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I'm finding myself hiding the bookmarks bar and adding Mail and Downloads icons to make the UI more akin to recent versions of Safari.

Frees up slightly more screen space as well.

The first thing I do with any browser on any platform is to hide all the toolbars, including 'favourites'. It is just so much unneeded clutter.
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I'm really annoyed that my installations aren't as successful - I suspect it's something to do with a regional variation how content is delivered from my ISP :/

EDIT: However, Roccat 8.1 linked to LWK works fine on the Powerbook - not so much the MDD
It's still ages from fast, but at least I see the controls when I move the cursor, can click everything and it reacts and I can watch 360p without a stutter
Oh, huuh, whow, great! Just downloaded the latest WebKit4Leopard. Feels like reborn!
YouTube-Video rocks.
If that f**g ad-trash would stay away from browsing everything else would also run seamless ...
I've just installed Leopard on my 1.33Ghz iBook to try it out (thinking the frequency scaling might've been hampering performance in the DLSD and MDD)..but no, it's even worse on the iBook - 3FPS!!

How incredible that you're all getting great results and I'm not across 3 machines?
@Dronecatcher make sure you have quicktime 7.7 installed, otherwise performance will suffer. On my 1.42ghz ibook i also get seemless youtube playback, but i have with the last few LWK releases also, not just the new update. I also use a hosts file to block ads, and i slimmed all programs of every arch except for G4 code. Not that either should have any impact on playback, just thought i'd share my setup in case it might help.

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@wicknix Wow! That's it - already had custom hosts file but the switch to Quicktime 7.7 fixed everything! This is an incredible improvement - I'm getting fluid playback on my 1.33Ghz iBook at less than 70% CPU - only a few percent more than using NinjaKit plugin. Amazing :)

This kind of info should really go into an "Optimizing your PowerPC Mac" sticky thread or something. Along with a download link for QT 7.7 because it looks like Apple pulled the plug on it and are now calling QuickTime 7.6.4 the last official Leopard (and Tiger) update.
If someone knows how to edit cookies in Safari like you can in Firefox and Chrome, it's possible we could get the old YouTube layout back with this. It could free up some resources to smooth out playback more.
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If someone knows how to edit cookies in Safari like you can in Firefox and Chrome, it's possible we could get the old YouTube layout back with this. It could free up some resources to smooth out playback more.

My solution is to just stop watching YouTube altogether.

They keep upping their system requirements, and the website is evil anyway. It needs to die so we can get somebody else's with better values.

...Maybe one that celebrates Father's Day instead of pride month...
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My solution is to just stop watching YouTube altogether.

They keep upping their system requirements, and the website is evil anyway. It needs to die so we can get somebody else's with better values.

...Maybe one that celebrates Father's Day instead of pride month...

If YouTube is evil, you can start calling me Beelzebub or Lucifer.......
Seriously though, living in a country where tv programes, films in cinemas etc are not in English, YTube has over the years become a saviour of sorts. Just doing a search for 'Best British Sitcoms of All Time', the results can keep me interested (and in stitches) for hours. I praise the day I found the Fawlty Towers series on YTube! :)
Also during some spare moments, I do a search for 'BBC Documentary', the results of which are fascinating, and richly rewarding.
Even now on my PPC's with leopard installed and using the excellent player which Dronecatcher linked to HERE, I have no problem in watching retro classic films or whatever else may pique my interest.
Of course, I'm not admitting to be flawless in this prospect. I was supposed to leave in April, but I can't find myself ever breaking away from that stupid website! It's bad for old computers, and it's bad for human minds!

Damn it all how it's cemented itself as a crucial component for life in 2018!!

My solution is to just stop watching YouTube altogether.

They keep upping their system requirements, and the website is evil anyway. It needs to die so we can get somebody else's with better values.

I took this approach with FaceBook a few years back and I don't feel like I am missing out. Power to you brother!

Keep in mind that YouTube would be nothing without the user's content. So it wouldn't take much for someone else to start up a simpler video sharing website with less bloat that people could flock to. There are plenty of similar sites, but something about YouTube has held the popularity of the masses.

