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20rogersc said:
Cleanup, I love the Rokema site, very nice. As for your mac lessons logos, I really like them, and my personal preference is the filled Apple, but sure sure about the colours.

I can easily try it in orange, is there a mac background which is orange, because I really want to try and keep it to the Mac Desktop theme. I've actually got a couple of other ideas floating around in my head, might try these this afternoon as well . . .



About the orange... just adjust its hue/saturation levels until you have an orange you want... you don't need to find an orange version of the wallpaper.
cleanup said:
About the orange... just adjust its hue/saturation levels until you have an orange you want... you don't need to find an orange version of the wallpaper.
Won't that change the colours in the apple, and the finder box orange as well though :confused:

20rogersc said:
Won't that change the colours in the apple, and the finder box orange as well though :confused:


Yes... just remake the screenshot. Find the wallpaper either in your ~/Library or on the internet, change its colours, put it as your background and place a window over it. Then edit out the window's contents, etc. and paste your logo in the window as you had it before. OR just select the window using a lasso tool, Select Inverse, and then adjust the levels.
Thanks Cleanup, I understand. I think I might adjust the wallpaper, and then do a screenshot of what I did before. I have got some other ideas for this 'theme', but I'll post them later with the latest adjustments.

Just as a note, I believe the Aqua interface is an Apple trademark, so I'm not sure if you could use it in a business/commercial manner.
cleanup said:
Any thoughts on my design, evoluzione?

was getting to that :) wanted to take a look at the rokema site first, which i really like btw.

the logos, eh, similar to what's been done before in this thread (by Cleopatra), just more evolved...i do like the designs, just not really what i'm after, thanks very much though.

oh, as for the website design etc, i can manage that, and need to do it myself to show my skills as it were, my current site is only temporary.

back to the rokema site though, i really like it, very clean, slick, easy, nothing there that doesn't need to be there etc :)
Wow! I didn't even look at page 2. I personally like Cleopatra's better than mine. It's remarkably similar, but it's cleaner.
cleanup said:
Just as a note, I believe the Aqua interface is an Apple trademark, so I'm not sure if you could use it in a business/commercial manner.
Ok, I'll bear that in mind. Probably just make a simple background with a bit of variation. I'll see what my artistic talents lead me to ;)

Here you go:


It's a lot yellowy than it looked on my iBook, sorry if it's the wrong colour, but hopefully this will help you with your decision in what to do. I was thinking that you could create your website to look more like a desktop, but I'm not sure on the copy right laws. Maybe create your own 'dock' with created icons for buttons??

Still Going?

Hi there, i was just wondering if you had decided on a final logo design yet for your Mac Lessons? I've read through the feeds and i'm guessing it's still going on so i'll create some designs and get back to you...
Mac Lessons Logo Design

Okay, here are some designs for your logo, tell me what you think...


  • mac lessons logo.jpg
    mac lessons logo.jpg
    49.3 KB · Views: 104
  • mac lessons 2 logo.jpg
    mac lessons 2 logo.jpg
    41.7 KB · Views: 109
Where is he/she now? Inquiring minds want to know!
Orange and black infringe on Geek Squad. Copyright infringement. 5 years.
Mac used as a separate term (note that everything Mac; Macworld, Macrumors and so on is a single word including "Mac"). Copyright infringement. 5 years.
Using the Apple logo for monetary gain. You know the rest...5 years.

And damnation to PC hell.

maybe someone here can help me out...i'm thinking i need a logo for my new business.

i don't have much money but i'm willing to pay a few bucks if i get results...or, maybe put a link to your site on mine or something. anyway, i've registered thee domain MacLessons and have done a quick three page site which will suffice for now. i would love to get a quality logo to design a site around, and to print on business cards, and mousepads for clients etc.

anyone have any ideas? willing to help me out (in return for something) ?

thanks very much!

As a professional graphic designer, it always 'kills me', that people want a logo design, but are only willing to 'pay a few bucks', or go to a website and chose one of the most important things for their company...a logo design!
In the end, you get what you pay for!
Where is he/she now? Inquiring minds want to know!
Orange and black infringe on Geek Squad. Copyright infringement. 5 years.
Mac used as a separate term (note that everything Mac; Macworld, Macrumors and so on is a single word including "Mac"). Copyright infringement. 5 years.
Using the Apple logo for monetary gain. You know the rest...5 years.

And damnation to PC hell.


Well, even though it's out of date we've still nevertheless been exposed to a universal visual language system using icons and such like the Apple logo and it is as much ours to use for buying into it least of all to display it's like for like contextual purpose. You can't symbolise Mac instantly any other way.

Anyway, the logo is modified meaning the constraints of copyright are non existent. I didn't hear about any lawsuits posed against movie spoofs like Epic Movie and similar trite - this is exactly the same.

As far as monetary gain is concerned, gimme a break - that's what it's all about!
I agree with DesignerOnMac, what makes anyone think it is appropriate to ask for design work for nothing, or for the empty promise of nothing? I would be curious to see what ever became of that project, it looks like the OP dropped out of site with not even a thank you for all the free brainstorming. The trade loves to dismiss illustrators, go figure. If I had a nickel for every cretin who took a swipe at one of my drawings ...
I agree with DesignerOnMac, what makes anyone think it is appropriate to ask for design work for nothing, or for the empty promise of nothing? I would be curious to see what ever became of that project, it looks like the OP dropped out of site with not even a thank you for all the free brainstorming. The trade loves to dismiss illustrators, go figure. If I had a nickel for every cretin who took a swipe at one of my drawings ...

You're absolutely right- at the end of the day it's a job and with whatever you bring yourself to sell, even if it's quirkyfying symbolic visuals to make someone look better, customers need to take into account that designers operate by understanding and reforming malleable reinforced concepts which is not something you can learn overnight. Although practice makes things easier for a designer, there still is nevertheless a lot of invested time on behalf of designers, time that cultivates skills which creates products of function, thus a service which shouldn't be free at all.

Just how gutted would you feel if someone made an absolute fortune from a design you did that heralded nothing for you at all.....?
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