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Well I think Jag will be worth it. With all the new stuff coming out on it, its almost worth the money. And it may be about 40 or so bucks more than an ugrade to winblows, at least we know the operating system will work, there will be no stupid "service packs", and no driver problems.

Also, all the new programs look kick ass, and some of the new technologies too. (cant wait to see what some companies do with rondevu) (cant spell it:))
Originally posted by Raiden
at least we know the operating system will work, there will be no stupid "service packs", and no driver problems.

well actually, I've been using X since 10.0.x and I still don't have a driver for my scanner. Or my MMC card reader. And it took several months to get a driver for my printer.

Windows drivers may be buggy at times, but at least they exist.
Hmmm, I just saw employees of government can get 10.2 for 64.50.
Might get it sooner rather than later after all. :)

Shows you as well how much they mark it up.

As for this change I think this proves that Apple is trying to make more money from Software as opposed to getting stuck on hardware sales mainly. With the economy being slow I do believe you can convince more people to buy a 130 dollar OS upgrade than the more pricey computers. 100 dollars for .Mac and the OS 10.2.
They are diversifying and shoring up their revenue stream which probably is taking a hit due to slower hardware sales. I do think I will buy the stock because of that. Used to own some then got out a while back.

I do think though that Apple should give one year free of .mac to people who buy a new computer. What better way to hook those people into the service than one free year.

I know it's expensive but I went to the Expo and watched and video and taped the 20 minute long Jaguar 10.2 presentation... it looks like it's worth more that $129! With all the new features no wonder it costs $129! But if we can get a discount with the OS X 10.1 coupons then that would be cool! 10,2 has a kick ass address book, itunes 3 (downloadable now for free), iChat, iSync, iCal and much more. I'll go to the Apple Store when Jaguar comes out, I'll show them my 10.1 coupons and see if I can get a discount, if I can... I'LL TELL YOU! Bye :rolleyes:
Originally posted by mozez
yes and no.

quicktime is free, so downloading that doesn't really offset anything for apple, downloading the pro version, which should be free, does, but apple is wrong for charging for it anyway. as for jaguar, i have a powerbook g3 400 pismo, and it runs like a new machine, i'm using 6c87, and it really does make so much a difference. but i have a problem, i see how this runs as the way it should have ran when osx first came out, so i don't see this being a "upgrade" but really, a late revision. i don't consider them "new" features, but features that should have already been there but were left out. we are going from 10.1.5, to 10.2, not to osx2 or something. i know that's how they want to make it seem, like you are buying a new os. but really, osx when it first came out was crap, ran like crap, didn't do much of what it promised, now with jaguar, it's ready, sort of like anything before it was a beta and this is the final. but why pay again for it, i sort of feel owed this after paying for not only 10, but 10.1 as well. dvd didn't work, nothing was optimized, no programs were out, now that everything works, and there are programs, they want me to pay for something to run correctly, stop me if i'm wrong but that seems a bit wrong to me.

Ok, first, about Quicktime... Apple has to actually PAY for the licensing to put in the ability to encode in certain formats (mpeg4). That's why the pro version isn't free. The free player that Apple gives you is fine. It plays the movies, and that's about it. The pro version has more features, and makes QuickTime more than just a movie 'player'. So, what is so wrong about charging for something that Apple had to pay for? What do you want next? FCP for free, because that's what you think QuickTime should be? I think not... Besides, it's only $30.

Now, for your rant about 10.2 being a bug fix...
Did you want Apple to wait until August 2002 to release their FIRST version of OS X? If they did, you wouldn't have but a handfull of apps for os X. Apple has been working on OS X, refining it, and making it better. If you want such a good OS, make one yourself. Did you really think that SMB browsing, iCal, iChat, rendezvous, quartz extreme, inkwell, and every other new feature was supposed to be in 10.0? You must be pretty stupid to think that. Sure, we all could've used spring loaded folders from the start, but with a new OS, Apple was working on making the thing work right. 10.0 was ok, and 10.1 was great for me. It takes time to develop an OS. You can't create the best OS in the world in 7 days.

