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macrumors 68030
Dec 8, 2003
Dark said:
Well guys, I really appreciate all these replies and the Happy Birthdays. It means alot to me. Im back from my trip to Vegas where I went to see the Supercross Championship. It was awesome. As far as the lens goes, I think with all the advice, im going to return my lense for the 70-200 f/FL. The 70-300 IS/USM shot great it daylight condition with still subjects. Then, it startet to go downhill a tad with the moving subjects in Daylight. Then it was extremely difficult to get a good shot of a fast moving subject in so/so light conditions. At first I thought the 70-300 was a big difference in focal length compared to the 70-200. Then i realized the extra 100mm was really nothing. The image stabilization was nice, but it really diddnt makeup for the loss in light entering the lens. My friend has the 70-200L and ive used it before. Im just iffy, because its still hard to get a good shot of a moving subject. Heres some shots from Vegas. Im relatively new to Photog. so be gentle:D .

Sorry, Im in a rush. Please just copy the links in and take the time to look at the pictures. All comments/criticism is appreciated. EDIT: Oh Snap, it did it for me!

I mean, theres a bunch more pics that are good too. But out of the 300+ pictures I took, only a slight few I felt were worthy. Especially since most of the racing shots were all blury. Hopefully the faster focusing f/4L lense will help.
I don't see how you have anything to complain about with your motorcross shots.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 22, 2005
New Jersey
I take that as a compliment, but as I said, i took 300+ pictures and the majority of them were blurry. These were just some good ones that I sorted through quickly.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 22, 2005
New Jersey
Well, I really diddnt plan on this but here it goes. My mom returned my lens today while I was in school because I was talking to her about it recently. So i guess she made up my mind for me. Thats what I needed though, I was going nuts deciding. I just ordered the Canon 70-200 f4/L, a UV filter and a cleaning kit from B&H photo. They diddnt have that lens in the store anyway. I just hope I made the right choice dropping the IS.
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