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Yep, 30" and audio working fine. If I can't resize, no big deal I will just repartition the drive. Doing the recent update to ML now via software update. I'll play around and then wait for the GM. This was a bit of a proof of concept for me and takes the sting out of the recent Mac Pro update a bit since I can now run ML at least.

So what I learned....
You can use an IDE drive for chameleon.
The 7300 card can be no where near the Pro any longer.
The installer may want to display on a 2ndary monitor, even if it's not attached....
You can boot and install ML from the same partition, but the ML install disk target must be GUID. If you want to boot ML from a clone of a VM, you can boot from an MBR disk.
Must place support files in Extra directory without an S on the end....

All in all, it's not complicated once you dive in.
I'm glad you got it all sorted!

I think Cindori was right and wrong about it being simple. It's simple for me, but I'm a seasoned IT professional and a trained Engineer. A lot of MR forum readers are pretty skilled too, particularly MacPro owners. (it's not exactly a computer you'd buy if you weren't). My instructions are far from perfect, but most people can follow them I think. And if you're stupid enough to dive in feet first without a basic understanding of terminal, file system, KEXTs and such, or even use the internet to find these thngs out.. Well you get what you deserve.
I'm glad you got it all sorted!

I think Cindori was right and wrong about it being simple. It's simple for me, but I'm a seasoned IT professional and a trained Engineer. A lot of MR forum readers are pretty skilled too, particularly MacPro owners. (it's not exactly a computer you'd buy if you weren't). My instructions are far from perfect, but most people can follow them I think. And if you're stupid enough to dive in feet first without a basic understanding of terminal, file system, KEXTs and such, or even use the internet to find these thngs out.. Well you get what you deserve.

Yeah I tend to agree. It's not something mom and pop are going to do, but it's not like they would own Mac Pro's anyway. There were some things I had to assume with your instructions, but they were the best I found as no one has documented this process step by step yet that I saw until you. I was just clicking through that 46 page thread on Netkas. Once GM hits I'm sure you can clean some things up so Average Joe can follow along via a step by step.

There were also some unknowns.....such as can you boot from an IDE partition.....what happens if you leave the 7300 in there, etc....

Thanks for your help!
I upgraded my 1,1 Mac with a pair of Xeon X5355 a few months ago. As a result (I also may have went to Netkas' site and ran a utility to change the model number too? — I honestly don't recall). Will the processor upgrade affect the process you've outlined for the 32 EFI "issue"? I'm one of those users you guys just disparaged for trying stuff when I don't know anything! :) I've been terribly lucky with a couple video card flashes and the processor upgrades so I'm not smart enough to quit.
I upgraded my 1,1 Mac with a pair of Xeon X5355 a few months ago. As a result (I also may have went to Netkas' site and ran a utility to change the model number too? — I honestly don't recall). Will the processor upgrade affect the process you've outlined for the 32 EFI "issue"? I'm one of those users you guys just disparaged for trying stuff when I don't know anything! :) I've been terribly lucky with a couple video card flashes and the processor upgrades so I'm not smart enough to quit.

An 1,1 user here, the best thing Apple ever had sold to me. A computer that lasts over six years – who would have thought?

Beeing familar with the underground, I'm trusting in the hackintosh family. Someone will write a patch, and it will show up at – Netkas.
GM Works

GM works no deviation from previous install methods. Running fine on my 1,1 (2,1)

I went through hell and a trip to the Genius Bar trying to get Lion to install onto a software RAID... Not sure if I'm willing to try this
curiously, why bother?
surely hardware raid or bigger disk would have sufficed?

Hardware RAID was more expensive (the card) and prone to more issues, plus bigger disks fail, too.

It just seemed like the most logical option.
ML installed - QE/CI on MacPro1,1

GM works no deviation from previous install methods. Running fine on my 1,1 (2,1)



can you please tell me how exactly this works?
I have ML installed now on Mac Pro 1,1 according to the guide from your screenshot.
I have HD4890 in my machine.

It only starts up with GraphicsEnabler=No. Otherwise it hangs on boot up screen with apple logo.

Do I need GraphicsEnabler=Yes in order to have QE/CI? I found on netkas forum the patch for QE/CI but not as installer - the download has 2 next files. Did you apply them?

