This was new to me. I never heard of it.
If it's shipping with Windows, then I can just build my own rig for that kind of cost/usage.
Now, if it were known to be very easily Hackintoshable, that'd be another story entirely.
Someone had to bring up Psystar.
I'd like to point out that the "ProMAX ONE has more processing power than the current 12-core Apple Mac Pro®" claim isn't true, the machine runs 2x 2.93GHz Westmere.
I think they are referring to the fully tricked out 'Hero ' version that comes with " .... 12 Core Dual Intel X5690 3.46 GHz
(With Turbo 3.73 GHz) ... "
What it extremely likely doesn't do is operate as quiet as a Mac Pro. I'm sure once the 8 drives , LTO tape , blu-ray , and every other super-duper option is cranking full tilt that the fans are groaning. Its operating temperature tops out at 131 F ( Mac Pro tops out at 95F ) . Why you want to put your disk media in a 131 easy bake oven is up to the user.
I guess you've never seen a Compaq...thats the ugliest computer I have ever seen.
I guess you've never seen a Compaq...
All these new rumors about iMacs being released in June, and still nothing on the Mac Pro. This silence is pointing in only one direction if you ask me.
... I'd just as soon put in 2x X5690s into my current machine (even though I'm really happy with the 2.93GHz)
In a Mac Pro ? They aren't really compatible to the system design. There are a few reasons that Apple didn't pick the 5690s as an option.
1. It costs about $200 more per processor. ( not as much bang for the buck to extend out that extra ~400MHz for $400 + 30% markup. ) Substantially even fewer people were going to buy this option than the 5670 option.
2. It runs substantially hotter 130W ( vs. 95W). That's is an additional 70W to get rid of in the CPU thermal zone while still hitting the system design parameters for noise and internal temperate levels.
ProMax would probably be lucky to sell 1/10000 as many "Promax One"s as Apple sold MacPros (wouldn't be surprised to see 1/80000 as many ) . They are in a low volume business. So issue 1 being relatively extremely low volume isn't an issue for them. Issue 2 isn't a big deal if primarily competing against screwdriver Windows boxes with lower noise constraint cooling either.