In my evolving opinion of the AVP, ar/vr for real work is surely a step backwards. The ergonomics alone will be causing health issues for those that use it long term. Nevermind the fatigue/wear of constantly moving your arms/shoulders while having bad posture. IMO, This should have been launched as a wearable akin to an Apple Watch rather than going all in as a productivity device as well. Perhaps two stripped down versions would have been best. 1. A wearable, with similar function as an apple watch, with the form factor of normal sunglasses. And 2. a videophile-centric 5k display that acts as a display or apple tv device (wired or airplay), also stripped down to core display/atv hardware which would surely reduce the current footprint in half. Then add built in productivity grade computing over time if the market demands it and if hardware in micro form factor, is invented. Both would have been cheaper, opening up a larger user base.