Marriage proposal? (Eyes fly wide). Hmmm. I dunno. We'd just end up staying home and uploading and downloading all night, and see... you are probably USB 3.1 and I'm not. It would never work, Blesscheese.
Okies. On that note... I've been looking for an appropriate caddy to mount my SSD in. At the moment it's installed but held in place with velcro. Went onto Ebay but found only one and wasn't too sure if it was right. Thing is, my Mac only has two HDD caddies. That's all it came with so need to get a few more, then get the adaptor for the SSD.
Anyhow. Booting from the SSD is amazingly fast, and my CPU temps since changing to quad cores has settled to around 32 degrees celsius with fan speeds at 1000rpm and ambient of 26. I think that's pretty good. Temps go up to about mid 40s with some load but upping the fans to 1250rpm has it well in hand.
All in all a great upgrade. Would i ever do it again with a Mac 1.1? No. I'd go for a later model Mac and go from there. But as an entry level exercise, it has been an invaluable source of learning and info.
If it isn't just for looks, you can even remove the velcro and leave the SSD hanging as it is.
Does not matter unless you'd be travelling with the machine.