If he really doesn't run a backup, then I have officially lost all respect for the guy. And then, frankly, even writing about how he lost his files is quite embarrassing. It's like an acclaimed surgeon writing a paper about how he amputated a person's arm instead of his appendix.
I suspect that he may actually have a backup, but he's reporting that he doesn't because otherwise it's just much ado about nothing. It's a HUGE issue that should be reported to the public and Apple should have to look at it, but the minute someone admits they just ran TM and had it fixed in an hour, it suddenly seems like not such a big deal.
So I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt here. He's presenting himself as clueless, but TBF, Apple is doing the same by releasing iCML with all the same bugs as Match. His faux cluelessness (if that's what it is) is harmless whereas Apple's is potentially devastating to a non-techie music lover who doesn't back up regularly.