I'm not gonna sell you a Mac. I've always been OS-ambidextrous, but my personal computer had been Windows from Win 3.1 thru Win7. Win8 finally sent me over the edge, and I went out and got a MacBook. And have never really considered going back.
There is, admittedly, a learning curve to MacOS (and noting your interest, not really a lot of support - from Apple or developers - for gaming. Up until M2 and the newest OS), and that can be daunting at first. Especially as a long-term user of any other OS. And the OS doesn't really give the average user a lot of access to under-the-hood tinkering, if that's your thing. And then there is the initial outlay of software to replace what you've accumulated on Windows.
But recent experimentation with Win11 has shown to me that it's really lost its way on many fronts - it seemingly leaning into gaming, streaming, audio and video (often several apps doing pretty much the same thing) - while as a home or work business device, its just...meh. And aside from OS peculiarities, the software exists on that front regardless of OS.
There is also the consideration of whether you have have other Apple products (or are interested in them), as the connectivity between them and the OS can be attractive. Example: Calendar event on your computer shows up on your phone, etc.
But it has to be a personal choice. You have to be comfortable with the leap. The comment that you're having second thoughts - even after trying the OS and hardware for a few weeks - has to be addressed. And only you can do that.