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macrumors 6502a
Aug 22, 2004
idk about that. the second there’s a story with china and tech the totally normal right wing brainiacs turn the manufactured outrage machine on full blast.
Or if someone on a social media post is drinking a beer, or the people that make this food treat women with respect, or this place here did this, etc, etc a bunch of widdle babies usually that complain about things getting cancelled but they sure as hell love doing it and usually over full blow dumb stuff.


macrumors 6502a
When the right and the left both use the term "mainstream media" as a slur, I just shake my head. Are you talking about large audience journalism that tries to present a balanced view of things? That fact checks its stories? That runs corrections when it's wrong? If so, I'm all for it.
Mainstream media is none of those things. They are so partisan they are incapable of doing any legitimate fact checking. Anyone with a shred of common sense can see that, no matter which side of the isle you are on. The days of large media outlets attempting to present a balanced view of things is long gone.


May 27, 2021
An entertainer commanding a large salary and massive corporations working in concert to enslave the working man (and woman) and effectively disenfranchise much of the populace are not at all the same thing. You're applying a false equivalency between the two that does not stand up to scrutiny.

Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

You are missing the point. Stewart commands a massive salary. Where does his salary come from? Oh right, the big corporations. His greed draws a straight line to their greed. So yes, I understand what you are saying, but he's a massive hypocrite when he works for said corporations that he complains about.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
Oh good I was hoping someone like him would bring clarity to what's going on in our country. I trust his analysis to be fair and unbiased just like the rest of the "comedians" made famous by mainstream network television.
I don’t really think we should look to comedians for leadership, but I find they are often a voice of reason, as their entire job is to point out the absurdities and pretension in our society. The best ones do so even to the detriment of their own career (think Norm Macdonald getting fired from SNL). I’m not too familiar with Stewart’s comedy though.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I can’t believe they'd go so far as to cancel a show over a difference of opinion on these topics. I mean I can see why they’d want not to have a popular show on their platform ironically like/dislike something they have a clearly opposing stance on; it would just look kind of silly… but how can they maintain a catalog if everything in it has to check by their stances on any nuanced subject?

Yeah, talking about being impartial...
The executives don't need to agree or disagree. This is a show for the people and there are multiple opinions out there.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2011
As a veteran, it's often assumed I must be far right, conservative, or any number of other terms. I tend to stay reasonably close to center line, but learn far more left on most issues than I do right. I apply said "common sense" against both sides of the isle and find it utterly insulting to the time I spent defending freedom, standing up for who and what this country is "supposed" to be. The absolute divide is a blend of comedy and tragedy. One side we have the narrow focused, self designed dogmatic preaching outdated rules/rights from a bygone age, written in a different time for a different society, with different problems. The other side we have demands for imaginary rights that circularly supersede and conflict with other imaginary rights. One side standing up rules they don't understand and the other standing up rules that violate the most simple of logic. We have leftists calling righties righties, and righties calling lefties lefties, all the while ignoring the fact that each preach from some make-believe understanding of what they all perceive as some bestowed right they all have. And it even surfaces on a post about a comedian returning to a station to continue a show. So much negativity, so many opinions.. every news article posted seems to draw out such anger, pent up aggression. Just today I've seen arguments over Twitter being called X, or X being called Twitter (although the joke about calling out the URL still containing "Twitter" made me chuckle a little as it represented perfectly how obvious some of these arguments are trivial). Sorry for the rant. Just amazing to me to see so little curiosity and so much opinion based typically on so little fact. But then again, maybe that is why I still like his show. Somewhere in it I find myself curious and asking questions, rather than dialing in to drink the Kool-aid
I agree with you that so much seems to be unnecessarily politicized and polarized, and I also agree that both sides have extremes.

Thank you for serving our country.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 6, 2005
An entertainer commanding a large salary and massive corporations working in concert to enslave the working man (and woman) and effectively disenfranchise much of the populace are not at all the same thing. You're applying a false equivalency between the two that does not stand up to scrutiny.

Never let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Real life isn’t a Hollywood spy thriller where corporations are out to get us - they are out to get our money.

His point is simple “greed” is generally an accusation leveled against anyone but ourselves.
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macrumors regular
Mar 21, 2015
When "woke" first appeared, it was a social justice term that was used to describe a mindset of being aware of and against racism.

