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Well its a good thing we dont live in China :rolleyes: See, you dont have to worry, as i told you.
China is all messed up. They are bypassing the Google store with apps and sending them out by just an .apk file and are getting infected, or something like that. I read it recently. In anycase, it doesnt affect us here.

As for the iOS6 thing...the iP4 is missing a lot of things from iOS6. iP4S obviously not as much. Like i know iP4S got the Siri update but dont believe it got 100% of it if i remember correctly reading about it in here. Maybe someone else knows for sure what got left out of the 4S. I dont have an iPhone and wasnt interested in getting a iP5 so i dont keep up with everything. Jus what i see posters complain about in here about it.

And i have no interest in a Note so i dont know all the features it has or what proccessor it has. I just know that it is too big for my liking.

Here is a list of things that the iP4 didnt get as far as the major ones. And this list is one of the first and i think it was discovered later that iP4S didnt get the full update of everything.

I am almost 100% certain that the 4s has the exact same features as the 5...the size of the phone and internals is the only difference. Software wise they are identical. Comparing the iphone 4 is irrelevant b.c it was released in 2010.
I am almost 100% certain that the 4s has the exact same features as the 5...the size of the phone and internals is the only difference. Software wise they are identical. Comparing the iphone 4 is irrelevant b.c it was released in 2010.

They are for the most part except the 5 has picture during video. Maybe hardware related.
Well its a good thing we dont live in China :rolleyes: See, you dont have to worry, as i told you.
China is all messed up. They are bypassing the Google store with apps and sending them out by just an .apk file and are getting infected, or something like that. I read it recently. In anycase, it doesnt affect us here.

As for the iOS6 thing...the iP4 is missing a lot of things from iOS6. iP4S obviously not as much. Like i know iP4S got the Siri update but dont believe it got 100% of it if i remember correctly reading about it in here. Maybe someone else knows for sure what got left out of the 4S. I dont have an iPhone and wasnt interested in getting a iP5 so i dont keep up with everything. Jus what i see posters complain about in here about it.

And i have no interest in a Note so i dont know all the features it has or what proccessor it has. I just know that it is too big for my liking.

Here is a list of things that the iP4 didnt get as far as the major ones. And this list is one of the first and i think it was discovered later that iP4S didnt get the full update of everything.

The 4S got every single feature from iOS 6, no features were stripped out, Siri wasnt watered down on the 4S, it has the same exact functionality as Siri on my i5.

And im pretty sure Samsung just patched a ridiculously bad exploit in ther Exynos processors that you could get from simple websites. The exploit they patched was a exploit where basically they can take all your information on your device and then brick your device after... Thats not safe at all.

Malware/spyware is so bad on Android nowadays you really need a active virus protector up at all times, one simple misclick on Android and something devastating can happen to your phone. Threats are not just from the Play Store, they come from websites and ads and links you click on aswell,
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You have to understand that most core apps in Android are decoupled from OS allowing them to be updated independently from OS. So there is really no disadvantage at all compared to iOS. In fact, ios is worse since you have to wait for the OS update even for core apps functionality/bug update which is ridiculous to say the least.

The point is you have not used a proper android before. My S3 and Note2 can go for months without crashes/restart.

why are you harping on this. in all practicality there is really no different is smoothness. You keep talking about contact but has it got into your head that iOS contact list does not include picture thumbnail unlike Android. Of course it will be smoother. I would say, without picture thumbnail ios is way behind in user satisfaction.

an unrooted stock android >>> jailbroken iOS in functionility.

custom ROM in Android is compiled with FULL source code whereas jailbreak is an unstable hack using code injection during runtime. Try using different jailbroken apps that use incompatible code injection technique will surely to crash the phone.

who bother about a proprietary app that can only work for iOS. Dont forget 2/3 of all other smartphone users are not using IOS which renders iMEssage useless.

Malware? You are kidding yourself if you think iOS dont have malware? You only depends on Apple to do QC and even if there is a big muck-up you think apple is gonna advertise it? I have more confident in open system instead of proprietary iOS which no one can check up on.

Android (not just jelly bean) is a more advanced OS from the beginning than iOS. It is just undisputable that it can do more than iOS including but not limited to:-.

