove 12.9, iTunesAccess, and MobileDeviceOnDemand before installing 12.6? And you say the script in post 148 is for Mojave. Since I'm in Catalina, shouldn't I use post 91?
No, I don't think you should remove them. That's why I mentioned the script from post 148, which just copies iTunes 12.6 next to your installed 12.9.

Could you please give some pointers on how to do this from back in post 101? I don't recognize where that screenshot's from. Could this be a cause of my syncing problems, or is it not worth worrying about?
That is the result of a search with EasyFind. I wouldn't mess with those files. Do you have iTunes Helper running? You can start it from /Applications/
MobileDeviceOnDemand shows up in System Information - Installations
Yes, I did find it there.

Do you have iTunes Helper running? You can start it from /Applications/
I didn't know about that, and it wasn't running. I'll admit, I got a lot of hope and thought this would be the one thing to FINALLY get my shuffle to sync. I started iTunes Helper according to your instructions and checked that it was running in Activity Monitor, but, sadly, nothing changed.

Also, when iTunes was running, two copies of AppleMobileDeviceHelper showed up in Activity Monitor. One had as a parent process iTunes, and the other, AMPDevicesAgent. Killing the AMP one didn't help.

So, after all this, I installed iTunes 12.6, and it's probably no surprise that it didn't work for me, either. Catalina has been one of the worst pieces of software I've ever used. It feels like a beta, and nothing seems to be working right for me.

What I really don't understand, is that even if all the Apple software in Catalina was flawless, I'd still have to use FIVE apps (Music, Podcasts, TV, Books, and Finder) to manage all of my iDevices. This feels like all the bloatware PC vendors used to put on their machines.

Thanks bogdanw, and everyone in this thread and others for helping to make Catalina functional. FWIW, I submitted a bunch of feedback to Apple about my entire experience, and asked that they bring back iTunes or a new unified media manager. But for now, I'm heading back to Mojave.
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Is there any way to convert a library to an iTunes library? I added a few songs to Music before finding out how to go back to using iTunes, and would like to keep my play counts...if not, no biggie! Thanks all!
I believe that file>export>exportLibrary should do the trick. then do the same but import playlist in itunes
Not sure how I got itunesaccess to install on my last macbook pro, but it seems it was not needed for this one. but I didnt follow this guide I simply downloaded the program itunes retroactive and selected to install just itunes, and chose the newest one and installed it. and everything worked out perfect including the itunes remote on my ios devices
Update: Since my original iTunes installation process was different than this thread, I just used sudo and did the command in post 14 without restarting or anything, just using regular terrminal, and remote now works for me on iTunes on Catalina
Not sure how I got itunesaccess to install on my last macbook pro, but it seems it was not needed for this one. but I didnt follow this guide I simply downloaded the program itunes retroactive and selected to install just itunes, and chose the newest one and installed it. and everything worked out perfect including the itunes remote on my ios devices
So, on one MacBook you installed iTunesAccess and it solved your problems with remote; on the other MacBook remote works after installing iTunes in the same way. Was the first a clean Catalina install and the second one upgraded from Mojave? Can you check if you have iTunesAccess on the second one please. It should be in System information - Frameworks
So, on one MacBook you installed iTunesAccess and it solved your problems with remote; on the other MacBook remote works after installing iTunes in the same way. Was the first a clean Catalina install and the second one upgraded from Mojave? Can you check if you have iTunesAccess on the second one please. It should be in System information - Frameworks
No iTunes access. And maybe it wasnt needed on the first one either. The 2019 15" was not shipped with catalina while I believe the 16" was shipped with catalina.
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I'm only interested in the AppStore. If you are not, iTunes 12.9.5 might work better for music.
Here is an updated script to get iTunes from Mojave:

set theAPP to choose file with prompt "Please select iTunes app:" of type {"app"}
do shell script "mkdir ~/tmp"
do shell script "ditto " & POSIX path of theAPP & " ~/tmp/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleGetInfoString -string 'iTunes' ~/tmp/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string 13.9.5 ~/tmp/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string 13.9.5 ~/tmp/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string 'iTunes' ~/tmp/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string 13.9.5 ~/tmp/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "pkgbuild --component ~/tmp/ --install-location /Applications ~/Desktop/iTunes13.9.5.5.pkg"
do shell script "rm -rf ~/tmp" with administrator privileges
display dialog "iTunes13.9.5.5.pkg was saved on Desktop" buttons {"Ok"}

