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I do the same with my Nexus One. The wireless tethering will generously pay for itself in the long run since I won't need to pay AT&T $30 a month for access plus the cost savings from purchasing the Wifi version over the 3G version of the Pad. The hit on the battery hasn't been anywhere near as bad as one would think. Then again I'm only connecting one device....

I'm EXTREMELY happy with it, though. :D :D :D
Tethering trick is a good idea if you don't need GPS in your iPad. Are you able to get your coarse location using tethering in Maps app ?
maennj said:
Tethering trick is a good idea if you don't need GPS in your iPad. Are you able to get your coarse location using tethering in Maps app ?

Well if I really needed gps I can use the nexus one but I could use maps via 3G just fine.:)
I would stay away from the Nexus One at this point. Gizmodo reported that the phone has 3G coverage issues and that Google has recently announced that there will be no further engineering improvements made to this model. See link below.

Nexus One = FAIL. Google stopped supporting the phone less than six months after they started selling it!

Been using it all this morning no issues whatsoever. Infact compared to the iPhone 3GS with AT&T, the tmobile and nexus ones 3G is a lot faster in my area. And im not in a small city either, im in houston texas. I'm very impressed.

The tmobiles 3G could actually be faster due to everyone using an iPhone and sharing AT&T's 3G while tmobile is wide open. :)

Also google stopped supporting the nexus in the sense that they are not releasing anymore fixes for the nexus's 3G issues since it's probably been fixed. I certainly have no issues.
It will be increasing options like this that will make me consider jumping platforms to a different phone. It's ridiculous that Apple and AT&T aren't proposing some joint solutions for iphone/ipad users. There's just no way I'm going to pay them twice for data service.

So, on this point, the other platforms have caught my attention.
I would stay away from the Nexus One at this point. Gizmodo reported that the phone has 3G coverage issues and that Google has recently announced that there will be no further engineering improvements made to this model. See link below.

Nexus One = FAIL. Google stopped supporting the phone less than six months after they started selling it!

The ones that have been the most vocal are the ones with issues (which is obvious). There's a LOT of people (myself included) that have had no 3G issues to speak of.
eneisch said:
I would stay away from the Nexus One at this point. Gizmodo reported that the phone has 3G coverage issues and that Google has recently announced that there will be no further engineering improvements made to this model. See link below.

Nexus One = FAIL. Google stopped supporting the phone less than six months after they started selling it!

You didn't even read the article you posted. I know it's your duty as a fanboy to blindly bash the competition, but get your facts straight once in a while.
If you jailbreak the 3Gs I heard that there is an app (probably a cydia one) that lets you transform the iphone into a wireless hotspot. Does anyone know if this would work with the ipad?
If you jailbreak the 3Gs I heard that there is an app (probably a cydia one) that lets you transform the iphone into a wireless hotspot. Does anyone know if this would work with the ipad?

It's called Miwi and yes it works with an iPad. It just creates a wireless network that anything with wireless capabilities can connect to.

If you're asking if it would work with a iPad 3g we wont really know until the jailbreak is released (probably after OS 4.0 if it works on the iPad) but I don't really see why it wouldn't
Has anyone had any experience with the Windows Mobile WiFi router and the iPad ... thinking of trying to grab a HTC Touch Pro 2 rather than a Palm Pre ... but then again I'll probably just root my Droid soon ...
I would stay away from the Nexus One at this point. Gizmodo reported that the phone has 3G coverage issues and that Google has recently announced that there will be no further engineering improvements made to this model. See link below.

Did you bother to actually READ this article, before spewing these? :rolleyes:
Just got back from school and tested out the nexus one all day. With the task killer and the brightness of the nexus screen all the way off, I was able to get 6 and a half hour of continuous 3G tether for my iPad.

From 9:30am to 3:30pm the nexus's battery stayed alive tethered to the iPad! And that's with playing mp3s when walking around campus as well. I'm very very impressed! I also hear that it takes about a week to calibrate the battery and it improves greatly.

I would definitely buy and try out the seigio 3200 Mah battery and test it out later.
Just got back from school and tested out the nexus one all day. With the task killer and the brightness of the nexus screen all the way off, I was able to get 6 and a half hour of continuous 3G tether for my iPad.

