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macrumors Penryn
Original poster
Aug 31, 2011
But, that is his choice.

And nowhere do I see evidence of him using you, or doing things for "his benefit"; rather, I see someone who had once enjoyed spending time doing these activities who no longer derives similar enjoyment from them, and is not now prepared sacrifice the time on either the shared interest or the shared friendship. Basically, he has arrived at a stage in his life, where this no longer engages him - and indeed, wrote possibly bores him - and there is nothing wrong with that.
It was his choice.

As to other issues that I imply about him there are things I have not mentioned here that go back 20 years. I am only referring to this one incident.

You also seem to be saying that he has grown out of me.

I assure you that isn't the case. Or rather, his other interests have not evolved beyond the same area you place me with RPGs.

He's still doing the same things he did in high school with a friend of his that was involved in the same thing. Only his highschool drama teacher owns a theater business now and that's where he spends his time, has spent his time for the last 29 years since he graduated.

That's where he met his wife. And that is where he goes to the exclusion of everything else.

In any case, you are speculating on one incident that occured. I do appreciate your insights but this is not the totality of over 20 years, which again I do not care to indulge here.

I'm not upset at him, at least now since you brought up priorities. I wish him well. Nor am I thinking he rejected me or my values (although that may be the case), nor do I care.

He was just handy to represent the line I've heard is all.

You keep saying this, but you clearly have quite a lot to say about this former friend. In spite of your protestations, you do mention this person (and go into some detail) quite a lot.
I do have a lot to say. But you will notice it's specific to this ONE instance.

Everything else, over the course of 20+ years I do not care to indulge.

Thank you all for your insights, I do appreciate it. But I don't feel I need to spend any more time on the example which was not the reason for this thread.
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