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I was at the police station about to file a report, when I got a call from the baggage claim counter in Seattle telling me they had the iPad! They said the person who was there last night had not communicated with the people at the gate. Anyway, I was just glad I got it back, so didn't ask her for more details.

AWESOME!! Congratulations!!! :D
it's so awesome you're getting it back!! that's fantastic news!
go download Osmosis HD it's amazing:D i've been playing it all day!
glad you're back in the ipad club:]
I was at the police station about to file a report, when I got a call from the baggage claim counter in Seattle telling me they had the iPad! They said the person who was there last night had not communicated with the people at the gate. Anyway, I was just glad I got it back, so didn't ask her for more details.

That person should get a small reward don't ya think?--)));)
Maybe you should create a Left iPad on Plane 2 Thread?

No way. He gets +1 Internets for resurrecting an old thread. Perhaps that was all the karma he needed for his iPad to find it's way back home.
It's easy to do in the chaos of flying. I left a laptop on a plane once - it was my first laptop and the first time I traveled with it. I was lucky enough to get it back since I realized it just after I left the gate. I know a guy that left his laptop at security not too long ago. People forget a lot of things when traveling - lots of distractions and things to remember. Good luck!

I just flew from LA and a traveler left his bag - not his carry-on, but his wheelie bag full of his/her clothes - on the conveyor belt after it went through the x-ray machine. They must have just put their shoes back on and kept on truckin'. How do you forget your bag? I mean, you just put it on the conveyor belt a few seconds earlier.

To the OP: man, that was lucky! I'm glad you got it back.
I am a very frequent traveller and i don't really loose stuff anymore, I've lost over 10 phones in this decade and It's been a bit different with the iPhone for some odd reason, however i usually check very frequently if i have my stuff since I'm very clumsy, I really hope you have some luck and find it
I dream of getting an iPad and my worst nightmare would be to loose it

Exactly, the airline is not responsible for the loss of your personal items due to your own carelessness, nor is your insurance company
I think that you are contradicting yourself there

:( Hope ya get your iPad back. For years now, I've travelled almost full-time and have left my fair share of goodies here and there. Chargers in hotel room outlets, clothes in hotel room closets, etc, etc. Even some valuables in a hotel room safe! Most have been returned some sort of way, but a really painful one was a brand new 80 gig iPod Classic a couple years back. I'd landed in Vancouver and had just exited the gate when I remembered the Classic in the seatback. :eek:
That's just pure Karma right there!!

EDIT: Great!!! That's really awesome that you could get it back :)
Ok, I have an update, the insurance company and police sided with me on the iPad being stolen because I made many efforts such as calling the baggage resolution line religiously and sending many emails to the device, the insurance company cut me a check and I now have a new iPad.

Fantastic!!! I am so happy for you! I need to get my MobileMe setup asap~
I'm paranoid about leaving mine behind. Mine's in the Apple case, so I tucked a business card in back behind it just in case someday I leave it somewhere and some honest person happens to find it. I figure they would eventually pull it out of the case to look it over. I suppose it would be a major disappointment to the finder to think they had just been so lucky to find an iPad and then out falls my contact info, but I know that if I was the finder, that would guilt me into calling the owner. Also if I do put it temporarily in the seat back, I make sure to leave the headphone cord dangling out to catch my attention. Not foolproof, but hopefully enough to prevent the inevitable brain-f@rt from time to time.
Why does everyone think that someone else should pay for their own carelessness.

Because they have insurance, thats what insurance is for, otherwise there would be no need for insurance, lost, theft and damage is from carelessness, damn trolls
Did you hug your iPad when you got it back and whispered sweet nothings to it?

:) glad you got it back bro.
Lost mine too

Found this thread and just wanted to post that I left my iPad on a plane on July 27th in Little Rock, AR. It's a 3g 32gb, sn: GB0172ZXETU. It's password protected and in airplane mode. I have mobile me but at this point it doesn't look like anyone has turned it on - and even if they did, without the password, they won't be able to get into settings and take it out of airplane mode so wireless or 3g will be on.

Good for you Vinnie. Glad it all worked out. Hope whoever took your iPad from the plane tries to bring it into an Apple store, where they will be caught. I saw a guy with a stolen iPhone try to get it fixed at the genius bar and they took him away. Cheers.
My last trip to Miami I almost forgot a MacBook Pro at the security gates. Friggin grey laptop in a grey plastic box in between 4-5 other plastic boxes where I scattered my shoes, belt, wallet, etc combined with two crying children = almost an epic fail ;)
Sure, I made mistakes, but I won't blame a company for it.

Agree. It's all about something this generation specializes in. Not taking responsibility for ones own actions...but looking to shift blame.

And to the OP. Phew ....congrats. Lucky.....
What a sad 7 pages I just read through.
Well....if any of you leave your iPads behind and I find it, I'm one of those people that couldn't sleep until I'd returned it. I saved up money for 10 solid wks squirreling away every dollar to get mine. Not a chance on God's green earth I'd leave it lay somewhere.
Oh....and Parvo is 100% preventable. Vaccines every 3 wks until the age of 18-20 wks and don't allow your dog out of his fence OR near another dog until vaccs are done.
Just saying...
Hope grandma's alright.
Since I consider my iPad to be an extension of my arm, I don't think I'll be forgetting it anywhere soon.

Same. The iPad is in my hands and nowhere else when I'm out and about. And to the OP, sorry about your loss buddy, I'm sure something good will come to you soon.

edit: I just read the whole thread, and congrats to you even though this is 2 months old! Just know that the thief has a load of bad karma on his hands, and risks his house being burned down or something as punishment.
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