This is how the osx86 guys get non-supported ATI cards to work - perhaps the same method with work with Nvidia cards:
3) Go to the Apple menu, select 'About this Mac' and click 'More Information' to bring up System Profiler. You need to locate the display adapter (graphics card) and find the Vendor ID and Product ID. Make a note of these.
4) Now go back to your Terminal session and type:
cd /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeonX1000.kext/Contents
emacs Info.plist
Find the line containing 'IOPCIMatch' (ctrl-S to search in emacs). The next line needs to be modified to contain your Vendor and Product IDs. Take the vendor id and product ids and combine them. For example, lets say the vendor ID is 1002, and your device ID is 71c2. You combine them to a string 0x71c21002 (the 0x just means its a hex value).
The line immediately after the one containing IOPCIMatch should contain your newly-created string. For example:
Ctrl-X-C to exit, pressing 'y' to save the file.
Now type:
cd /System/Library/Extensions/ATIRadeonX1000GA.bundle/Contents/
emacs Info.plist
You should be able to find two lines which look something like this:
You need to modify these to match your Product and Vendor IDs. NOTE that the string is constructed the 'other way round' this time - ie its vendor first then product. (ie 100271c7, not 71c71002).
When you have modified the file accordingly, Ctrl-X-C, then y to save.
5) Now time to clean up and get ready to boot.
rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
diskutil repairPermissions /
edit - this info taken from