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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 10, 2013
A little more info for you re excel as there are more important speed and programing differences than just some pivot table actions and C&P between office applications than suggested above:


"Entirely unscientifically, we benchmarked Excel 2011 and Excel 2016 using the older ExcelTrader benchmark from 2011 (the newer version failed to work in either version). This tests rapid graphical updating using stockmarket data. Excel 2011 completed the test in 14 seconds, while Excel 2016 took 1 minute 35 seconds, although it reported the document contained unsupported content.

Our testbed was the fastest MacBook Pro you can get but, whatever the case, this doesn't actually make much difference because Excel 2016 is also single threaded, meaning it can't fully exploit the extensive CPU power of modern Macs. To make things worse, all the main Office 2016 for Mac apps are 32-bit, rather than 64-bit, which fundamentally limits Excel's number-crunching performance. (Windows users get to choose between 32- and 64-bit versions of the Office suite.)

Macros are a fact of life for many Excel users, especially in the corporate environment, where Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is used. The VBA editor in Excel 2016 for Mac has been rebuilt from scratch and lost nearly everything in the process, reduced to little more than a bare editing window.

Microsoft refers to this as "simplified" and cheekily advises interested parties to create VBA macros and add-ins using the Windows version of Excel, before testing them in the Mac version. Obviously, if the Mac is your primary platform then this is unacceptable. The good news in that Microsoft has begun work to port the old editor from Office 2011. The bad news is that there's currently no ETA. "

As I noted before Bootcamp or Win10 laptop IMO

thanks for yet another great reply
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