I'm trying to help you sort out the issue. Why be argumentative? Main point is that with iTunes Match, matched songs are *not* downloaded with DRM. Why that is happening for you is what I'm trying to help you sort out.
Did you try turning off IML on the second computer, re-enable, delete Apple Music offline tracks and then try downloading again?
I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'm just answering to your questions.
You are saying as a matter of fact that matched songs are *NOT* downloaded with DRM. I'm telling you that in my case some are and some aren't. The your as-a-matter-of-fact argument is invalid.
I suspect the fault is with the matching algorithm because as soon as a song is added and matched it shows the status Apple music instead of matched.
Enabling and disabling IML in any or all computers had no effect. Wrongly matched songs still show apple music status even if the original creaking file is still there.
I also tried wiping out he songs from IML and iTunes. Disabled IML. Re-added sofa, re enabled IML but same songs are still wrongly matched as Apple music.