The script asks you to select the, makes a copy in the ~/tmp folder, modifies Info.plist and version.plist with 13.9.5 instead of 12.9.5 and creates iTunes13.9.5.5.pkg that can be installed on Catalina. The script asks for your password because it uses the ditto command to make a proper copy of iTunes.

I'm trying to get iTunes on Catalina, but I don't know how to run the script. I've tried using Terminal and copy+paste the entire script in, doesn't work. I've also tried copying each line individually into Terminal, but the 2nd line gives an error: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'

I've already disabled System Integrity Protection; csrutil status returns: System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
I'm trying to get iTunes on Catalina, but I don't know how to run the script. I've tried using Terminal and copy+paste the entire script in, doesn't work. I've also tried copying each line individually into Terminal, but the 2nd line gives an error: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'

I've already disabled System Integrity Protection; csrutil status returns: System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
I bypassed the terminal commands and difficult setup by simply istalling it using a program called retroactive
found here

Its got a few apps in there, just select iTunes, which it has a few versions of also. I opted for the newest one. It was a simple installation.

If this post isn't allowed, feel free to delete
I'm trying to get iTunes on Catalina, but I don't know how to run the script. I've tried using Terminal and copy+paste the entire script in, doesn't work. I've also tried copying each line individually into Terminal, but the 2nd line gives an error: -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `do'
I've already disabled System Integrity Protection; csrutil status returns: System Integrity Protection status: disabled.
That is an AppleScript that can be run with the Script Editor app (/Applications/Utilities/Script on Mojave to create an iTunes version that can be installed on Catalina. If you are not on Mojave, but you have an Install saved, you can use the script from post 43
Or you can use Retroactive , but take note that it will download approximately 7.6 GB in order to install iTunes 12.9.

If this post isn't allowed, feel free to delete
I don't know why it wouldn't be allowed, there is a topic for Retroactive here
Asking again, nobody here using a Last.FM scrobbler with iTunes on Catalina?
All the ones I tried don't work (even when manually adding the permission at Privacy→Automation
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Asking again, nobody here using a Last.FM scrobbler with iTunes on Catalina?
All the ones I tried don't work (even when manually adding the permission at Privacy→Automation
The official app is missing the iTunes plugin

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OMG! Please, lovely, sexy, beta-testers. Please get iTunes running on Clita...sorry, Catalina. Please! Some of us LOVE iTunes. Otherwise, Im staying in the Mojave desert!

I'm sticking with Mojave regardless.

All these Rube Goldberg machinations to get iTunes working ('mostly') with an OS that is arguably less stable than Mojave ... and has no new killer features?

Try this script in Mojave
set theDMG to choose file with prompt "Please select iTunes dmg file:" of type {"dmg"}
do shell script "hdiutil mount " & quoted form of POSIX path of theDMG
do shell script "pkgutil --expand /Volumes/iTunes/Install\\ iTunes.pkg ~/tmp"
do shell script "hdiutil unmount /Volumes/iTunes/"
do shell script "cd ~/tmp/iTunesX.pkg;" & "cat Payload | gunzip -dc |cpio -i;" & "ditto ~/tmp/iTunesX.pkg/Applications/ ~/tmp/;"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleGetInfoString -string 'iTunes' ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string 13.6.5 ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string 13.6.5 ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string 'iTunes' ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string 13.6.5 ~/tmp/"
do shell script "ditto ~/tmp/ /Applications/"
do shell script "rm -rf ~/tmp"
display dialog "Patched was copied to /Applications" buttons {"Ok"}
iTunes 12.9 will remain in place for Apple to update, start from /Applications/ and create a new library.

