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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 11, 2013
Montréal, Québec
:confused: This is what I am now. Never had a tablet before. A friend gave me a Samsung Ace II X phone he had for free after renewing his "vows" to phone company. He hates smartphones so the small white thing is with me now. Since I never had an iPhone or iPad, I just can say it's working flawlessly. Got used to Android 4.0. Guess what: now I'm craving for a tablet and...all my friends have Samsung Note or Tab. Reviews and comparisons on the Web point in the same direction: you decide between the opened system Android or the closed one iOS. Between a 3 star construction and a 5 stars (Apple). Learn to let go of the extra SD card, the mini USB port, the Widgets and the Sylus pen. All arguments my friends have. I have a late 2012 27 iMac. In a nutshell and straight talk only, what will the 200$ premium for a 32 Gig iPad Air will buy me? I'm no gamer, no SMS maniac, no YouTube and Netflix addict. Apple or Samsung, I would mostly browse the Web, read papers and do photo stuff since I'm a semi-pro photographer. Don't judge: I really don't know what to do. Extra storage and S-Pen are a bonus. :confused::confused:
There are some really great things about Android, and if you like the Samsung Ace II that your friend gave you, I don't see why you shouldn't go that route.

Personally, given what is available on the market, I'd go with a Nexus 7 or an iPad Mini. It doesn't help that I absolutely hate the TouchWiz skin that Samsung puts on all of their phones.
There are some really great things about Android, and if you like the Samsung Ace II that your friend gave you, I don't see why you shouldn't go that route.

Personally, given what is available on the market, I'd go with a Nexus 7 or an iPad Mini. It doesn't help that I absolutely hate the TouchWiz skin that Samsung puts on all of their phones.

It really wrecks the Note 10.1 2014, IMO.

The thing is, Android tablets aren't QUITE on par with Apple overall, at least to me. You can easily make a case that the phones are better (if Android is your thing), but aside from the Nexus 7 and mayyyyybe the Xperia tablet, they're all pretty far behind.

I wouldn't say the Air, but I'll absolutely echo the rMini. It's what I got and it's wonderful.
Consider it a $100 premium and a retina iPad mini, you get better portability. You can hold it with one hand and it's also great in landscape orientation, especially for typing anything.
To me that's the greatest thing about it. Typing on an iPhone is not my favorite, and it was awkward typing and holding my full size iPad, but the mini is just right.
Android vs iOS is your choice to make but I have not seen a better quality tablet in the hardware. Apple has great support and security in their ecosystem as well.
A while back, I and 7 others returned the iPad Mini retina due to the small fonts that make it a challenge to read some areas of the menus without having to put on glasses. The work around accessibility was a joke.

The 7 others were mentioned by the Apple Store staff member who helped me return my iPad.

I'm sad to not have had the experience I wanted but now need to further my horizons and go beyond Apple's form over function screens to another maker. My next stop is to review the Samsung offerings and a few other. I prefer non Windows and that leaves Android based systems. Hopefully, some will come with either truly scalable test/fonts on menus or simply larger from the get go ( like some of the phones that are far easier to read than the iPhone which I have and will continue with until my contract is over).
Think differently.

I agree, buy a Nexus 7 !

Best Buy has them in stock, mines fantastic. My iPad mini is far less comfortable to hold in one hand.

Plus there's so much more you can do with the latest version of Android 4.4. It really illustrates the limitations of iOS 7.
It really depends on your usage. People can debate the nature of "closed" and "open" operating systems, but you'll be spending more of your time in the apps than playing with the OS. iOS may not allow you to easily do things like placing files onto the device, but there are apps that give you file management capabilities (see Documents, a free app by Readdle; there are probably others like it).

As far as reading and web browsing go, both devices will be pretty equal. If you're looking at a device like the Nexus, reviews tend to ding points for the screen aspect ratio compared to the iPads. It's a matter of personal preference. The writing capabilities of Samsung's Note line are quite nice, but if you won't be using your device primarily for those purposes then it doesn't matter. Photography-wise, it again depends on the apps. I know there are a few photo management and editing apps for iOS, but I don't know what's available for Android. In my opinion as a hobbyist photographer, I wouldn't expect to do any serious editing on these devices.

Other than that, you need to look into other benefits. For example, you have an Android phone. There's something to be said for having two mobile devices on the same operating system so that you can share apps between them. It's also an OS that is known to you. I don't know if there are other interoperable Android features.

Personally, I use a retina iPad Mini at work and have no desire to use an Android tablet. Some colleagues of mine use Android tablets (I believe they're Nexuses, some the old and some the newer 2013 version), and it seems like they run low on battery fairly frequently. Their devices also occasionally have trouble locking on to the wireless network. The retina Mini has no such problems. Additionally, many members of our team use iPhones. The ability to respond to iMessage texts through the iPad that is already on and in my hands, without having to pull out my phone, is quite a boon. That benefit is lost when working with team members who don't use iPhones, of course.

Basically, you need to look at the apps that you would be using, and also consider whether the differences in hardware really make a difference to you. Better battery life and lighter weight mean nothing if the device will largely be used at a desk near a power outlet, but by the same token, a pen and greater customizability are meaningless if you don't intend to write or tinker.
None of your friends' suggested benefits of an Android tablet (open, mini-USB etc.) will help you in any of your stated usage and goals, for instance, you'll find better photo editing applications on the iPad all day long.

Do your friends use PCs? Have they ever owned an iPad? Did they own an iPad and then make the switch to Android? Is the answer "no" to these questions???