Nice.. although there is no need for task killer on N1.. or any Android phone.
eneisch said:
I would stay away from the Nexus One at this point. Gizmodo reported that the phone has 3G coverage issues and that Google has recently announced that there will be no further engineering improvements made to this model. See link below.

Nexus One = FAIL. Google stopped supporting the phone less than six months after they started selling it!

That's crap! I've had the nexus one since launch, and I had issues at 1st, but the update that was released after launch fixed my 3G issues.

And yes, add me to the list of iPad-tetherers-via-nexus-one-root club! I love my nexus one. :D
Interesting about tethering with the Nexus One. Definitely provides a nice option for iPad WiFi users.

Curious. Has anybody tried Verizon's MiFi and how does it compare to the Nexus One tethering in real world use? Of hand, it looks like usability (battery life) is longer with the Nexus One.
Article from Gizmodo:


Nexus One 3G Bugs No Longer Of Interest To Google

Start pricing up HTC's Desire or Incredible, Nexus One owners, as Google has put down its hammer and announced "we are no longer investigating further engineering improvements." You're stuck with those bugs for good.

Oh sure, they issued a patch, which didn't really do much, but Google feels enough is enough and is cutting the air supply off—according to Ry Guy, a Google employee who posted on their support forums. The full message, below:

"Hey guys,

I've seen some recent speculation on this thread about an OTA to improve 3G connectivity and I want to give you an update on the situation.

While we are continuing to monitor user feedback regarding the 3G performance on the Nexus One, we are no longer investigating further engineering improvements at this time.

If you are still experiencing 3G issues, we recommend that you try changing your location or even the orientation of your phone, as this may help in areas with weaker coverage.

-Ry Guy"

Anyone had any luck with changing the orientation of your phone? Oh, you aren't reading this because you don't have 3G reception? Whoops.


Doesn't look too good to me. I would probably pick a different phone if I was buying an android phone at this time. Sorry.
iPad + Motorola Droid here.
Tethering works very well. Speed is acceptable. Drains the phone's battery about 15% per hour of use.
I've been keeping a spare charged Droid battery in my iPad bag just in case.
When i had my nexus one I could not get it to work (wifi tether). I ended selling it and got me a 3gs with 3.1.3 software but i put my hacking skills to work and i managed to downgrade it to 3.1.2 and now using mywi and I absolutely love it.

Congrats enjoy your ipad **** is marvelous :)
Article from Gizmodo:


Nexus One 3G Bugs No Longer Of Interest To Google

Start pricing up HTC's Desire or Incredible, Nexus One owners, as Google has put down its hammer and announced "we are no longer investigating further engineering improvements." You're stuck with those bugs for good.

Oh sure, they issued a patch, which didn't really do much, but Google feels enough is enough and is cutting the air supply off—according to Ry Guy, a Google employee who posted on their support forums. The full message, below:

"Hey guys,

I've seen some recent speculation on this thread about an OTA to improve 3G connectivity and I want to give you an update on the situation.

While we are continuing to monitor user feedback regarding the 3G performance on the Nexus One, we are no longer investigating further engineering improvements at this time.

If you are still experiencing 3G issues, we recommend that you try changing your location or even the orientation of your phone, as this may help in areas with weaker coverage.

-Ry Guy"

Anyone had any luck with changing the orientation of your phone? Oh, you aren't reading this because you don't have 3G reception? Whoops.


Doesn't look too good to me. I would probably pick a different phone if I was buying an android phone at this time. Sorry.

Looks like it's more because T-Mobile has ****** coverage in some areas (not mine!). My Nexus One has been working fine with T-Mobile with 4-5 bars of 3G signal. Coincidentally, I have yet to have problem with AT&T 3G coverage either when I used my iPhone.... I am rather spoiled if you compare me to those people who constantly have various problems with AT&T and T-Mobile.

Then again in order to get perfectly good coverage across this country you have to resort to one of the two carriers which chose to defy the world and use CDMA as well as not utilizing SIM card technology. If you travel to EU or Asia it will be pretty crappy to not be able to use your normal phone with local prepaid SIM....
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