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macrumors 6502
Dec 7, 2008
Going against the stream here, but personally still enjoy his show and look forward to watching what he brings back to Comedy Central. The more interesting topic here would be why is it that comedians can so spot-on show the utter hypocrisy that "news" seem to veer far left/right to cater to, while at the same time leave so many stumbling over words as the obvious presented to them. A lot could benefit from watching Irresistible as a sad commentary on the current system rather than a comedy it's billed as.


macrumors 6502a
May 10, 2005
I guess people are welcome to their predictions, but it's like PC users commenting on Apple products they've never used: Jon Stewart hasn't come back yet but opinions are rife. I'm happy to wait and see his shows.

His podcast/AppleTV+ show was good especially since it tackled difficult topics in some detail. Economics? Sure, why not learn a little bit about that from absolute experts.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 13, 2017
Fort Myers, FL
Please be better than Bill Maher
Please be better than Bill Maher
Please be better than Bill Maher

2019-2020 really killed whatever fire Bill Maher had on his show. I’d like to think Jon, having avoided most of that timeframe, still has some left in the tank for a weekly political show.

Stewart and David Letterman both got out at the perfect time (2015), right before American politics got VERY nasty.


macrumors regular
Mar 21, 2015
And fwiw, Jon isn't some leftist, he's common sense.
He’s a ‘woke‘ leftist. His constant sly attacks on the white working class, either tacitly through ‘white privilege’ sermons, or explicitly through attacks on poor Republican voters, make that so. Real leftists - the ones who realise the left isn’t exclusively about LGBTQ or Ivy League fashion trends - don’t demonise working people because of their skin tone.

So many interesting leftist thinkers out there, this dried up racist millionaire isn’t one of them.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2006
He set the template for the new era of late night shows, for good or bad. But I can't help but think his time is past. You can watch The Daily Show on 3 or 4 channels every night now and they're all the same thing, just without Jon Stewart. Do people really want him that bad? He's no Johnny Carson, that's for sure.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2004
Comedy is dead thanks to the hypersensitive population. Most of the great comedies could never be made today.
Lol ok whatever you say. It's just all gone mostly to Netflix and podcast due to how the industry treats the comedians and they are saying totally fed up stuff on those just as they ever had so....


macrumors 601
Jun 9, 2021
They called the show “The Problem with Jon Stewart.” Presumably they were familiar with his body of work. The problem with Jon Stewart is that he won’t be told who to talk to and what he can say.

What the **** did they think was going to happen?

That’s why we like him. The fact that Apple had a “problem” with him is not a good sign for their entertainment executives’ judgement.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
that’s surprising, i thought it was smart of him to get out when he did. why go back? this kind of show just doesn’t have the same impact it used to.

even in the last like 5 years of him being on, it didn’t pack the punch it did when he was opposing the war in iraq and getting into fights on fox news. it was tired before he left. and trevor noah wasn’t funny in that format and he had such lukewarm political takes. he never captured people to the left of the democrats and he never really got people to the right fired up enough to care. so like, what’s left there?

and on top of that most people engage with this kind of show through podcasts and youtube. idk man, it feels like the daily show has run its course, just let it die.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2004
He set the template for the new era of late night shows, for good or bad. But I can't help but think his time is past. You can watch The Daily Show on 3 or 4 channels every night now and they're all the same thing, just without Jon Stewart. Do people really want him that bad? He's no Johnny Carson, that's for sure.
He's like the Mark Twain of our generation lol what are you even saying? Things get done in government because he sheds light on them. Bipartisan things. Even though he says it with a funny bend, he's probably one of the best journalistic voices of our time.


macrumors 65816
Jun 11, 2006
He's like the Mark Twain of our generation lol what are you even saying? Things get done in government because he sheds light on them. Bipartisan things. Even though he says it with a funny bend, he's probably one of the best journalistic voices of our time.

I guess I don't give him that much credit. I think he did a great job helping 911 first responders get their benefits. But outside of that he's mostly just the first in a long line of bleeding heart white guilt party line trumpets.

Oh and assuming the stuff with Apple and China being the reason he was fired is true, he gets credit for sticking to his scruples there too.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2004
I guess I don't give him that much credit. I think he did a great job helping 911 first responders get their benefits. But outside of that he's mostly just the first in a long line of bleeding heart white guilt party line trumpets.
He got a show canceled on CNN when he was a guest because he exposed how absurd it was in like 5 minutes. He's won more Emmy's than most comedy and news shows combined. Like any great talk show host (Carson, Letterman, Conan) he helped popularize a lot of great comedians that are still going today. He has exposed how cable news, and partisan media in general is used to grift and have us fight amongst ourselves due to being misinformed. He's been called the most trusted man in news, and in D.C. on both sides he's widely respected because he doesn't ********. lol yeah he's just your typical liberal NPC you're right. 🙄


macrumors regular
Jun 23, 2003
When "woke" first appeared, it was a social justice term that was used to describe a mindset of being aware of and against racism. When it became a slur - as used in a post in this thread - it was conservatives who changed the meaning and used it as shorthand for a racist dog whistle.

When the right and the left both use the term "mainstream media" as a slur, I just shake my head. Are you talking about large audience journalism that tries to present a balanced view of things? That fact checks its stories? That runs corrections when it's wrong? If so, I'm all for it.

It's hard enough to make a living in the news business these days and there is a lot of big money, dark money, spouting out propaganda 24/7 that goes unchecked. I'm not talking about Jon Stewart here - and, by the way, I welcome him back. He's smart, articulate and often funny, as opposed to badly-written, pithy internet comments.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
Please be better than Bill Maher
as long as he doesn’t go on and on with some warmed over, hack 90’s comedy routine where he replaces the term “political correctness” with “wokeness” he’ll clear that bar. he’s been awful for a while, but maher’s schtick has really devolved into old man yells at cloud.
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