- data centric system. data like music/video/files can be opened by any application instead of built-in app. Don't need to go thru hoops to get data in and out of phone like iOS. You can use any connectivity incl usb/usbToGo, BT, NFC etc
- support for many data format. no need to waste time to go thru iTunes to convert data before it can be loaded to phone.
- intent system allows any apps to response to events and automatically do stuff in the background.
- file system
- true multi-tasking allowing for various type of apps to work properly (incl. auto data upload/download, IM, voip etc)
- flexible data sharing capability
- better Playstore allow for web-based download or purchase instead of using retarded and slow itunes and refund

Lol what are you kidding me? iMessage is such a crucial feature that Android doesnt have, i know so much people who use iMessage and love it.

Eh well multi tasking on my Brother's Note 2 is worse then multi tasking on my i5...i openes up 15 of the same apps on both phones and i was cycling through opening the apps in the multitasker bar, and the apps far back in the list had to keep refreshing and basically restart the app on the Note 2,while on my i5 i was able to switch back to the apps instantly, no refresh, relaunch of the app. Most apps on my brother's note 2 had to basically start up again while on my i5 it came back for me instantly, nothing i5 multitasker is superior to the Note 2 in that department. Now i dont know about the S4 pro cpu and if it does that but i wouldnt be suprised if it did the same thing.

And i was just using Contacts as a example to test it in, its not just in Contacts that scrolling is smoother and better, its system wide...touch recognition and accuracy is much better on iOS all around, just scroll/ pan on a iOS device and scroll/pan around on a Android and tell me that iOS doesnt follow your finger much better, it reads your finger better on the screen and its more accurate when you pan/ scroll around.

Like i said on Android when you pan/zoom around there is a delay to everything, even though its a slight delay i feel it 100%, there is no delay on iOS devices...that is the difference between iOS and Android JellyBean. Hell Jellybean is still not as smooth as iOS 6, the notification center lags like crazy when your in a app on JellyBean but not on iOS 6.

The Play Store is inferior to the App store in every way, less secure apps, duplicate apps, developers prefering iOS first, less quality apps ...the list goes on, not to mention there are so much more games on the Apple App Store compared to Android Play Store its not even a competition in that catorogory. and idk what kind of computer your using for iTunes, but iTunes is incredibly fast both on my phone and computer so dont blame your slow PC.

I dont have to go thru iTunes to convert anything, what are you talking about? Plenty of jailbreak tweaks/apps to remedy that. And I have a file system on my iPhone 5; its called iFile So basically nothing on your list is really true. JellyBean is most certainly not more advanced, sure it may have some more sharing functionatily, which iOS 6 has the API's for its just up to the developers now to set then in there apps so i dont even really see that as a advantage for Android at all. Everything else about JellyBean is worse...worse hardware acceleration, worse touch recogitnition, a much less safe OS then iOS, more complex, Inferior app store to the iOS app store, the list goes on

And sorry, but people have to wait 8+ months to get the latest software on their Android phones after it came out, updating core apps doesnt mean **** if your behind a major OS revision. Theres no reason why my old Verizon S3 got JellyBean in late Decemeber when jellybean came out 8+ months prior to the Verizon S3 getting JellyBean. On iOS, you can update the first day the update comes out, no need to wait 8+ months for crucial features like "a smoother OS thats more consistent" LOL, i really feel bad for Android fans i really do, they claim JellyBean is the holy grail when iOS has always had a smoother more consistent OS since the first iPhone came out, and that still stands to this day
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Lol......... (shortened to remove mis information)

Your extreme bias blunts any argument you have, instead of regurgitating things that you have read or seen on the net (written by people just like you), go buy an up to date Android phone, you will soon see that what you are typing is utter rubbish.

No need to reply, I won't be reading anything more from you, you are on my ignore list.
Well its a good thing we dont live in China :rolleyes: See, you dont have to worry, as i told you.
China is all messed up. They are bypassing the Google store with apps and sending them out by just an .apk file and are getting infected, or something like that. I read it recently. In anycase, it doesnt affect us here.

