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I'd much rather have some spiders in my house than some snakes on a plane, or for that matter...


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Well this thing scared the crap out of me one night. I went into the kitchen, turned on the light and saw something dart away like a bullet. I couldnt tell what it was. Once I spotted it, I had to catch it and take a pic. I didnt want to kill it since I believe everything deserves a chance to live. Just took it outside and let it loose.

Having said that, I think I'd get scared quite a bit if I found a poisonous spider that could cause real damage. I am going to guess that this bug I found is harmless - looks worse than it is.


I got bit by a brown recluse and had to go to the hospital for necrosis or something like that because I ignored it and after 2 days my flesh started to rot. I took a picture of the wound.
A friend of mine is missing 1/4 of his forearm due to one of these little beasts.
I agree with some of the above posters, I have a tendency to leave the spiders and centipedes alone. They do insanely more good than bad. Especially centipedes. They're keepin' it real in the predatory realm.

"House centipedes feed on spiders, bedbugs, termites, cockroaches, silverfish, ants and other household arthropods."

That just makes them bigger. *looks around suspiciously*
Well this thing scared the crap out of me one night. I went into the kitchen, turned on the light and saw something dart away like a bullet. I couldnt tell what it was. Once I spotted it, I had to catch it and take a pic. I didnt want to kill it since I believe everything deserves a chance to live. Just took it outside and let it loose.

Having said that, I think I'd get scared quite a bit if I found a poisonous spider that could cause real damage. I am going to guess that this bug I found is harmless - looks worse than it is.



That thing defines "scary" for me.
I'm much more afraid of spider guts than I am of spiders. And imagine what kinds of little insects that sucker would eat. I like spiders, they serve me well. Catch and release, excellent solution.:cool:

(I read once that you are never more than 6 feet away from a spider.)

Spiders don't eat their prey, do they? I thought they just sucked out blood and juices?

I hate spiders. Good gravy I do. Haven't had a really big one on my room for years, about 8 years back I spotted one, threw hairgel at it and let it hide away. Never saw it (or any other spider) since. We just get little ones scurrying around near windows but I don't mind them at all.

Was watching TV once and I saw Muffy (our old dog) watching something. She pounced on a fairly large spider and tried to eat it but gave up, leaving us humans to tidy up her mess. Urgh!
Spiders don't eat their prey, do they? I thought they just sucked out blood and juices?
Yeah, leaving little exoskeletons all over the place. I like that though, gets rid of all the bug guts. My dog attacked a poisonous spider once; his nose swelled up pretty bad. But the spider got the worst of it.:p
Well this thing scared the crap out of me one night. I went into the kitchen, turned on the light and saw something dart away like a bullet. I couldnt tell what it was. Once I spotted it, I had to catch it and take a pic. I didnt want to kill it since I believe everything deserves a chance to live. Just took it outside and let it loose.

looks like a centipede on steroids
That thing defines "scary" for me.

I had those in my old house. We used top find them in the laundry room downstairs. The exterminator said they are attracted to moisture and damp places. We wondered why they were always in the laundry room since it is pretty dry. Then we realized that the bathtub in the bathroom above the laundry room was leaking. So the sheet rock on the ceiling in the laundry room downstairs was very damp and soft. There you go. Pretty nasty things. I'd hate to think what would happen if on bite you. Despite their nasty appearance, they are quite fragile. Their legs fall off pretty easily. We fixed the bathtub and the sheetrock and never saw them again.
Well this thing scared the crap out of me one night. I went into the kitchen, turned on the light and saw something dart away like a bullet. I couldnt tell what it was. Once I spotted it, I had to catch it and take a pic. I didnt want to kill it since I believe everything deserves a chance to live. Just took it outside and let it loose.

Having said that, I think I'd get scared quite a bit if I found a poisonous spider that could cause real damage. I am going to guess that this bug I found is harmless - looks worse than it is.

That would be a house centipede:

To me those are worse than any spider and 100% uglier. Curse you for posting such a huge picture. They kinda make me gag a little.
We have ALOT of those house centipieds. I probably find one or two every couple of weeks. You have to learn how to catch them, and the amazing thing is, they get EVERYWHERE. I have found on in my basement in a bucket that like a foot tall. How did it get in there?

Also I have found one at the foot of my bed when I woke up. Creepy cus they move soo fast.
I found a live snake and two dead mice in my pools skimmer today.

Rather disgusting if you ask me.
When we first moved into our house in very rural North Georgia, we had the whole family over. We're all sitting in the living room watching a movie when my 10 year old daughter starts screaming hysterically. We looked in the kitchen and there were 3 spiders the size of a man's fist! Huge suckers! Even I got up on a chair. My husband beat em with the broom. One had babies come out all over the place. It was right out of a horror movie. We used insect spray to kill em all. It was a fear thing. If I had it to do over again, I would trap them and let them go outside.

oh my god... i probably would have passed out. yes, i might be a 31 (almost 32) year old, 6'4" man... but i have the WORST case of arachnophobia ever... and i think it all stems from something like that. when i was a boy scout, i stepped on this huge spider in the woods, and when i lifted my foot, hundreds of spiders just ran from underneath my shoe. i cried like a little girl... hah.

even to this day when i see a spider, i act like a complete mental case... which is a fear i wish i could overcome. i can deal with snakes, rats, mice, bats, you name it... but you put a spider in front of the size of a pinhead and i'm a wreck :/
4 years ago I was at a camp and there was a HUGE spider under my friend's bed (in our room). Lucky me I had my BB rifle by my side (and I can use it really well). I'm a vegetarian, spiders gotta mess only with the vegans... :p


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I'm actually not in maryland right now, I'm visiting my grandparents in texas. they live in an extremely rural area in a farely old house. I'm pretty used to spiders frequenting their house by now, so it was not big deal.

(although, I admit..when I first saw it, my reaction was something along the lines of "oh my, oh my, oh my god...very big spider!!!")

where in texas do they live..?
i live in texas and the most i see is maybe a brown recluse or a banana spider every so often..
although i did see a black widow in our porch light a few months ago. i didnt even want to walk past it i was so freaked out.
4 years ago I was at a camp and there was a HUGE spider under my friend's bed (in our room). Lucky me I had my BB rifle by my side (and I can use it really well). I'm a vegetarian, spiders gotta mess only with the vegans... :p
I held one of those fuzzy "little" tarantulas once! They are very soft and feel kind good when they crawl on you. I once wanted one as a pet. I would still have one if my family would let me.
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