the original macs were not deliberately designed to be non-upgradeable walled gardens. doing it by design is scumbaggery. in the past things were proprietary because there were no industry standard specs such as ATX, but there's no excuse for it now.
in the 80s apple was a great value. they were basically selling computers to the public for 1/3 the price of their competitors at the time, while today they are the most expensive and offer the least value.
today, they force you to buy their next product quicker by making you buy a low spec computer. you can pay the extortion money for high priced "upgrades" to delay it becoming obsolete, but its a losing game because you have now paid double or more than the base spec, and apple will stop supporting the product within 7 years on average. sooner or later you will get hit with an un-repairable breakage because everything is proprietary/soldered/welded/glued/etc.
the core wars between intel and amd are definitely bringing us huge cost/performance gains. in fact the intel ceo just got fired, they're claiming he stepped down because of a relationship thing, but its obvious he got canned. a report came out a few days ago showing that amd now has about 50% of the cpu market, last year it was around 10? ouch. so come december i bet we see more price drops, because so far intel has not slashed prices nearly enough to be competitive.
intel smells money in the graphics card market because of the crypto-mining fad and are going to be getting into that within 2 years. more competition for amd and nvidia should eventually drop prices here too.
personally, I don't know what I will be getting. I was really hoping this modular mac would turn up so I could look it over because I don't like the direction win10 has gone, and they sabotaged win7 to prevent anyone to continue using it.
new variants of meltdown and spectre have been found that affect both amd and intel chips. the new chips coming in december may only be half fixed in silicon, and the software patches rob you of 10% to 30% of your performance. I am not buying a broken cpu, and its very hard to find a graphic card right now, so I may just keep waiting. it could be a long wait.