I'm 35 with a Bachelors in Philosophy and an MBA. I have a wife and a 7 yo daughter..
Building a computer and installing an OS is a life skill no different than cooking, working on the car etc.
Time is the least subjective thing we're talking about simply put if you have time to post here you don't need the power of a modern hack.
You post here and have used/use a powerful hack... Enthusiast is the flip side I guess. I disagree with this guys belittlement of the scene, the user places himself 'above' those who run hackintoshes which is a very poor thing to do. I was just trying to be polite.
I have a busy family life myself and could always use more powerful hardware but my leisure time is mine. I couldn't agree with you more about the installation of an OS being a lifeskill no different to other basic life skills. I think that for my daughters generation it will be a forgotten skill, it's a damn simple one but forgotten none the less, purely due to the closed box world of computing we are starting to see emerge. Damn shame.