databaze: Sounds like someone has overcompressed those pads a lot on your heatsinks. I agree with doing a total replacement with a 5mm pad in your situation. Also note that the new pads are very soft and compressible, so you do not need to measure distance. They will compress.
For my own job I bought a 10cm x 10cm pad and it was very expensive ($35). I ended up using about 20% of it, to cut out two 1cm(or so) x 10cm strips.
You should be able to get a smaller 5cm x 5cm (5mm tall) pad to save money, cut out four 1cm x 5cm strips, and then just lay two strips next to each other, so instead of [----10cm----] per heatsink, you would have [---5cm---][---5cm---]. As long as you ensure that the gap is "in the air" between two chips, there is no difference in thermal transfer.
And yes... silicon pads are freaking expensive. Now I understand why boob jobs are so pricy.