This script did most of the job for me on Mojave 10.14.6, and I appreciate it, but at least in my case, iTunes 12.6 kept crashing at launch with a dylib error referring to iPod Updater.framework. I found that I absolutely had to copy iPodUpdater from 12.6 into Frameworks within my iTunes 12.9.5 app folder. Then, are were no issues with either app, at least not yet! Could the above script be tweaked to incorporate copying the framework between the two apps? Thanks!
This script did most of the job for me on Mojave 10.14.6, and I appreciate it, but at least in my case, iTunes 12.6 kept crashing at launch with a dylib error referring to iPod Updater.framework. I found that I absolutely had to copy iPodUpdater from 12.6 into Frameworks within my iTunes 12.9.5 app folder. Then, are were no issues with either app, at least not yet! Could the above script be tweaked to incorporate copying the framework between the two apps? Thanks!
I am still on Mojave and iTunes 12.6 is running fine as it is. I don't see why copying iPodUpdater framework would make a difference because it's the same version in 12.6 and 12.9. Check the file /Applications/
Before copying the framework from iTunes 12.6 to 12.9.5, my specific error message was that iTunes could not find iPopUpdater.framework. About 1 month ago, I did a clean install of Mojave 10.4.6, then did the 10.4.6 supplemental update. 5 minutes ago, I opened up my USB Mojave Installer using Pacifist, and extracted to my desktop. See attached screenshot. I then opened up the content of the app bundle, and looked in Frameworks. Four and only four. See attached screenshot.

I was able to find - by searching - where iPod Updater is now kept in Mojave. System, Library, Private Frameworks. 690 kb, modified 8/23/19. The version in iTunes 12.6 is around 1.1 MB. Original modification date of 8/28/18.

More information on this issue from about a year ago:

Technically you can get it to work. In order for this to work you MUST have SIP disabled.
You first have to download Pacifist by CharlesSoft, then open up the iTunes 12.6.4 package within the program.
From there, navigate from Contents of manual -> Contents of iTunesX.pkg (the first one) -> /Applications/ Drag this to your desktop (you may need to authenticate). Navigate inside the application (right-click -> Show Package Contents), then navigate to ./Contents/Frameworks/.
Now, open another Finder window/tab and navigate to /Applications/, navigate inside the application and open the same folder (./Contents/Frameworks)
Drag the file named “iPodUpdater.framework” from the 12.6.4 iTunes framework folder to the Mojave framework folder, authenticate as needed. You should now be able to open iTunes 12.6.4 from the desktop. Bear in mind you’ll need to create a new library for this as older versions of iTunes do not support opening libraries from newer versions.
We need to do this because Apple removed the iPod Update framework from the latest version of iTunes in Mojave, and the older version of iTunes is hardcoded to look for that file at a specific location (why we must place it inside the newer version of iTunes rather than just launching the application itself, and why we must disable SIP). You theoretically can use these applications side by side, but you won’t have dark mode in 12.6.4.

The above solution worked for me until Apple released Mojave 10.4.4. At that point, iTunes 12.6.5 "could not run on this system".

If you open "Install MacOS Mojave" with Pacifist and do a search for iPodUpdater, you'll find that its installation destination is System/Library/PrivateFrameworks, and that is 690 K, with a modification date or 8/23/19. (10.14.6).


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I thought it would be useful having podcasts and music separate but they’ve made the UI worse and taken away things like the An easy hack to run iTunes in Catalina would be good.
About 1 month ago, I did a clean install of Mojave 10.4.6, then did the 10.4.6 supplemental update.
You are right about that. On a clean install of Mojave 10.14.6, iTunes 12.9 does not include the iPod framework.
I'm not sure how my iTunes 12.9 got it, I didn't install it. We used to reinstall iTunes 12.6 after every Mojave update (see post 179), than moved iTunes 12.6 in another folder so that it wouldn't be deleted by further updates (post 186). I will try to find a better way for clean Mojave installs.
I thought it would be useful having podcasts and music separate but they’ve made the UI worse and taken away things like the An easy hack to run iTunes in Catalina would be good.
Have you tried ?
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You are right about that. On a clean install of Mojave 10.14.6, iTunes 12.9 does not include the iPod framework.
I'm not sure how my iTunes 12.9 got it, I didn't install it. We used to reinstall iTunes 12.6 after every Mojave update (see post 179), than moved iTunes 12.6 in another folder so that it wouldn't be deleted by further updates (post 186). I will try to find a better way for clean Mojave installs.