Thanks and Regards

can you please tell me how exactly this works?
I have ML installed now on Mac Pro 1,1 according to the guide from your screenshot.
I have HD4890 in my machine.

It only starts up with GraphicsEnabler=No. Otherwise it hangs on boot up screen with apple logo.

Do I need GraphicsEnabler=Yes in order to have QE/CI? I found on netkas forum the patch for QE/CI but not as installer - the download has 2 next files. Did you apply them?

Thanks and Regards

I'm not positive on any of this, but I'll give you my thoughts. Graphics Enabler is an alternate way to identify and use your graphics cards rather than loading the nvidia or ati kexts.

So if your machine boots with it set to No, you're falling back to needing the proper kexts, which according to Macvideocards, the 4890 often needs loaded after certain updates, where as the 4870 which I'm running is a bit more friendly and doesn't need to be helped along.

Alternately, what version of chameleon are you using? Perhaps one of the newer builds will work better for you?
Hardware RAID was more expensive (the card) and prone to more issues, plus bigger disks fail, too.

It just seemed like the most logical option.

really? more issues. I've always thought software raid was a bit of a no-no if you want raid to work properly. At least for non zfs file systems.

It seems like you had plenty of issues with software raid and boot volumes. I thought software raid+boot volume = the biggest no no ever...


i was actually curious why you needed a raid boot volume at all.

for speed, use an SSD and a non boot volume raid for massive or fast storage

for size, bigger disk with time machine backup/CCC/super duper backups for redundancy.

anyway, good luck :)
I'm not positive on any of this, but I'll give you my thoughts. Graphics Enabler is an alternate way to identify and use your graphics cards rather than loading the nvidia or ati kexts.

So if your machine boots with it set to No, you're falling back to needing the proper kexts, which according to Macvideocards, the 4890 often needs loaded after certain updates, where as the 4870 which I'm running is a bit more friendly and doesn't need to be helped along.

Alternately, what version of chameleon are you using? Perhaps one of the newer builds will work better for you?


Thanks for the reply! I will check in the evening once I am at home.
I was able last night to boot up with GraphicsEnabler=No.
With the 2 kexts from netkas forum and kext dropper it worked finally!! That means I have QE/CI running, everything smooth BUT I have still some problem:

- Mac Pro thinks that 2 screens are attached to HD4890. I have full resolution on my 27 inch but no other is attached. I haven't found a setting to tell the machine that only my 27'' is attached - so it is annoying because mouse go to a non-existing screen.
--> perhaps any idea?

- Then I used an old HDD to do what was posted in the very good article to boot up via Chameleon. ML is installed on my SSD (full risk last night, but I have time machine backup) ;-)
--> This is an old HDD which is temporarly in the mac. I would have to swap this out and put in my other data HDD.
As per my understanding this will not work because the boot loader to load 64bit kernel is on it.

Because I am new to this topic I have to search and find if I can put this chameleon onto my SSD (Master Boot Record <->GUID problem?). Then of course all the parameters of this chameleon I have to check what is required and not.

If you have any comments I would appreciate it.
I will check the version in the evening.

Has anyone tried getting ML to run on a Mac Pro with a Radeon 3870? That's what I have.

The Radeon 3870 is a less common card because it was sold completely separately by ATI as an upgrade, and they didn't sell too many of them. So I wonder if Apple bothered to support it in ML.

I'm actually a bit sad that the Mac Pro 1,1 has been desupported. It is still such an excellent and fast machine (at least it feels fast) with so much life left in it. I use mine quite heavily!
Has anyone tried getting ML to run on a Mac Pro with a Radeon 3870? That's what I have.

The Radeon 3870 is a less common card because it was sold completely separately by ATI as an upgrade, and they didn't sell too many of them. So I wonder if Apple bothered to support it in ML.

I'm actually a bit sad that the Mac Pro 1,1 has been desupported. It is still such an excellent and fast machine (at least it feels fast) with so much life left in it. I use mine quite heavily!

The thing to do would be to look in the Kexts for the PCI I.D.s of the card. If you know what they are and which Kexts support that range of GPUs then it should be simple.
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