Sure... but TouchID is still good enough to keep out 99.99999% of thieves
The CCC made a big splash 4 years ago when they "hacked" TouchID. But the thing to remember is they did it in a controlled environment.
They purposely left a nice clean fingerprint on a bottle so they could get a good image of it. And they had no time-limits either.
To "hack" TouchID in the real world... it's much more difficult to achieve.
First you have to get the phone from the owner... AND you have to find a good fingerprint.
And even if you get the phone and a good fingerprint... all of this must be completed before the iPhone asks for the passcode (or before the owner realizes their phone is missing and disables it remotely)
There's a difference between something that is possible... and the chance that it will actually happen.
So yes... someone might be able to "hack" Apple's FaceID.
But the chances of someone stealing my phone AND getting a 3D scan of my face... well... that's highly unlikely.