No Monterey for me on my work Mac, thank You. It has to mature, and my softwares need to achieve their supported status for Monterey first.
Anyway, 6,1 6c/D300, uptime 16 days now. No sleep activated, and the thing is stable as it's new. Even with eGPU (by a hack) in use all day long. I am running 11.5.1 at the moment, but will update soon to 11.6.1, I guess. Just wanted to see my uptime grow for a while.
There are reports of crashes with just released Monterey, with 6,1 too, if you look at forum posts. It's not sure if it's the inmature OS, or if the bug would still lurk in those damn drivers or something. BUt let us have some hope those reports have landed on some Apple developer who cares, and has got some abilities to do something about it too. Not very likely, but yeah
BootROM did update itself from 428. to 429. on my other 6,1 (a D500) with BigSur 11.6.1. That machine has not been tested thoroughly with sleep functions yet, but it's been stable for some time now. But it's equipped with D500, opposed to D300.
I've got third one too, but I am prepping it for surgery, so no results or tests with that one for now. Maybe later.
Anyway, 6,1 6c/D300, uptime 16 days now. No sleep activated, and the thing is stable as it's new. Even with eGPU (by a hack) in use all day long. I am running 11.5.1 at the moment, but will update soon to 11.6.1, I guess. Just wanted to see my uptime grow for a while.
There are reports of crashes with just released Monterey, with 6,1 too, if you look at forum posts. It's not sure if it's the inmature OS, or if the bug would still lurk in those damn drivers or something. BUt let us have some hope those reports have landed on some Apple developer who cares, and has got some abilities to do something about it too. Not very likely, but yeah
BootROM did update itself from 428. to 429. on my other 6,1 (a D500) with BigSur 11.6.1. That machine has not been tested thoroughly with sleep functions yet, but it's been stable for some time now. But it's equipped with D500, opposed to D300.
I've got third one too, but I am prepping it for surgery, so no results or tests with that one for now. Maybe later.