CPU B Upgrade Problems
Ho Guys,
I'm having terrible problems performing the CPU upgrade to my Mac Pro too.
I have spent two days solid trying to sort it out but so far without any success.
It's a Mac Pro 8 core 2.26 i'm updating, already upgraded to 5.1 firmware and my problems are very similar to those experienced in this thread by CASLondon.
For me though it's CPU B that's giving me all the grief.
CPU A installed and booted up after about 3.5 turns each and all RAM in the slots (12GB) recognised.
Only took me half an hour to get to that point, so hopes were high that's I'd be done and dusted in about an hour - how wrong can I be.
Two days later and I still can't get CPU B to spring to life.
I either get blinking white lights, solid white light, or solid white light with red (CPU?) light. Its very difficult to see what Red light is coming on as it's located behind the processor (grr)!
So far I've tried swapping processors to check one isn't a dud and both boot up in CPU A fine.
However when I try B...no dice.

I have checked the socket under an LED lamp and magnifying glass and can see no bent pins.
I've tried installing just Processor B, but I go from simply blinking white light, solid white or solid white with Red light...SO frustrating. I've been doing the HEX screws in the heat sinks in increments of 10 minute segments on a clock.
Any advice I'd be very grateful for.