As for the iOS6 thing...the iP4 is missing a lot of things from iOS6. iP4S obviously not as much. Like i know iP4S got the Siri update but dont believe it got 100% of it if i remember correctly reading about it in here. Maybe someone else knows for sure what got left out of the 4S. I dont have an iPhone and wasnt interested in getting a iP5 so i dont keep up with everything. Jus what i see posters complain about in here about it.

And i have no interest in a Note so i dont know all the features it has or what proccessor it has. I just know that it is too big for my liking.

Here is a list of things that the iP4 didnt get as far as the major ones. And this list is one of the first and i think it was discovered later that iP4S didnt get the full update of everything.

By the way, what tablet do you like more the Mini or the Nexus 7.


Your extreme bias blunts any argument you have, instead of regurgitating things that you have read or seen on the net (written by people just like you), go buy an up to date Android phone, you will soon see that what you are typing is utter rubbish.

No need to reply, I won't be reading anything more from you, you are on my ignore list.

What is wrong about my information? Everything i said is true and countless videos on Youtube prove that. Sorry to break it to you Android fans

I had a S3 less then 2 months ago and it kept getting the blackscreen glitch where the navigation lights stayed on, the only fix to that was a battery pull. That was a modern " up to date Android smartphone" my brother has the Verizon Note 2 which is a "up to date Android smartphone" and i see the differences completly between iOS and JellyBean. I even have a picture of the Play Store randomly crashing on my brother's " up to date Modern Android smartphone" your point is moot

Theres no reason why Messages would crash on my S3 at least once a day, and these errors still occured after a brand new hardware factory reset . Everything i said is true and is not reguritated **** from the internet, i see it with my own eyes and like i said countless videos on Youtube prove my point. No need to argue with a child here

Theres countless reports saying developers prefer iOS on both smartphone and tablet. Theres countless reports saying there are more apps on the App Store then the Play store ( Google play store has duplicate apps btw) apps crash less on iOS 6 then JellyBean. All this is true and you can even go look it up , dont claim im spewing misinformation if you dont even bother to look all this stuff up. Its all true

A jailbroken iPhone can do just about everything that you guys are claiming we cant do. Fail
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By the way, what tablet do you like more the Mini or the Nexus 7.


What is wrong about my information? Everything i said is true and countless videos on Youtube prove that. Sorry to break it to you Android fans

I had a S3 less then 2 months ago and it kept getting the blackscreen glitch where the navigation lights stayed on, the only fix to that was a battery pull. That was a modern " up to date Android smartphone" my brother has the Verizon Note 2 which is a "up to date Android smartphone" and i see the differences completly between iOS and JellyBean. I even have a picture of the Play Store randomly crashing on my brother's " up to date Modern Android smartphone" your point is moot

Theres no reason why Messages would crash on my S3 at least once a day, and these errors still occured after a brand new hardware factory reset . Everything i said is true and is not reguritated **** from the internet, i see it with my own eyes and like i said countless videos on Youtube prove my point. No need to argue with a child here

Why dont you actually go read online instead of being a ignornant child. Theres countless reports saying developers prefer iOS on both smartphone and tablet. Theres countless reports saying there are more apps on the App Store then the Play store ( Google play store has duplicate apps btw) apps crash less on iOS 6 then JellyBean. All this is true and you can even go look it up , dont claim im spewing misinformation if you dont even bother to look all this stuff up. Its all true

A jailbroken iPhone can do just about everything that you guys are claiming we cant do. Fail

Have you stooped to name calling to get your point over? You may want to check how to spell ignorant if you are going to use the word when name calling.

You have not had an S3, that much is obvious from your rants, no matter what you say. What is a "brand new hardware factory reset"? by the way. I have no need to look up on the web or on youtube as I have had both the iPhone 5 and S3 at the same time over a month period.

Jailbroken iPhone? Did you really want to bring in a jailbroken iPhone into the argument? Do you really need to jailbreak your iPhone 5 to do what my stock S3 does? Do you see how ridiculous you have made yourself look? How is your brother doing with his inferior phone? Is he an "ignornant child" (I used your spelling) as well for getting such a phone.
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By the way, what tablet do you like more the Mini or the Nexus 7.