This did it for me with "vanilla" Mojave. rsync -a got all the folders and links arranged properly.

set theDMG to choose file with prompt "Please select iTunes dmg file:" of type {"dmg"}
do shell script "hdiutil mount " & quoted form of POSIX path of theDMG
do shell script "pkgutil --expand /Volumes/iTunes/Install\\ iTunes.pkg ~/tmp"
do shell script "hdiutil unmount /Volumes/iTunes/"
do shell script "cd ~/tmp/iTunesX.pkg;" & "cat Payload | gunzip -dc |cpio -i;" & "ditto ~/tmp/iTunesX.pkg/Applications/ ~/tmp/;"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleGetInfoString -string 'iTunes' ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string 13.6.5 ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string 13.6.5 ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleVersion -string 'iTunes' ~/tmp/"
do shell script "plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string 13.6.5 ~/tmp/"
do shell script "ditto ~/tmp/ /Applications/"
do shell script "rsync -a /Applications/ /Applications/" with administrator privileges
do shell script "rm -rf ~/tmp"
display dialog "Patched was copied to /Applications" buttons {"Ok"}

Have you tried ?
This did it for me with "vanilla" Mojave. rsync -a got all the folders and links arranged properly.
do shell script "rsync -a /Applications/ /Applications/" with administrator privileges
That still needs SIP to be disabled. You might as well install the whole iTunes package, that includes iTunesAccess too.
I don't think rsync is needed in this case, better use ditto.
do shell script "ditto /Applications/ /Applications/" with administrator privileges
That still needs SIP to be disabled. You might as well install the whole iTunes package, that includes iTunesAccess too.
I don't think rsync is needed in this case, better use ditto.
do shell script "ditto /Applications/ /Applications/" with administrator privileges
Yes, I realize none of the above gets anywhere w/o disabling SIP. Do you have a current script for installing the whole package? In other words, on the thread for iTunes 12.6.5 on Mojave, which one of your posts is the correct one if you don't feel you want/need to delete iTunes 12.9.5? Thanks in advance.
Yes, I realize none of the above gets anywhere w/o disabling SIP. Do you have a current script for installing the whole package? In other words, on the thread for iTunes 12.6.5 on Mojave, which one of your posts is the correct one if you don't feel you want/need to delete iTunes 12.9.5? Thanks in advance.
If you got both versions working, I say enjoy them. If needed, iTunesAcces can be downloaded from
It's the version.
solution for this problem still nothing


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Using the solutions in this thread, I was able to restore iTunes on Catalina.

However, after updating Mac to 10.15.2, iTunes will no longer play songs. When clicking the play button, nothing happens.

I assume when updating Mac, it corrupted the iTunes profile or overwrote or deleted something, or is Apple actively trying to kill iTunes for those of us that found a way to keep using it?

Either way, any thoughts on what probably happened and how to restore iTunes? Obviously, if I have to reinstall iTunes every single time I update Mac, I'll just concede and start using Music. :(

But, if there's a more permanent way to keep iTunes stable for years to come, I'll jump through some more hoops. :)
Also, has anyone considered forking iTunes into a new, free, and open source project under a new name, or is there simply no way to travel that route without being sued into oblivion by Apple?
solution for this problem still nothing
I haven't used iMazing before, but it seems to have the same problem

Using the solutions in this thread, I was able to restore iTunes on Catalina.
However, after updating Mac to 10.15.2, iTunes will no longer play songs. When clicking the play button, nothing happens.
iTunes 12.6 and 12.9 work for me in Catalina 10.15.2 (19C57), try to install the iTunes 12.9 pkg again.
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