spinko said:The iPod is great but who in his/her right mind would want to carry 10000+ songs around and listen to them all ?? It would take weeks to do that ! And please, I don't know anyone who has 10000 leagal MP3/AAC songs.
I have approximately 13000 legal MP3s and AACs About 100-200 are from iTMS, the rest from CDs. I'd like to have about 6000-7000 with me, the rest don't really matter.
The point of having them all there is, I don't want have to decide beforehand what I want to listen to when I am driving somewhere (or whatever). ;-)
I know I might only listen to 10 or 15, but I don't want to have to think about what I want to listen to, decide before I leave, and then go to the computer and load them. That's why I like my 30GB, although I still have it filled. I need a 60GB or 120 GB. ha ha ha. The point, for me, is to have all the music I want with me, wherever my iPod is so that whatever my mood is, I can pick that music.
Other people use their MP3 players differently. I think that is why Apple has different sizes - different usage patterns, different expectations.
Oh, and I get what you are saying about other products being "fresh". That is important too. I hope that Apple can focus on multiple, mutually compatible things, helping the whole line from Macs to iPods to iTMS to software etc.