What is wrong about my information? Everything i said is true and countless videos on Youtube prove that. Sorry to break it to you Android fans

I had a S3 less then 2 months ago and it kept getting the blackscreen glitch where the navigation lights stayed on, the only fix to that was a battery pull. That was a modern " up to date Android smartphone" my brother has the Verizon Note 2 which is a "up to date Android smartphone" and i see the differences completly between iOS and JellyBean. I even have a picture of the Play Store randomly crashing on my brother's " up to date Modern Android smartphone" your point is moot

Theres no reason why Messages would crash on my S3 at least once a day, and these errors still occured after a brand new hardware factory reset . Everything i said is true and is not reguritated **** from the internet, i see it with my own eyes and like i said countless videos on Youtube prove my point. No need to argue with a child here

Why dont you actually go read online instead of being a ignornant child. Theres countless reports saying developers prefer iOS on both smartphone and tablet. Theres countless reports saying there are more apps on the App Store then the Play store ( Google play store has duplicate apps btw) apps crash less on iOS 6 then JellyBean. All this is true and you can even go look it up , dont claim im spewing misinformation if you dont even bother to look all this stuff up. Its all true

A jailbroken iPhone can do just about everything that you guys are claiming we cant do. Fail

Can I just say one thing... it's common courtesy for the poster making a claim to provide links to back up their claims, rather than to make the claims and then say "go look it up."
Can I just say one thing... it's common courtesy for the poster making a claim to provide links to back up their claims, rather than to make the claims and then say "go look it up."

It's like how some people argue for the existence of their religion's god. They say, "can you prove said-god doesn't exist?"

The burden of proof is on the claim making side, indeed.

"Developers still prefer iOS App Store"

"66% of iOS users on iOS 6, average crash rate 1.16%, 4.75% of Android Users on JellyBean, average crash rate 1.5%"

.34% is your example lol?


I'd been more curious to see your diag in about. It's been ONE day since a restore and springboard has already crashed (the phone). I bet your "latestcrash" section can't even fit into one screen shot even with the iPhone 5's long screen.

Edit: trying to upload a screen shot and tapatalk is being very strange.

It's back! Lol

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.34% is your example lol?


I'd been more curious to see your diag in about. It's been ONE day since a restore and springboard has already crashed (the phone). I bet your "latestcrash" section can't even fit into one screen shot even with the iPhone 5's long screen.

Edit: trying to upload a screen shot and tapatalk is being very strange.

It's back! Lol


All i have is a bunch of low memory diags and some crashes from some unstable Jailbreak tweaks i installed , i removed the unstable tweaks and now my phone is perfectly fine

My phone was perfectly fine before the jailbreak as well. And yes .34% is my example, it goes to show that iOS 6 is more efficient on the hardware it runs on then Jelly Bean.
All i have is a bunch of low memory diags and some crashes from some unstable Jailbreak tweaks i installed , i removed the unstable tweaks and now my phone is perfectly fine

My phone was perfectly fine before the jailbreak as well. And yes .34% is my example, it goes to show that iOS 6 is more efficient on the hardware it runs on then Jelly Bean.

That's insane. Dev's only have a few iOS devices to write apps for all running very similar hardware. Android has much more with a large array of different hardware with only .34% more problem of apps crashing? Either that's bad for iOS or amazing for Android....
That's insane. Dev's only have a few iOS devices to write apps for all running very similar hardware. Android has much more with a large array of different hardware with only .34% more problem of apps crashing? Either that's bad for iOS or amazing for Android....

Lol wait what? Most of the JellyBean phones use the same processors (Snapdragon S4, exynos quad core in the Note 2 and Galaxy S3 international and the S4 pro quad core cpu) thats only 3 sets of hardware developers have to develop for

Just because theres alot of JellyBean phones doesnt mean ****, they all use the same processors that are higher clocked and have much more ram then the iPhone 4S and the 4... And there still crashing more then the iOS 6 devices with 512 mb of ram and a single core cpu/low dual core in 4S

Those results clearly show JellyBean is less efficient as a OS in whole compared to iOS.
Lol wait what? Most of the JellyBean phones use the same processors (Snapdragon S4, exynos quad core in the Note 2 and Galaxy S3 international and the S4 pro quad core cpu) thats only 3 sets of hardware developers have to develop for

Just because theres alot of JellyBean phones doesnt mean ****, they all use the same processors that are higher clocked and have much more ram then the iPhone 4S and the 4... And there still crashing more then the iOS 6 devices with 512 mb of ram and a single core cpu/low dual core in 4S

Those results clearly show JellyBean is less efficient as a OS in whole compared to iOS.

