Good News, upgrading time again;
I am looking to fill my array with all 8-slots; which leads me to two questions,
1) now that I have extra drives I would like to increase the redundancy, just in case one drive fails, I don't want to be out of commission for very long.
Right now I have a RAID 5, so if one drives fails, can I still use the drive until I get a backup? or is it in limbo until the drive is replaced?
When I upgrade to 8 drives, would RAID5 still be a sound solution? obviously would mean an extra 2TB of valuable storage space compared to a R6.
Or would a RAID6 be better? if one drive of a RAID6 fails, does it just run as a RAID5?
Or should I run it as a 7-Drive RAID5 with a hot-swap drive in the extra slot? would that give me better performance over a 8-drive RAID6?
Also I see building a RAID50 is an option; how would the performance be on that configuration?
2) You had mentioned Online Expansion of the drives was slower (for obvious reasons) but how much slower? It seems like it would take quite a long time to do it manually, delete the whole array, create a new one, and then transfer 3.5TB of data from backup; that seems like that would take more then a day, even if online expansion is slower, it may be the way for me to go so I am not totally out of commission for so long, or does it make things so slow that it is even worse?
I am looking to fill my array with all 8-slots; which leads me to two questions,
1) now that I have extra drives I would like to increase the redundancy, just in case one drive fails, I don't want to be out of commission for very long.
Right now I have a RAID 5, so if one drives fails, can I still use the drive until I get a backup? or is it in limbo until the drive is replaced?
When I upgrade to 8 drives, would RAID5 still be a sound solution? obviously would mean an extra 2TB of valuable storage space compared to a R6.
Or would a RAID6 be better? if one drive of a RAID6 fails, does it just run as a RAID5?
Or should I run it as a 7-Drive RAID5 with a hot-swap drive in the extra slot? would that give me better performance over a 8-drive RAID6?
Also I see building a RAID50 is an option; how would the performance be on that configuration?
2) You had mentioned Online Expansion of the drives was slower (for obvious reasons) but how much slower? It seems like it would take quite a long time to do it manually, delete the whole array, create a new one, and then transfer 3.5TB of data from backup; that seems like that would take more then a day, even if online expansion is slower, it may be the way for me to go so I am not totally out of commission for so long, or does it make things so slow that it is even worse?