We've got to remember that even YouTube started out as a profitless venture. Before Google bought it, there was no massive push for advertising and there was no monetizing of content for the people uploading their work. It was designed to simply share sub-10min videos, not as an income stream for the budding video-entrepreneur (or Don't-forget-to-hit-subscribe cretin).

In 2006, I made a massive personal effort in launching my own video sharing website. This was (just) before YouTube was bought by Google and before YouTube truly took off. At the time, it was looking like Vimeo would (might?) reign supreme. On my site we were offering hundreds of non-commercial, community / Public-access TV producers a free platform to share their shows as well as a platform to sell individual episodes for a dollar or so each if they wanted to. We also encoded a huge amount of older British and American TV shows which we legally provided for free due to them being Public Domain (past-copyright, 50 years+).

The website become relatively popular in it's own right and we had a lot of local support, online buzz and word of mouth in free TV, radio and press. At one stage we were dealing with CNET (,, etc) who were pushing to get our platform onto the next generation of AppleTV alongside their own content. Apple Australia were quite supportive of our efforts, but ultimately locked the AppleTV down to iTunes-only content and dismissed any third-party networks. When this fell through my business partner left for the UK and all the wind left the sails so to speak. We kept the site running at a minimum for a few years (at a loss). Dedicated bandwidth costs were really high at the time and we only had minimal banner advertising supporting this. In the end it was a huge lesson in discerning between honesty and cretinous motivations :)

The point of my story is that given the right timing, conditions, etc it is truly possible for anyone to overthrow a giant like YouTube/Google for something new and upcoming without pushing to monetize the crap out of it.

So, who's going to step up?
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Taking up two comments from the above post #67.
i) I too used Facebook for a few months, then quickly realised is wasn't for me and permanenrtly deleted the account.

ii) I believe too that (like David who defeated the Philistine warrior) it's not only possible to overthrow a giant but is often necessary. In the following example, Google = the warrior......;)
Some nine months ago I purchased (yet another) PPC, a 12" G4 1.5GHz (A1104). During tests with the seller, I noticed he was using a web browser I was unfamiliar with - Qwant. He explained he was a teacher in a junior school, that they had a policy where the internet was considered a most useful education tool. From the outset the school had looked - and found a search engine that was not only easy to use but above all was completely safe, AND respected the privacy of the young users. Namely Qwant Junior. Apparently many other schools here have adopted the same 'light' junior version.
Since then I've been using the full version of QWANT and nothing else. In fact all my laptops and desktops now use the same. It's a European search engine whose keywords are privacy & neutrality, with a claimed goal to protect the freedom of users and ensure that the digital ecosystem remains healthy. Isn't that exactly what our PPC's and indeed the internet in general needs?
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After reading about y'all's results, I was rather disappointed with the end results of my updating Safari to this latest LWK update. I found that, while YouTube could be fluid, it took way too much careful pausing and restarting to reach that point on my DLSD PB.
Then, I decided to give Roccat 8.1 a shot. Downloaded it, linked against this latest LWK, and WOW! I'm using YouTube like normal! Literally, the only caveat for me is to pause the video for a second after the ad, as I find it gets "behind" a bit trying to start the video before the ad loads a bit. I've never been dissatisfied with PPCMediaCenter but it is quite a pleasant to just be able to use my Powerbook more like a "modern" PC in one more way. :apple:
100% behind you on that - there's so much there that you can't get elsewhere...and if it's low resolution and digitized from wobbly VHS tapes...then it's exactly how I remembered it :D

I wholeheartedly agree with the quality aspect of nostalgic media; video games included. Grainy video and pixelated graphics in video games are how I remember them, and I wouldn't want it any other way. When I see posts from people on video game forums about how they'd like to take an old game like Space Invaders (for example) and update the graphics, I just snicker. The poor souls didn't get the opportunity to live the experience of seeing and playing these games when they first came out, and there was nothing like that experience. It proves to me that people play games and hear with their eyes these days.
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