Huh? Different brands or kinds of cpu's and gpu's (tegra 2, tegra 3, exynos 5 dual core, exynos quad core, snapdragon), screen resolutions, sizes, PPI, different ports, different memory, mono or stereo speakers, camera brands, notification light types, etc. Android apps have access to all this stuff and much more.

My Xoom is in every way different hardware wise compared to my N10 as possible except stereo speakers, USB and hdmi out. Different chipset tegra 2 vs Exynos 5 dual core, monotone notification light vs rpg, 1 gb ram vs 2 gb, 160 PPI vs 300 PPI, expandable memory vs none, dual led flash vs single, no nfc vs nfc, etc etc. Yet they are both on Jelly Bean and apps work fine.

Certain apps are pointless like light flow on my Xoom can't change the notification light color like it can on my N10. Or in Astro file explorer I can find the sd card on my n10 like I can with my sd card equipped Xoom. Regardless neither crash.
Lol what are you kidding me? iMessage is such a crucial feature that Android doesnt have, i know so much people who use iMessage and love it.

Eh well multi tasking on my Brother's Note 2 is worse then multi tasking on my i5...i openes up 15 of the same apps on both phones and i was cycling through opening the apps in the multitasker bar, and the apps far back in the list had to keep refreshing and basically restart the app on the Note 2,while on my i5 i was able to switch back to the apps instantly, no refresh, relaunch of the app. Most apps on my brother's note 2 had to basically start up again while on my i5 it came back for me instantly, nothing i5 multitasker is superior to the Note 2 in that department. Now i dont know about the S4 pro cpu and if it does that but i wouldnt be suprised if it did the same thing.

And i was just using Contacts as a example to test it in, its not just in Contacts that scrolling is smoother and better, its system wide...touch recognition and accuracy is much better on iOS all around, just scroll/ pan on a iOS device and scroll/pan around on a Android and tell me that iOS doesnt follow your finger much better, it reads your finger better on the screen and its more accurate when you pan/ scroll around.

Like i said on Android when you pan/zoom around there is a delay to everything, even though its a slight delay i feel it 100%, there is no delay on iOS devices...that is the difference between iOS and Android JellyBean. Hell Jellybean is still not as smooth as iOS 6, the notification center lags like crazy when your in a app on JellyBean but not on iOS 6.

The Play Store is inferior to the App store in every way, less secure apps, duplicate apps, developers prefering iOS first, less quality apps ...the list goes on, not to mention there are so much more games on the Apple App Store compared to Android Play Store its not even a competition in that catorogory. and idk what kind of computer your using for iTunes, but iTunes is incredibly fast both on my phone and computer so dont blame your slow PC.

I dont have to go thru iTunes to convert anything, what are you talking about? Plenty of jailbreak tweaks/apps to remedy that. And I have a file system on my iPhone 5; its called iFile So basically nothing on your list is really true. JellyBean is most certainly not more advanced, sure it may have some more sharing functionatily, which iOS 6 has the API's for its just up to the developers now to set then in there apps so i dont even really see that as a advantage for Android at all. Everything else about JellyBean is worse...worse hardware acceleration, worse touch recogitnition, a much less safe OS then iOS, more complex, Inferior app store to the iOS app store, the list goes on

And sorry, but people have to wait 8+ months to get the latest software on their Android phones after it came out, updating core apps doesnt mean **** if your behind a major OS revision. Theres no reason why my old Verizon S3 got JellyBean in late Decemeber when jellybean came out 8+ months prior to the Verizon S3 getting JellyBean. On iOS, you can update the first day the update comes out, no need to wait 8+ months for crucial features like "a smoother OS thats more consistent" LOL, i really feel bad for Android fans i really do, they claim JellyBean is the holy grail when iOS has always had a smoother more consistent OS since the first iPhone came out, and that still stands to this day

LOL,what a crock this whole post is. So China has a virus problem,it is a problem here too? Gee, if eBay in China has problems, that must mean we will too? :rolleyes: Dude, most things you say you dont know what your talking about.