I personally have no idea why a Mac user would choose anything other then iOS for their tablet, For starters, the integration with iCloud for automatically syncing passwords, bookmarks, documents, and yes, photos, etc. seem to make it a no-brainer.

You can use a stylus on an iPad, and there are several choices that use Bluetooth 4.0 that offer pressure sensitivity, etc. There are paint programs that output 4k images, and the A7 has the horsepower needed to crunch those kind of numbers with ease.

If you're concerned about the price don't worry, in two years when you sell to upgrade it will easily fetch $200 above an "equivalent" Android tab. Over the term of ownership, the cost difference amounts to pennies a day!

No offense, but your friends are either justifying their own purchases, simply not listening to your stated needs, or don't know what the hell they're talking about. For your uses and goals, get the iPad Air, you won't regret it. :)

in belgium android fights with wifi broadband at one of the largest ISP
security is a mess with android
it's your money...
I have a galaxy note 10 tablet earlier generation than the one that just came out and an ipad 4.
I use the galaxy note at work (teach at university) where it is great for taking notes and I find I can do better editing of word docs with the apps. I like it a lot for what I use it for and it suits my needs better than the ipad would in my work environment.

At home, where I am surfing the internet, reading email, and reading kindle books, nytimes - I prefer the ipad.

I also have an iphone 5 for my personal use and an android phone for work. I like playing on both systems.
But if I was going to be doing what OP described his use for a tablet - I would go with the ipad.
I have both an iPad Air and a Nexus 7 2013. If you're looking for portability I'd got for the Nexus over the iPad Mini. I've found it impossible to get a decent screen and for the money, an LTE Nexus is £200 cheaper. If you want something bigger I'd go for the Air, at least until the new Nexus 10 appears.
As a user of both iOS and Android, for tablets I usually go with Apple. If you use a tablet just for a few things, iOS all the way. It just has things a notch smoother.
If you like Android, I say go get an Android tablet. The Nexus 7 is a great device. That said if you want an iPad, but your friends are trying to sway you into getting the Android tablet, then I say screw them, get what you want unless they plan on paying that Android tablet.

Oh, don't fall for the we'll share accessories/apps/games/tips with your scheme.

I fell for that once when I switched from a Canon to Nikon. :(

(Though I love Nikon now and I extend the same "promise" to others)
I agree, buy a Nexus 7 !

Best Buy has them in stock, mines fantastic. My iPad mini is far less comfortable to hold in one hand.

Plus there's so much more you can do with the latest version of Android 4.4. It really illustrates the limitations of iOS 7.

I couldn't disagree more. I had both the Mini and Nexus 7. I felt the Nexus screen was too narrow and the bezels were too thick. I can hold the iPad Mini with one hand with no issues.

The only problem I had with the iPad Mini was the speed of the A5 chip. The new rMini solved that. Love the speed, size of screen and the feel in hand. It's also better designed too, but not everyone cares about that. (though I really hate the butter soft chamferred edge).

The Nexus 7 (and possibly all android devices) have a slight buggy/twitchy feel to them when you're swiping around that I didn't like. I'm also not a fan of the video player app nor any of the audio apps. While Android devices do "more" things iOS does things "better" and polished. The one thing I liked that Android did that iOS doesn't was reformat text to fit the screen on web pages when you zoomed in on text so that it always fits the screen, no panning around needed. My HTC EVO did that but it seems even Chrome on Android took that feature away.
iPad or any other tablets are not for you based on what you want to do. You can use it on your iMac. So save money for your girlfriend's dinner date. :apple:
imo, Galaxy note can do a lot more than an Ipad but in term of software stability, Ipad is much better.
i have a galaxy note 8.0 att. i prefer my jailbroken ipad mini lte most of the time because of the apps/games i use often. my galaxy note is rooted but with my att version mods are limited. my only gripe is when i rotate my tablet to type my hand/fingers brush across the menu/back button which frustrates me sometimes. i never have problems typing on my ipad because of 1 physical home button. i could disable the buttons on my note, but then it requires me to take out my pen from time to time to browse certain programs and photos. I'm considering going the nexus 7 lte route, that is on my next tablet list. or maybe i should wait until summer until some new tech shows up.
Get an iPad. The screen ratio is better for a photographer. Plus, Android apps limit what you can do with them or they are always the last ones to get updated because of companies putting their own skin on it or because developers can't survive off of supporting Android devices. eeek! I had a nexxus 7 and had to take it back the browsing was terrible. You said you liked to browse the internet. Well now you an do it with Android's really narrow screen either height wise or width wise.
I really don't know what to do.
Don't look at it from the "What will $X get me?" perspective. Consider everything. You're familiar with what Android can do so take an iPad for a spin. Heck, buy one and try it out. If you don't like it, return it. Nothing beats first hand experience for assessing these things. You have to determine how important each feature is to you on both sides of the fence and that's not something that we can tell you.

75% of my friends want me to buy a Galaxy Note!
As always consider the source. Are they starting with your needs/wants and then selecting the Galaxy Note as the best solution for you or are they just telling you that you should get what they prefer? Most people are only capable of the latter for some reason.

I would mostly browse the Web, read papers and do photo stuff since I'm a semi-pro photographer.
And either solution would work. Again, you have to sort out your preferences.
Why does one have to be better than the other?

What about the possibility that either an iPad or a Galaxy Note will do what you want to do?
Certainly discount the storage factor. Android OS is so bloated it eats up a lot of the stated GB. Yes you can add a SD card but only for media, you can't load apps from the card. And as far as media storage, with the cloud you can access as much media as you could possibly need.
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