No, ‘woke’ is racist. A liberal leftist, an old school working class leftist, a classical Marxist leftist, etc, are also against racism. Woke is defined by its anti-white racism only. Remove the anti-white racism, is the person even woke? No.


macrumors 65816
Apr 18, 2009
I like Jon Stewart but I would have preferred they give someone else the chance to host the show. I honestly thought Leslie Jones was a breath of fresh air and gave a really great no-nonsense approach when she guest hosted the show. And this is coming from someone who never thought he would ever suggest Leslie Jones beforehand. With Jon, it's just going to be more of the same thing again.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2011
I don’t really think we should look to comedians for leadership, but I find they are often a voice of reason, as their entire job is to point out the absurdities and pretension in our society. The best ones do so even to the detriment of their own career (think Norm Macdonald getting fired from SNL). I’m not too familiar with Stewart’s comedy though.
I agree with not looking to comedians for leadership or their opinions on political matters. And I agree that comedians should point out absurdities in our society. However, many liberal "comedians" with shows these days are just patronizing mouthpieces of the democrat party (i.e. Colbert, Kimmel, Fallon, Trevor Noah, SNL, etc.). Their schtick these days tends to be primarily punching right rather than in both directions. The best comedians call out the cultural insanity no matter where it comes from (i.e. Ricky Gervais).


macrumors regular
Mar 21, 2015
i wouldn’t even call it leftist, the democrats are far from the left these days. but the rest i totally agree with. who is this even for? lol

True. If leftist politics means anything, it means helping the working class. Stewart’s show is for the ‘laptop class’, who now dominate the left. But even they are bored of hearing the same thing they just read in the NYT, only with visuals and sound.


macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
Or if someone on a social media post is drinking a beer, or the people that make this food treat women with respect, or this place here did this, etc, etc a bunch of widdle babies usually that complain about things getting cancelled but they sure as hell love doing it and usually over full blow dumb stuff.
lol proof the outrage machine works

ngl i have no idea what you’re talking about. people who are chronically mad online are always annoying regardless of their politics but you know you can just like… not engage with fake social media issues right?
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 31, 2008
Easy Peasy. All they will have to do is change the date on the scripts and use them all over again.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2021
The idea that someone would care about the politics of an organization or those that made its products instead of just the products is so self indulgently of the left.

Yes, the right would absolutely never care about the politics of an organisation.



macrumors 6502
Aug 9, 2020
I don’t really think we should look to comedians for leadership, but I find they are often a voice of reason, as their entire job is to point out the absurdities and pretension in our society. The best ones do so even to the detriment of their own career (think Norm Macdonald getting fired from SNL). I’m not too familiar with Stewart’s comedy though.
couldn’t agree with this more. i don’t buy into the idea that comedy speaks truth to power or whatever. and i love comedy, but it’s entertainment. there’s some great work out there, but it feels out of touch to me to look to humor for answers.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2012
As a veteran, it's often assumed I must be far right, conservative, or any number of other terms. I tend to stay reasonably close to center line, but learn far more left on most issues than I do right. I apply said "common sense" against both sides of the isle and find it utterly insulting to the time I spent defending freedom, standing up for who and what this country is "supposed" to be. The absolute divide is a blend of comedy and tragedy. One side we have the narrow focused, self designed dogmatic preaching outdated rules/rights from a bygone age, written in a different time for a different society, with different problems. The other side we have demands for imaginary rights that circularly supersede and conflict with other imaginary rights. One side standing up rules they don't understand and the other standing up rules that violate the most simple of logic. We have leftists calling righties righties, and righties calling lefties lefties, all the while ignoring the fact that each preach from some make-believe understanding of what they all perceive as some bestowed right they all have. And it even surfaces on a post about a comedian returning to a station to continue a show. So much negativity, so many opinions.. every news article posted seems to draw out such anger, pent up aggression. Just today I've seen arguments over Twitter being called X, or X being called Twitter (although the joke about calling out the URL still containing "Twitter" made me chuckle a little as it represented perfectly how obvious some of these arguments are trivial). Sorry for the rant. Just amazing to me to see so little curiosity and so much opinion based typically on so little fact. But then again, maybe that is why I still like his show. Somewhere in it I find myself curious and asking questions, rather than dialing in to drink the Kool-aid
As a non American, and someone who doesn’t have an interest in politics, I have always assumed that those people you describe are all the same type of person, just who happen to have fallen in one side or other of left right, team red or team blue. Two sides of the same coin. I often wonder if one side could exist without the other. And I often hope that the silent majority are more nuanced and don’t have such strong views either way.


macrumors regular
Sep 8, 2021
Sooo pumped for this. Didn't love "The Problem" but love the daily show and so happy he's back


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2011
Please be better than Bill Maher
Please be better than Bill Maher
Please be better than Bill Maher

2019-2020 really killed whatever fire Bill Maher had on his show. I’d like to think Jon, having avoided most of that timeframe, still has some left in the tank for a weekly political show.

Stewart and David Letterman both got out at the perfect time (2015), right before American politics got VERY nasty.
A garbage bag wearing a beachball and tired toupee would be better and more interesting than Bill (‘I am SO a young person, while wearing my crap wig’) Maher. He is gross and stupid. I don’t know whether it’s all the pot that has addled his brain over the years, or we’re just seeing more of the unpleasantness beneath the surface of the real Bill.


May 23, 2012
Apple doesn't have the balls to produce content. They should exit the game.
Have you seen the first episode of “See?”

They don’t mind upsetting moral conservatives; they probably just don’t want to upset the fiscal conservatives, especially if they might be investors.

I actually liked his show, but his sense of humor is definitely something you either like or don’t. Some might find that to be the off putting factor.
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