My bet is you had your GS3 for two weeks, if that, didnt have the common sense to take it back and get a different one when it wasnt working right and just gave up and that is your experience with Android which, is really no experience at all. iOS does not have true multitasking like Android has and that is all there is to it.
I have both operating systems and know both pretty well, though i know Android a lot better since ive only had the Mini for 2.5 months after not using an iPhone for 2.5 years You do not know Android much at all. Neither of my devices are jailbroken or rooted except for my first gen iPod that i still have. It is jailbroken.

Good luck with your new smartphone adventures for which you seem pretty new with it but the nonsense is getting deep. Android apparently just isnt for you sand thats ok but please stop with the nonsense.
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Huh? Different brands or kinds of cpu's and gpu's (tegra 2, tegra 3, exynos 5 dual core, exynos quad core, snapdragon), screen resolutions, sizes, PPI, different ports, different memory, mono or stereo speakers, camera brands, notification light types, etc. Android apps have access to all this stuff and much more.

My Xoom is in every way different hardware wise compared to my N10 as possible except stereo speakers, USB and hdmi out. Different chipset tegra 2 vs Exynos 5 dual core, monotone notification light vs rpg, 1 gb ram vs 2 gb, 160 PPI vs 300 PPI, expandable memory vs none, dual led flash vs single, no nfc vs nfc, etc etc. Yet they are both on Jelly Bean and apps work fine.

Certain apps are pointless like light flow on my Xoom can't change the notification light color like it can on my N10. Or in Astro file explorer I can find the sd card on my n10 like I can with my sd card equipped Xoom. Regardless neither crash.

The whole HTC One series phones uses the Snapdragon S4 cpu, so does the US Galaxy S3. PPi, screen resolution all doesnt mean much because theres only about 3-4 different types of resolutions to scale for Android developers, or at least current Jelly Bean devices. its either 720p screen, 1080p screen, qHD or 2560x1650 on the Nexus 10. Theres about 3-4 different screen resolutions on iOS aswell, 480x360(old iphone and ipods) 960x680 retina screens on the iPhone 4 and 4S, the 1180x680 resolution on the iphone 5, 1020x768 on the old ipads and the iPad mini and a resolution of 2050x1560 on the retina iPad.

so there is differences in iOS products too... and the Xoom only has a ppi of 160?? i thought it had a higher ppi?
The whole HTC One series phones uses the Snapdragon S4 cpu, so does the US Galaxy S3. PPi, screen resolution all doesnt mean much because theres only about 3-4 different types of resolutions to scale for Android developers, or at least current Jelly Bean devices. its either 720p screen, 1080p screen, qHD or 2560x1650 on the Nexus 10. Theres about 3-4 different screen resolutions on iOS aswell, 480x360(old iphone and ipods) 960x680 retina screens on the iPhone 4 and 4S, the 1180x680 resolution on the iphone 5, 1020x768 on the old ipads and the iPad mini and a resolution of 2050x1560 on the retina iPad.

so there is differences in iOS products too... and the Xoom only has a ppi of 160?? i thought it had a higher ppi?

Unfortunately its only 160. Which was on par with its Apples competition of the time. I actually like that tablet quite a bit just a little long in the tooth note.
Unfortunately its only 160. Which was on par with its Apples competition of the time. I actually like that tablet quite a bit just a little long in the tooth note.

tegra 2 right? do you have Jelly Bean on there?
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no its not just China that has a malware problem, theres other reports of new malware on the Playstore that installs a virus on your PC when you connect.