Just pay $129 and be glad you have an OS better than everything else. and stop bitching about how 10.2 is what the Mac OS should've been... Is a BMW what the Model-T should've been
Hey a new Switch Ad "Well I paid $1799.00 for my new iMac and I have to pay to upgrade my OS from beta to 10.2 Wow I never would of done that with Microsoft" " I am Spock and I'm a Vulcan"
Originally posted by Spock
Hey a new Switch Ad "Well I paid $1799.00 for my new iMac and I have to pay to upgrade my OS from beta to 10.2 Wow I never would of done that with Microsoft" " I am Spock and I'm a Vulcan"

Microsoft is perpetual beta...

eXPerience the frustration of deactivation.

Apple is a hardware company, they make their money (the vast majority of it) through the sales of computers, not software. I purchased a TiPB in Oct. 2001 w/ OS 10.1. I waited for 10.1 to come out. Now, less than a year has passed and I have to pay $130 for a damn update. At best this 10.2 is a Service Pack to steal from the MS language. This is a total and complete rip off.

Let's compaire this to M$:

-Someone said they spent $9 million on R&D for Jag. How much do you supose M$ spent total to product XP? I'll bet a lot more, probibly closser to $1 billion. And yet you can get the Upgrade for $100, and the full for $200

-This is 10.2 so a lot went into it. How much do you suppose went into the development of Win98SE? I paid approx. $20 (mostly for shipping) from M$ for a disc. That was a major re-write of Win98, added lots of new stuff, comatibility for new hardware, speed up the system, made more stable, etc. How did they practically give it away?

To put it mildly, I am severly disappointed in this priceing. I will probably still buy it, as I tend to like to be on the bleeding edge of updates, but I DON'T LIKE IT:mad:
Yes, damn those oily bastards with their unreasonable expectations that you should pay for goods and services they produce! Shame on them for trying to get you to give them money for something you really want. That is SO unfair.

Maybe nobody told you kids who are too young to remember when everything wasn't free, but the ride is over. Everybody's scaling back on the fluffy free services if they haven't eliminated them already. I never thought offering iTools for free was a great strategy to start with. Surely some of you are savvy enough to realize just how much an email/storage/webhosting service on the scale of iTools costs. I'd rather Apple not boil away their liquid assets on such things.

And with regard to the Jaguar upgrade, the justification for Apple's VERY liberal upgrade policy has always been that they are a hardware company first and foremost. That argument doesn't make quite as much sense anymore, since Apple has devoted more of their resources into software over the last few years than probably at any time in their history. From a business perspective that has GOT to show a tangible return. I've already gotten one major OS X upgrade from them for free, and they're STILL giving me some really excellent applications (iApps) for free. I don't mind paying them for a major upgrade on the scale of Jaguar.

If you want something good, one way or another you've got to pay for it. I'd much rather someone give me something that's worth my money, and ask for the money fairly, than tell me it's "free" and then sell me to advertisers or some other underhanded way of making money off me. It's a quid pro quo world.
Originally posted by mozez
g4 scott: "but when you refuse to hand over cash for something worthwile, you're hurting the company.."

i already did hand over cash, twice, and what i got was not worthwile, so why am i paying again, i supported apple, i paid, i went out, i upgraded i went with the new thing, i had no problem with this. i refuse to pay for the "fix" as i see it, it's not an upgrade, it fixes what was wrong with the os, sorry, but paying for a service pack is not right, and apple knows it, that's why they tried upgrading as many apps with it as possible, which nobody really cares about. if they charged for a seperate apps cd, that'd be fine, i'd be more willing to pay for new apps, then pay for a "fixed" os, that should have been fixed months ago, and should be free because i paid for osx, doesn't matter what version number you put after it, it's still x, and i already paid for it.

This is what I wanted to say but will to any sycophant that flames me for expecting quality the best we could come up with at the moment.


How about an new app free upgrade cd at the cost of disks and shipping?
iBook and Jaguar

I'm a bit worried about loading 10.2 on my iBook 500 mghz because of the low amount of video memory--only 8 versus 16mb. Does anyone else have concerns about this?
Re: iBook and Jaguar

Originally posted by herbsbuck
I'm a bit worried about loading 10.2 on my iBook 500 mghz because of the low amount of video memory--only 8 versus 16mb. Does anyone else have concerns about this?

Apple still quotes your iBook in the minimum system requirements. So as long as your physical memory is at least 160 MB you should be fine. Just no Quartz Extreme. Quartz Extreme is nice if you want to zoom in on video and have a non-distorted magnified view of things, but you could do that with at least in a somewhat pixelated fashion with Easy Access too.

