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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2020
It’s finally showing as being out for delivery today, but I’ll believe it when I see it! It wouldn’t be the first time a UPS delivery has been out for delivery only to return to the depot again later that day, to be delivered the next working day instead. UPS did that for an Apple Watch delivery to me earlier this year. But at this point I’m just pleased it’s closer to where it ought to be! If I get it, great. If not, there’s always next week!
Mine is the same! The time slot for me is 9:45 - 13:45. I really hope we get them! Be sure to update if it does arrive.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 29, 2020
It’s finally showing as being out for delivery today, but I’ll believe it when I see it! It wouldn’t be the first time a UPS delivery has been out for delivery only to return to the depot again later that day, to be delivered the next working day instead. UPS did that for an Apple Watch delivery to me earlier this year. But at this point I’m just pleased it’s closer to where it ought to be! If I get it, great. If not, there’s always next week!
I think you'll be fine! They'll likely go above and beyond to get as much cleared down today as possible given tomorrow is a public holiday and then we're in to the weekend. And while the to-the-door deliveries stop, the back-end of UPS (the aircraft, and hub-to-hub movements of packages) still continues to move, so they'll want to clear down the depot space for that reason alone.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2020
I think you'll be fine! They'll likely go above and beyond to get as much cleared down today as possible given tomorrow is a public holiday and then we're in to the weekend. And while the to-the-door deliveries stop, the back-end of UPS (the aircraft, and hub-to-hub movements of packages) still continues to move, so they'll want to clear down the depot space for that reason alone.
Yeah I really hope this is the case. I'm going to be looking outside of the window all day waiting for that UPS van, I'll barely be able to get any work done haha.


macrumors newbie
Apr 9, 2020
Mine is the same! The time slot for me is 9:45 - 13:45. I really hope we get them! Be sure to update if it does arrive.
You’re fortunate that UPS give you a time window. In London, or at least my area of London, they never do and instead just give a vague “by end of day” slot. Other firms (DPD being the most reliable in my experience) provide a 2-hour delivery window, and they have never failed to deliver within that window.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 29, 2020
You’re fortunate that UPS give you a time window. In London, or at least my area of London, they never do and instead just give a vague “by end of day” slot. Other firms (DPD being the most reliable in my experience) provide a 2-hour delivery window, and they have never failed to deliver within that window.
Mine arrived just before 9AM haha. I'm so happy!


macrumors newbie
Dec 29, 2020
You’re fortunate that UPS give you a time window. In London, or at least my area of London, they never do and instead just give a vague “by end of day” slot. Other firms (DPD being the most reliable in my experience) provide a 2-hour delivery window, and they have never failed to deliver within that window.

Does it make any difference if you sign in to the website vs the app? In the app, mine says by end of day, but on their website, logged in, I get a timeslot.


macrumors newbie
Apr 9, 2020
Does it make any difference if you sign in to the website vs the app? In the app, mine says by end of day, but on their website, logged in, I get a timeslot.
Thanks for the tip, but it’s the same on their web site, even when logged in to ‘My Choice’. It just says “by end of day”.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 26, 2020
Hi All,

Sorry to hear of the delays you are going through.
Hope you get your goodies soon so you can get your head around them over the New Years break period :)

Can it be something to do with the batteries in these laptops, plus they are high value items?

I.e. They go through a different "VIP / Batteries" logging/dispatch channel, instead of easy/cheaper stuff they can just let fly through the system?

My 2 pennies worth.

Happy new year guys! :)
See you on the other side


macrumors 68030
May 23, 2010
16GB and 512GB SSD? someone is keeping their M1 13" for the long haul.

Mine is 8GB 256Gb, stop gap whilst I wait for the 16" m1x, where I will splurge.


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2018
Mine is still at the Glasgow depot and it says out for delivery on Apple order status but UPS just says in transit.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2011
I don't think anyone here is stressed or worried. They just want to know when they'll get their product which is fair enough.
Not what most of us see. We see stressed bunnies, desperate to get their latest 'I want' 'toy', seemingly forgetting that the world we live is is different (and probably denying it). We've become this world of 'look at me' and screw everyone else, I want, I want, I want. Pretty pathetic. And extremely damaging to the human race.


macrumors newbie
Dec 29, 2020
Not what most of us see. We see stressed bunnies, desperate to get their latest 'I want' 'toy', seemingly forgetting that the world we live is is different (and probably denying it). We've become this world of 'look at me' and screw everyone else, I want, I want, I want. Pretty pathetic. And extremely damaging to the human race.
You read all of that from a few people trying to get updates on their UPS tracking? Sounds like you're the one that's stressed. Take a deep breath and remember this is just a Mac forum, with people excited about getting their Mac's.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2018
Not what most of us see. We see stressed bunnies, desperate to get their latest 'I want' 'toy', seemingly forgetting that the world we live is is different (and probably denying it). We've become this world of 'look at me' and screw everyone else, I want, I want, I want. Pretty pathetic. And extremely damaging to the human race.

We have also become a world that is far too opinionated on how other should live their lives or how they should act. No offence I can't see any of what you've describe here, you've come to this conclusion because people are questioning the whereabouts of an expensive product they have purchased? Of course people are excited its been a terrible year and we have all been affected in one way or the other so having something to look forward to is nice. Now this doesn't mean we are not out caring for our community or our loved ones because we can be excited about something we've bought and still be a thoroughly decent human being. Keep in mind buying these products keeps people in jobs for a start because we all know economies around the world are tanking.


macrumors 68040
Apr 25, 2012
You’re fortunate that UPS give you a time window. In London, or at least my area of London, they never do and instead just give a vague “by end of day” slot.
Here in the US I usually end up with the "by 9 PM" delivery estimate from UPS. My 16" MBP had that delivery estimate when I got it over the summer, it was delivered after 9 PM. I bought a TV last week, it started as a "by 12 PM" and turned into "by end of day", it arrived after 7 PM.
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macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2018
I contacted UPS and the local depot called me back and she said she wasn't sure why this was missed of for delivery today since another product was out for delivery for me today. So she set it up that I could go and collect it, so I went to local UPS depot and picked it up :)
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macrumors newbie
Jan 1, 2021
I ordered an M1 mid-December.

