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That looks neat snickelfritz but you're sending mixed messages now. I thought I should work on a 5x5 logo before making a banner?
Also I'm not quite sure the coloring on your banner would fit my site, as my site is greys for the most part.

(ignore the apple pictures, I know I need to take them down I'll do that today.)
I think I've missed something here; why do you need to work on a "5x5 logo"?
(not sure what "5x5" is referring to; certainly not pixels)
I agree that the logo needs to be a separate design issue.
Since this is essentially the main logo application AFAIK, the banner might as well be a part of the basic logo design process.

The background of the site banner could be any interesting grayscale image that contrasts with the white logo. (I would recommend that you at least consider this approach for a grayscale site, as apposed to the large white area and dark colored logo)
IMO, your existing site banner and logo are far too large for what is technically blank (wasted) vertical space.
80-120 pixels is more than adequate for a logo and banner.

BTW, judicious use of color is an excellent technique for attaching significance to certain objects in a grayscale environment!
Experiment with color! People like color.
inlikealion~"I'd design it to roughly fill a 5x5" document. That doesn't mean the logo needs to be square, but that is the print size you should work from. From there, blow it up to see if it still works on a poster, and shrink it down to see if the details still hold together the size it would be on a business card. Or better yet, the small size you see those "awards" icons on designer sites - about 20x20 pixels or less."

For the banner when I get there I will incorporate color and put the text on the right side. For the logo I will have the text underneath and it will be B&W.
Ideally, Photoshop logos should be created as smart objects or custom shapes.
This allows the logo to be scaled without interpolation for various applications.
(regardless of how large you author a Photoshop logo, if it is purely pixel-based, it will not scale well)

The real upside of Photoshop custom shapes is that your scalable logo is always available in the custom shapes tool!
ie: select the custom shape tool; choose the logo from the list of shapes; click-shift-drag to quickly create a high quality logo of any size.:)
Edit: attached is the es symbol as a photoshop shape.
To use it, simply unzip it to the desktop and load it using the shapes palette menu.
(creating shapes is easy if you have Illustrator; simply copy the object in AI, then paste it in Photoshop, choosing "shape" as the option in the resulting paste dialog.)


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Ideally, Photoshop logos should be created as smart objects or custom shapes.
This allows the logo to be scaled without interpolation for various applications.
(regardless of how large you author a Photoshop logo, if it is purely pixel-based, it will not scale well)

My 5x5" recommendation wasn't meant to be a raster size for the logo (notice I never mentioned dpi), rather a good size to work at, both generally on screen (don't work too tiny, or too zoomed in the whole time) and for printing proofs to see how it works on paper. I whole-heartedly agree that it should be done as a vector shape instead of pixel-based.
Depending on how much you want to get into this...

I would say ignore the current website. Do an exercise in branding your company, then style and design everything in line with the brand you have created.

Figure out your unique selling point, target audience, background, aim, ethos & ethics, tone of voice etc... Then apply them to the creative process to produce a logo that conveys these values.

Then, move on to re-design your website (including banner) in line with the same brand values. Then everything should (if done correctly/well) seem like a coherent entity - instead of a website, a banner inserted to the top section, some unconnected software products, with a logo floating around.

Hope that makes sense.

-EDIT- You may want to read this - I liked it :)
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