Whatever you do, backup your data to CD-R or hard disk first before installing 10.2 in case something goes wrong.
Jaguar Upgrade

I was just at the Tice's Corner Apple Store today and asked them about the cost of Jaguar. They told me if I had a OS 10.1 Up-to-Date Coupon they would sell Jaguar for $19.95. I told them that I didn't buy my computer on July 17th, but they still said that I would only pay $19.95.
I don't think I believe them, but, who knows.
Important, Apple Software Proof-of-Purchase Coupons

When I bought my refurbished G4 Cube last June I was able to use one of three OS 9.0 Proof-of-Purchase Coupons and a new computer purchase for OS X form to receive a copy of OS X 10.0.3 FREE. With it came a set of three "Mac OS X" Software Coupons. On this sheet above the three coupons are the words

"To get Mac OS updates Ñ and other special offers from Apple Computer Ñ you'll need the coupons below as proof that you've purchased the Mac OS software.* Be sure to keep the original coupons: you can't use a copy of the coupons as proof of purchase.

*See individual offers for terms and conditions"

These coupons do not say 10.0 or 10.1. They simply say "Mac OS X". Are these coupons worthless to go from 10.1.5 to 10.2? I don't get it. This is not like going from Windows 98SE to ME or XP. This is an incremental upgrade to optimum level. I believe all who bought 10.0 or 10.1 should be allowed to get 10.2 for $19.95. I think I'll buy a new Dual 1.5 GHz DDR Mac for $3,000 before I pay $129 for 10.2. I don't see 10.2 as a new operating system ÑÊonly as a faster sleeker 10.1.5 with added functionality Ñ most of which I will not use and don't care about. I mainly only care about the speed and stability.

Anybody know if these OS X Proof-of-Purchase Coupons will get us 10.2 for $19.95 at the Apple Store?:confused:
Re: Re: iBook and Jaguar

Originally posted by gopher

Apple still quotes your iBook in the minimum system requirements. So as long as your physical memory is at least 160 MB you should be fine. Just no Quartz Extreme. Quartz Extreme is nice if you want to zoom in on video and have a non-distorted magnified view of things, but you could do that with at least in a somewhat pixelated fashion with Easy Access too.

Whatever you do, backup your data to CD-R or hard disk first before installing 10.2 in case something goes wrong.

So you are telling me that my TiPB 500 MHz (also 8 MB Video) will not fully run this new 10.2? I purchased this computer back in Oct 2001. It's not even a year old, I got the top of the line at the time, and already Apple has an OS that I can't run?

Is there any wonder there are people a little put off at this?

I purchase my TiPB because I thought Apple was a good company to invest in for a machine what would be fairly up to date for years to come. I guess I was wrong.:(
Re: Important, Apple Software Proof-of-Purchase Coupons

Originally posted by Multimedia
This is not like going from Windows 98SE to ME or XP. This is an incremental upgrade to optimum level.

You guys are getting REALLY confused by version numbers. Lemme tell you, version numbers are meaningless. These days they are decided by marketing people, not by engineers.

You know why version numbers for OS X are going up slowly? Because they don't know what to do past 10.x. Does the product have to then become OS XI 11.0? Or do they finally cave in to the people who can't seem to understand that it's a roman ten, not a letter X, and call it OS X 11.0?

And referencing the upgrade from 98SE to ME is a really bad choice of comparisons. There were VERY few real differences between 98SE and ME, mostly cosmetic. Microsoft had intended to merge everyone onto the NT platform by the millennium, but Win2K was delayed and not ready for home use when it did ship. So they had to release something for home users. And still you paid them for the upgrade. Why? Well, of course all the bug fixing effort going forward is going to be focused on the newer version, and you pray that someday they'll fix the bug that keeps your computer from waking from suspend (for example). XP was a pretty major update by any standard, and you paid for the update accordingly. Incidentally, if you paid a hundred bucks to upgrade to the "home" edition of XP, you got shafted. Home edition is like a crippleware version.

Also keep in mind that Microsoft is marketing on a whole different scale from Apple. They're selling copies of Windows by the truckload to system manufacturers and corporate IT departments. The company has enough liquid assets that they could literally go swimming in the Scrooge McDuck giant swimming pool of gold coins. And they still charge you for upgrades. Apple's marketshare is growing, bit by bit, but who do they have to sell those boxed copies of OS X to? Yeah, that's right, people who have already bought Macs. If they don't get revenue from Mac owners, then who are they going to get revenue from? Developing the best operating system in the world is just the Right Thing to Do. It's great that Apple is stepping up to the plate to do that, but they need to get compensated for it or there's just no point for them.

