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macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
Didn't realize all of Aubrey Plaza's dialog in the series was written for a male character. Although it makes sense.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 18, 2008
Sometimes you watch a character where the actor is so confident and talents are so attuned to their role that their performance becomes larger than life, they light up the screen with their presence and attain star quality. I also observed this with Natalie Portman's performance in Thor.

As far as your friend, I admit that I had an expectations problem about what this season was about, which I initially thought was fighting Division 3, the typical human vs mutant conflict, and even complained about the continued focus on David's demons (which turned out to be just one demon). However once I got with the program, (the demon is the story), I was good.

You simply don't see this kind of direction, talented editing, and cinematography in average TV. If you enjoy the subject matter, it's a visually fantastic treat to watch this.

I am dissapointed that the entire season is not available on demand through my cable company (Suddenlink), however it appears to be on the FX Now app.

I honestly don't know how this hasn't had more exposure. I was really starting to get comic TV/Film franchise fatigue with all the "oh no, the world is in danger, let's blow everything up". Everything from The Avengers to Daredevil was the same formulaic stuff repeated over and over. I guess that's why I liked Sense8 too - less emphasis on blowing s*** up and more on the human element as well as the cinematography.

And hell yeah the cinematography. Seriously, Legion is like a Tom Ford movie it's so damn cool.

However, I know this might not quite be everyone's cup of tea and some folk prefer explosions.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I honestly don't know how this hasn't had more exposure. I was really starting to get comic TV/Film franchise fatigue with all the "oh no, the world is in danger, let's blow everything up". Everything from The Avengers to Daredevil was the same formulaic stuff repeated over and over. I guess that's why I liked Sense8 too - less emphasis on blowing s*** up and more on the human element as well as the cinematography.

And hell yeah the cinematography. Seriously, Legion is like a Tom Ford movie it's so damn cool.

However, I know this might not quite be everyone's cup of tea and some folk prefer explosions.

Agreed! This and Sense 8 are stellar experiences, sitting at the top of the heap of mutants vs the world stories. :D


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
It's so incredibly good, S2E1 amps it up, didn't know where it would/could go, it's even _better_.

I think the two shows not on enough people's radar right now are this (Legion) and The Terror.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
It's so incredibly good, S2E1 amps it up, didn't know where it would/could go, it's even _better_.

I think the two shows not on enough people's radar right now are this (Legion) and The Terror.
I decided to rewatch Legion S1:Ep1 as a refresher, one of the finest TV episodes I’ve enjoyed watching. It’s definitely top notch. I’ve also got S1:Ep8 to watch before I jump to Season 2. I’ve also have The Terror recording and will start it soon.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Now I’ve decided to watch all of Season 1 before starting Season 2. On S1:E3, fantastic! :D
@yaxomoxay you might want to take a chance on this. Seasons 1 is available on Amazon for $10. Season 2 has just started, but you gotta watch 1 first. :D
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Didn't realize all of Aubrey Plaza's dialog in the series was written for a male character. Although it makes sense.
Late reply as I rewatch season one- Lenny vs Benny, specifically mentioned and portrayed. I did not read the comic, so possibly this was an accommodation for Lenny (Aubrey Plaza).


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2007
Season 2 has been good so far but it seems, if you can believe it, even weirder than Season 1. There are so many things that leave me thinking "What?". The sets are beautiful as well as the cinematography and Audrey Plaza is as good as she was in Season 1. I want to know more about some of the side characters (Sid, Cary and Kerry in particular). Overall a very interesting show.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Season 2 has been good so far but it seems, if you can believe it, even weirder than Season 1. There are so many things that leave me thinking "What?". The sets are beautiful as well as the cinematography and Audrey Plaza is as good as she was in Season 1. I want to know more about some of the side characters (Sid, Cary and Kerry in particular). Overall a very interesting show.
I just watched Season2:Ep1. My how things have changed in a year.

In last season’s final, I really dug how real time was stopped or slowed to a crawl, while the characters make a concerted effort the Astra Plain to save David and Syd.

