I say.
iTMS has been online how long? Also an order of magnitude longer than Napster? Maybe not exactly, but not too far off either.
Grrrrrrrrrrr I hate when people use this wrong. eSnow an Order of Magnitude is an exponent. Meaning LARGE jumps. like say 10 to 100. It absolutely makes no sense in the context you've chosen. Apple hasn't had a lead over the competition that is anywhere close to a magnitude.
Apple could either let other companies rebrand the store, licencense the AAC/Fairplay combo or open up to .wma. Doing nothing like this is foolish and will end just the way the closed Mac-Platform ended.
Earth to eSnow!!! The HP deal IS a rebranding and licensing of the ipod. Good God man what planet have you been on the last month. Why should they open up to the competitors format when they're the market leader? You are making no sense.
We really won't have a clear picture of the whole scene until everybody is worldwide. All the presumptions and pontifications about Apple supporting WMA or licensing their tech is a little premature. WMA is definitely out though. Winning is impossible if you're paying your competitor in multiple ways. I think you'll see iTunes reach expand as we go. HP and Pepsi is just the beginning.