There have been reports of it for Apple as well. Should we assume you need a virus protection app on it now? Sorry, just not buying your persistant need for a virus protection. I dont know anybody that had that problem and ive never had that problem. But keep reading about it and believing like it is an apedemic huge random problem.
I have never used a anti virus app.

i have had my GS3 for over a month and a half and i have tried flashing to countless different types of ROM's, did a factory reset and had all my apps constantly updated, now this was before i got Jellybean on my Verizon Galaxy S3 so i dont know how the new update affected the S3

Then clearly there was something wrong with the phone. It happens to Androids and iPhones. What you do is take it back and get another one. Hell ive seen posters in here take back their iPhones when THEY break it themselves or for a button that isnt flush enough how they like it.

and i actually did try and bring back my GS3 to the Verizon store, they werent able to replicate the problem i was having when i brought it there but funny enough once i left i actually got the black screen glitch... sigh...
If they wouldnt trade it out, then id s***can Verizon. Ive never had T-Mobile not take one back if there was a problem.
its not just China that has Play Store viruses in them there is viruses all over in the Play Store hidden in disguise.

Ive yet to see it so i cant relate. But then, i dont go looking for artivcles to make myself try and believe there is more of a problem than there is. Use common sense, read about the apps and read some comments. I know that takes a few minutes but it is worth it.

i fail to see your point on true multitasking on Android if my iPhone 5 is able to switch to apps faster and load apps faster, and not have to refresh the app after you been away from the app for a while then it does on my brothers Note 2, a current flagship Android smartphone...

Of course you fail to see it. And i dont have to refresh anything. Not sure what your doing but you arent tech enough from what i see to be testing these theories.

plus i can get "true multitasking" on my iphone with a tweak from the Cydia store

So you say. You dont know what it is your missing so how would you know? I dont have to tweak anything.

but i dont care because multitasking is plenty good on iOS, especially on the i5 apps load instantly and dont refresh ever, switching between apps is a breeze and theres no delay in response of the app

Great! I really am glad you are happy with your device. Use what you like and know how to use, is what i always say.

I will say one more thing. You have said that devs prefer to develope for iOS. That may be true. They do get paid more since Android Apps have many more free apps but if you go to the XDA website where Devs are at displaying their work, you will see just about every phone catagory of Android, and there are custom ROMs for all of them. Not only ROM's, themes, startup aniamtions and shutdown animations, different types of modems and kernals.

Point is, there are far more devs for Android than there is for iOS. You have to wait fpr a team of a few guys to get you a jailbreak where i can almost instantly go to XDA and SOMEBODY is working on a root for the newest Android that is out and making ROMs out of the gate and they do some great things. Some really great things.

I just dont feel a need to root my GS3. It runs great and is fast. It ran fine on ICS but runs even better on JB.

The only thing id like to have is Google Wallet on my GS3 and it doesnt work yet because of T-Mobile but i can root it and download a small file and get it to work to buy things in stores but right now, that isnt a big deal to me yet.

I do use NFC for other things though and that is a nice feature that maybe next year, iPhone will get it....and if so, they will be the last ones to use it as usual. They are falling so behind these days.
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There have been reports of it for Apple as well. Should we assume you need a virus protection app on it now? Sorry, just not buying your persistant need for a virus protection. I dont know anybody that had that problem and ive never had that problem. But keep reading about it and believing like it is an apedemic huge random problem.
I have never used a anti virus app.

Then clearly there was something wrong with the phone. It happens to Androids and iPhones. What you do is take it back and get another one. Hell ive seen posters in here take back their iPhones when THEY break it themselves or for a button that isnt flush enough how they like it.

If they wouldnt trade it out, then id s***can Verizon. Ive never had T-Mobile not take one back if there was a problem.

Ive yet to see it so i cant relate. But then, i dont go looking for artivcles to make myself try and believe there is more of a problem than there is. Use common sense, read about the apps and read some comments. I know that takes a few minutes but it is worth it.

Of course you fail to see it. And i dont have to refresh anything. Not sure what your doing but you arent tech enough from what i see to be testing these theories.

So you say. You dont know what it is your missing so how would you know? I dont have to tweak anything.

Great! I really am glad you are happy with your device. Use what you like and know how to use, is what i always say.

I will say one more thing. You have said that devs prefer to develope for iOS. That may be true. They do get paid more since Android Apps have many more free apps but if you go to the ZDA website where Devs are at displaying their work, you will see just about every phone catagory of Android, and there are custom ROMs for all of them. Not only ROM's, themes, startup aniamtions and shutdown animations, different types of modems and kernals.