And those of you who argue that you've already paid for it once... well, gosh, welcome to the real world, computer software edition. I paid a fairly large sum for Windows 3.0 once upon a time and never got a single free upgrade for it. Same with Windows 95. Both of those, in hindsight, were just barely functional. The argument that "they're just giving us what the product should have been to start with" can be used as an excuse for cheap bastards to whine about paying for upgrades indefinitely.

You guys KNOW Jaguar is a major update. We've been babbling about the majorness of the Jaguar update since before 10.1 came out. And now you're upset they're not giving it away? Jeez, how spoiled are you?
Re: Re: Re: iBook and Jaguar

Originally posted by sturm375

So you are telling me that my TiPB 500 MHz (also 8 MB Video) will not fully run this new 10.2? I purchased this computer back in Oct 2001. It's not even a year old, I got the top of the line at the time, and already Apple has an OS that I can't run?

Is there any wonder there are people a little put off at this?

I purchase my TiPB because I thought Apple was a good company to invest in for a machine what would be fairly up to date for years to come. I guess I was wrong.:(
You are exaggerating the situation immensely. You can still run the frigging operating system, why are you whining "I can't run the OS without Quartz Extreme!" OS X runs fabulously on an IBOOK 500 Mhz, and you have a TiBook 500, and with Jaguar, trust me, it'll be "snappy". Quartz Extreme is not necessary for every day use of the OS, and even without it there is still a huge increase in performance in the OS.
Re: Re: Re: Re: iBook and Jaguar

Originally posted by bobindashadows

You are exaggerating the situation immensely. You can still run the frigging operating system, why are you whining "I can't run the OS without Quartz Extreme!" OS X runs fabulously on an IBOOK 500 Mhz, and you have a TiBook 500, and with Jaguar, trust me, it'll be "snappy". Quartz Extreme is not necessary for every day use of the OS, and even without it there is still a huge increase in performance in the OS.

Correct me if I am wrong here, but I believe QE was one of the bigger selling points of 10.2? If it plays such a minimal role in the OS, why was Apple touting it so much? If it does play an important role in the OS, I belive I have a reason to complain.

I am happy to see that you are in the shadows Bob, makes it much easier to attack somebody who is just asking a valid question.;)
Re: Re: Re: iBook and Jaguar

Originally posted by sturm375

I purchase my TiPB because I thought Apple was a good company to invest in for a machine what would be fairly up to date for years to come. I guess I was wrong.:(

Just go to the apple website and choose the Mac OSX tab.
then choose Quartz extreme....theres a nice graph that shows
the performance to expect.
Re: file sharing & Jaguar

Originally posted by foofan
I think Apple realizes that they need to make as much money from 10.2 from customers who will buy it, because they know we live in an age of people downloading software for free. Apple knows that tons of people had quicktime 6 before the beta version because of all the file sharing programs.

Music artists now charge more for concert tix to offset the loss of cd revenue. Apple will charge more for jaguar to offset the loss from people illegally downloading and sharing it.

what do you think?

i think that by charging so much even for upgrading folks, they will make it MORE likely that people will just download it.... or at least, buy one copy and share with friends/family..

had it been even like 80 bucks, that would probably be less likely. at least in my opinion.
Originally posted by Spock
Hey a new Switch Ad "Well I paid $1799.00 for my new iMac and I have to pay to upgrade my OS from beta to 10.2 Wow I never would of done that with Microsoft" " I am Spock and I'm a Vulcan"

hahaha. to imply that MS wouldn't squeeze every cent out of you for every single os upgrade and for much more money than apple is just funny... ahhh
Re: Re: Re: Re: iBook and Jaguar

Originally posted by beatle888

Just go to the apple website and choose the Mac OSX tab.
then choose Quartz extreme....theres a nice graph that shows
the performance to expect.

That's a pretty graph, too bad my machine can't take advantage of QE.

Quote from the website mentioned above.

* Requirements:
Quartz Extreme functionality is supported by the following video GPUs: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX, GeForce3, GeForce4 MX, or GeForce4 Ti or any AGP-based ATI RADEON GPU. A minimum of 16MB VRAM is required.
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