This Season dynamics have changed, and I sincerely hope not all episodes rely as heavily on psychedelic story telling as this one did to push the story forward. As the viewer, we have to digest the imagery as something that happened or is happening in a real place, or are we in the astral plain arena? The nightclub scene for example. I assume this is a real place, that Oliver, now possessed by The Shadow King, sees David there, who has traveled there or is mentally projected there, or does it matter?

After Season 1 my love for this show is undiminished, but I hope I don’t end up relying on a wiki article to understand what I just watched. ;)

Haller gives his girlfriend Syd Barrett a compass that will always lead her to him, and promises not to keep secrets from her, but does not tell her of the future version of her that sent the orb, and told him to help Farouk find his body. That night, Haller's mind meets with Bird and Busker in the "nightclub".

Such as, how do we know the future Syd is represented by David’s silent communication, seeing light images drawn by Syd as seeing messages from (future) her? Maybe the show has been inspired by Twin Peaks! A comment for @yaxomoxay. ;)


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
I just watched Season2:Ep1. My how things have changed in a year.

In last season’s final, I really dug how real time was stopped or slowed to a crawl, while the characters make a concerted effort the Astra Plain to save David and Syd.

This Season dynamics have changed, and I sincerely hope not all episodes rely as heavily on psychedelic story telling as this one did to push the story forward. As the viewer, we have to digest the imagery as something that happened or is happening in a real place, or are we in the astral plain arena? The nightclub scene for example. I assume this is a real place, that Oliver, now possessed by The Shadow King, sees David there, who has traveled there or is mentally projected there, or does it matter?

After Season 1 my love for this show is undiminished, but I hope I don’t end up relying on a wiki article to understand what I just watched. ;)

Haller gives his girlfriend Syd Barrett a compass that will always lead her to him, and promises not to keep secrets from her, but does not tell her of the future version of her that sent the orb, and told him to help Farouk find his body. That night, Haller's mind meets with Bird and Busker in the "nightclub".

Such as, how do we know the future Syd is represented by David’s silent communication, seeing light images drawn by Syd as seeing messages from (future) her? Maybe the show has been inspired by Twin Peaks! A comment for @yaxomoxay. ;)

Ah I see that I have been summoned!
I guess I have to watch this show!
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I will let you know what I think of it! I have been looking for a series to hook me up since the TP finale and so far I couldn’t find anything worth of note. Let’s see :)
You should be recording the current season 2 on FX Network, just in case you like it. They are 3 episodes in.


macrumors G5
Oct 20, 2011
Austin, TX
How does Dan Stevens’ American accent sound, to American ears?
He's pretty good at it.

Here's the thing, though; American accents are so varied that we aren't great judges of our own accents either. Unless the accent sounds unmistakably British or Australian (or sometimes Canadian depending on the verbiage), most Americans find most American accents passable.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
How does Dan Stevens’ American accent sound, to American ears?

He's pretty good at it.

Here's the thing, though; American accents are so varied that we aren't great judges of our own accents either. Unless the accent sounds unmistakably British or Australian (or sometimes Canadian depending on the verbiage), most Americans find most American accents passable.

Dan Stevens has a good US accent.
The worst American accent is Christian Bale who talks in a low pitched gravelly muddled voice like he is talking under his breath. Think Batman. :)

As far as Season 2, 3 episodes in and I’m dissapointed. This is way too trippy for my tastes. Last season was grounded in some level of reality, although there were visions, occasionally we’d snap back to reality, even spend most of an episode grounded where you knew what was real vs a vision. There also was a well defined conflict. This season is like a never ending psychotic dream. For DAVID, in some ways this is worse than being locked up in a mental hospital. What’s real?

I also don’t like that they gave The Shadow King a charismatic personality and face. He was scarier before. So far it’s a jumble of images, and while there is a story line, it’s all buried in psychedelic imagery.


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2007
Season 2: Episode 2 & 3 were okay but a little too weird and not the same level of the previous season. Starting with episode 4 though, things improved. I thought it was really good as it gives us a lot closer look into Syd's backstory. Episode 5 was really good too but very dark and setting the stage for things to come. I'm guessing that all the weirdness of the previous episodes will make more sense latter on (at least that is what I'm hoping). At least with episode 5 the weirdness is explained at the end of the episode.
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