Point is, there are far more devs for Android than there is for iOS. You have to wait fpr a team of a few guys to get you a jailbreak where i can almost instantly go to XDA and SOMEBODY is working on a root for the newest Android that is out and making ROMs out of the gate and they do some great things. Some really great things.

I just dont feel a need to root my GS3. It runs great and is fast. It ran fine on ICS but runs even better on JB.

The only thing id like to have is Google Wallet on my GS3 and it doesnt work yet because of T-Mobile but i can root it and download a small file and get it to work to buy things in stores but right now, that isnt a big deal to me yet.

I do use NFC for other things though and that is a nice feature that maybe next year, iPhone will get it....and if so, they will be the last ones to use it as usual. They are falling so behind these days.

Theres countless reports saying malware has gone up on the Play Store, i remember reading a article in June saying malware has been up 570% on the Play Store. Now im not gonna sit here and say my GS3 got viruses or malware, it ran fine, i actually dont know if i had any malware/ viruses on the GS3 i had because i didnt have a virus protector/ scanner on, but i could of easily been a target, i like to download alot of apps and look for cool interesting apps and any of those apps could of

And dude there is actually like no malware/viruses on the App Store, Apple rigourisly screens the apps being submitted before there uploaded to the App Store, Google doesnt screen any apps.

Plus what is "true multitasking" on Android, there are bunch of apps that can run in the background on iPhone(ex. Uploading a bunch of pictures to Dropbox and leaving the app, etc. ) what exactly more can you do in the background on Android? Please tell me i would love to know the big difference, if the difference is "Apples multitasking freezes the apps in the background" that is the dumbest statement ever made.

And I was comparing the Note 2 to my i5, im sure apps load instantly and dont refresh on your S3 because it has a superior memory archetecture to the exynos quad core. I was just comparing the Note 2 multitasking with the i5, and i found that the Note 2 has to basically relaunch a good majority of the apps buried in the multitasker while that doesnt happen on my i5 and its because the A6 chip in the i5 has extremely good memory peformance

I know the S4 dual core processor has a better processor archetecture then the quad core in the Note 2, so that is why in your case your apps dont do that(refresh, reload, etc)

And yes im well aware of the XDA community and what they do, i was just talking about App store/Play store developers

Verizon customer service and care is pretty ****** ill tell you that

Hahah where are these "numerous reports of malware" on iOS? The last news on malware on iOS was 222 days ago, and Apple removed that app the same day..meanwhile i see Android malware news every other day somehow, dude get a grip ..theres a HUGE difference in screening and testing apps before there uploaded to the App Store to just letting anyone submit a app to the Play Store without being screen and tested beforehand
Care to quantify your phrase "all over"? How many are there on the Play Store?

Trend Micro estimates that there is about 175,000 malicious apps on the Play Store

And Android malware can hit up to 1 million apps in 2013? Are you serious?

And i dont know what to say to this piece of malware, that is just extremely scary and ridiculous

I dont get why Android fans deny malware and viruses, theres great advantages to being such a open OS and theres extreme disadvantages for being such a open OS. This is one of them
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Trend Micro estimates that there is about 175,000 malicious apps on the Play Store

And Android malware can hit up to 1 million apps in 2013? Are you serious?

And i dont know what to say to this piece of malware, that is just extremely scary and ridiculous

I dont get why Android fans deny malware and viruses, theres great advantages to being such a open OS and theres extreme disadvantages for being such a open OS. This is one of them

Did you read those articles?

One says it "will hit Apple" and to "not jailbreak your phone".
How do you feel about it now?

The last one says "Google has 86ed the software from its official store",


"a quick search found that both apps remained available through different app stores".
But not Googles app store.

So it looks like your claim that it is all in Googles play store is not accurate.
There is problems in both places. Not as much on Apples app store but to say there is are wrong and are just putting your head in the sand while claiming we are in denial.

Anyways, enough of this nonsense. If your scared of these things, dont have a smartphone because it seems like you dont read anything before downloading apps. I do and havent had a problem, ever!
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