Have you seen the Haswell developments? Looking like a step in the right direction. Would also be a benefit to start engineering closer to what Tutor has going on. Results are everything. If the SW isn't staying relevant then HW tech should bend to make it better.
Yesk, I'm aware of Haswell's architecture.
TSX is will make a nice improvement, but keep in mind that this is aimed for the enterprise market (servers in particular) and will take time to trickle down to consumer grade software, if it ever does.
The reasoning behind the architectural changes is driven by the enterprise users, as that's where most of Intel's profit margins are derived. So they cater to this particular group due to financial interest (
pure self interest standard business practice

Comparatively speaking, consumer systems are just icing on the proverbial cake through systems engineering (= scaled down version of the enterprise design, perhaps with a tiny bit of original design), so though they do make improvements (primarily trickle down), it's not derived directly for consumer users in the case of CPU development.
It's too prohibitively expensive for them to design 2x (or more) lines for each group from the ground up, so systems engineering has to take over (last I looked, a new fabrication facility is over $3B USD to construct, and there's still the R&D to account for

Now since servers can actually benefit from threaded applications
today (which are primarily designed in-house), and businesses have been demanding things like a lower TCO (particularly in areas of power consumption), parallelism, improved I/O outside of the CPU, and of course more performance, Intel has answered. Exactly what you're on about (hardware should bend bit

Where the differences lie, is with the group that the changes are made for, and ultimately, it still has to conform to the laws of physics. So far, they've actually managed to do a decent job of it.
If you look at software development, you'll find they got too used to just clock frequency increases, and ignored the changes that had to be made due to the limits of semiconductors and fabrication techniques (i.e. management vaguely listed to developer staff talk about technical changes, then took the White Papers and articles into the bathroom right after the meetting... followed by a distinctive FLUSH sound

Combine that with the business side being cheap, we have software with spaghetti code that's typically over 15 years old hampering current software from what I've seen, including the very expensive professional grade applications.
It sucks consumer and some professional users (i.e. workstation users that don't use much in the way of threaded software, whatever the causality), but comparing software v. hardware development improvements, Intel as answered the call of what's been asked of them (particularly recently), while most commercial software developers have remained mired in the past for various reasons (mostly due to greed - gotta love MBA's

I was more interested in the IGP gains.
For consumer users, this will be far more important.
TSX is just marketing in this particular segment, and will remain so for some time. You'll see it's implementation in never-before-written software before it's added to existing software suites.
GPGPU processing has some cool potential, but I have no idea what its limitations are.
It's meant for number crunching (i.e. massive FPU calculations). So if you're dependent on strings or integers, it's useless.
But things like accounting, simulation software, ... types of code that generate decimal values, it could be leveraged to improve things significantly, as the FPU's in GPU's are much faster than those in CPU's (starting to look like the beginning of an engineering joke...

I noted NVidia has focused on the server market there with their Tesla cards. The server market seems to benefit considerably more from higher core counts, especially given the rise in vitalization solutions over the past decade.
The enterprise market (i.e. servers), is where the money is. They're willing to pay higher margins for performance, and will actually spend the money rather than claim they will up until the point they see the price tag as consumer users are wont to do.
Pure profit motive at work.
On the desktop end, it seems like there are problems converting old code, and problems with really splitting up functions meant to be perceived by the user in real time.
There are challenges to be sure, but a lot of it centers around financial decisions, such as the amount of recycled code (where spaghetti comes from), and the lack of funds being put forth to better develop software (i.e. not enough funds to cover the full extent of man-hours needed to write from scratch or debug the spaghetti before it's released into the market).
You'd be amazed at how many screwed up products were the result of the business side as they don't understand the technical aspects involved, or just don't care.
I'm reading that, but if you know of any good books on Python, I wished to learn it thoroughly. Maya has a python api, and it's integrated into a lot of other 3d packages as well.
Web resources would give you a better idea for Python books than I can (not read but a couple, and those were some time ago).