Apple stated 7th Jan
UPS stated 30th Dec

Last scan shown from 29th Dec- Cologne ‘warehouse scan’.

On 31st UPS then stated ‘by end of day’ for the 31st, but scans have yet to update since the 29th.

Both Apple and UPS are passing the buck and can’t give me any information.

From prior knowledge, Cologne to UK is most likely delivered via road across the channel.

So as another poster has mentioned, it could be down to port delays? Cargo flights should not be affected with Brexit/customs, but last weeks lorry chaos is. Maybe blame Boris.

I’ll post updates.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 1, 2021
To add- an Apple rep said ‘to be honest...our records show we tend to deliver before the date we originally provide’. He also assured me it will arrive 100%. I made sure to save the conversation :)


macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2021
I ordered an M1 mid-December.

Apple stated 7th Jan
UPS stated 30th Dec

Last scan shown from 29th Dec- Cologne ‘warehouse scan’.

On 31st UPS then stated ‘by end of day’ for the 31st, but scans have yet to update since the 29th.

Both Apple and UPS are passing the buck and can’t give me any information.

From prior knowledge, Cologne to UK is most likely delivered via road across the channel.

So as another poster has mentioned, it could be down to port delays? Cargo flights should not be affected with Brexit/customs, but last weeks lorry chaos is. Maybe blame Boris.

I’ll post updates.
In the same boat as you.

Ordered a custom MBP 16 on 17th December, Apple estimated it would arrive 6/7th January. Sailed through China and Korea fine so then delivery date was updated to 30th December, 12-15pm. It didn’t arrive so they updated it to 31st but it’s been stuck in Germany since then.

Anxiously waiting now! New delivery date is 4th January but I got an update at 6am today saying it was still delayed due to Eurotunnel traffic so I don’t know if it will make it for that time. Yet to receive any indication of when it’ll arrive in the UK

Keeping fingers crossed for myself and everybody!

Also, how has everyone been contacting Apple? I’ve tried their main U.K. number and couldn’t get through at all, sounds like it’s disconnected. I saw people on Twitter were experiencing the same thing.


macrumors newbie
Jan 1, 2021
In the same boat as you.

Ordered a custom MBP 16 on 17th December, Apple estimated it would arrive 6/7th January. Sailed through China and Korea fine so then delivery date was updated to 30th December, 12-15pm. It didn’t arrive so they updated it to 31st but it’s been stuck in Germany since then.

Anxiously waiting now! New delivery date is 4th January but I got an update at 6am today saying it was still delayed due to Eurotunnel traffic so I don’t know if it will make it for that time. Yet to receive any indication of when it’ll arrive in the UK

Keeping fingers crossed for myself and everybody!

Also, how has everyone been contacting Apple? I’ve tried their main U.K. number and couldn’t get through at all, sounds like it’s disconnected. I saw people on Twitter were experiencing the same thing.
I managed to call their 0800 number a few days ago, with generic responses. I had hoped they would make some effort in investigating. They also told me to speak to UPS for more information (which I had done prior to calling Apple)...complete waste of time. New Years has meant Apple have closed or limited customer service hours, which is fair to the staff. A lot of people on Trust Pilot have recently bombarded UPS with similar issues to ours. It’s the lack of updates/comms that’s become so frustrating.

I guess our packages are on the same batch. As you mentioned, from China to Germany the flight tracking was looking really good. I’ve yet to receive any updates via email or the app from UPS!

Also Apple Live chat will ask you to call their 0800 for “more information”...
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macrumors newbie
Jan 1, 2021
Spoke to Apple just now, and they are guaranteeing delivery by Apple’s delivery date on the order. Absolutely under no scenario will we be without the item apparently. They also state that it comes to it, they will expedite the item, and compensate to ensure we receive it.
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macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2021
I managed to call their 0800 number a few days ago, with generic responses. I had hoped they would make some effort in investigating. They also told me to speak to UPS for more information (which I had done prior to calling Apple)...complete waste of time. New Years has meant Apple have closed or limited customer service hours, which is fair to the staff. A lot of people on Trust Pilot have recently bombarded UPS with similar issues to ours. It’s the lack of updates/comms that’s become so frustrating.

I guess our packages are on the same batch. As you mentioned, from China to Germany the flight tracking was looking really good. I’ve yet to receive any updates via email or the app from UPS!

Also Apple Live chat will ask you to call their 0800 for “more information”...
Thanks, will wait until Monday to try call them both. I get UPS updates but there’s literally no movement. Hopefully we get them soon!


macrumors member
Dec 24, 2020
Central Ohio
This is a bit confusing but all in all looking better as times goes by. My MBP went to Shanghai then went through customs, left Shanghai then returned to Shanghai. UPS says "problem" check back tomorrow. MBP still in Shanghai for 2 full days. Finally broke loose and was in Inchon, South Korea last night, now in Anchorage, Alaska this morning and there for the past 12 hours. Hopefully, will start moving again soon. BTW original Apple delivery was 1/15 but Apple cut it to 1/11 and now UPS says "afternoon of 1/6". MBP M1 16/512. Trade in box scheduled to arrive tomorrow (Sunday).

Added Info: UPS Flight 81 from Anchorage, Alaska landed this morning in KY USA and delivery changed to EOD tomorrow. Note I am about 200 miles from KY UPS Hub. Good news!
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