Hello, for more than a month now, ever since I updated to the final 10.11.4 my macbook completely freezes in Safari and other apps at random times, about once a week.
It usually happens when I click on a link, switch tabs, go back one page, etc. The cursor freezes, the screen freezes, the keyboard...it becomes absolutely unresponsive, even the trackpad loses it's force touch and you can't feel the feedback vibration, the only thing that is still responsive is the caps lock light.
I don't have any extensions installed in Safari, and flash is disabled.
Update: Looks like this is not an isolated case, it's a system framework or an Intel Graphics driver bug, a lot of people report 10.11.4 freezing especially people with rMBP 13'' 2015.
Please take a moment and report this to
http://www.apple.com/feedback/macosx.html and include this thread link so they can see this.
Update 2:
Safari Technology Preview Version 1 also freezes, no further tests in the subsequent betas made.
OS X 10.11.5 beta 1 and beta 2 also freezes.
I just had a freeze in Chrome, plus in Photoshop, therefore I'm joining everyone else who has "The freeze" in other apps.
Update 3 (May 14):
It has come to my attention that the issue was finally published on macrumors front page and since then we added 4 pages to this thread in less than 24 hours. Dozens of people report all sorts of glitches and beachballs and freezes" spanning from El Capitan to the past summer to "since 2012".
While I understand everyone's struggle with a freezing computer, in the two months of tests and conclusions we are pretty sure this particular issue is affecting only 10.11.4 and mostly Broadwell iMacs, and Macbooks released in 2015.
It is very common to say "my computer is freezing" and every person can mean something different so if you are trying to find out if you are affected by this particular issue here are a couple checks:
1. The freeze occurs absolutely random, and when it happens it completely freezes everything, there's no moving cursor, there's no movement on the screen, there's no beachball, the trackpad on the new rMBP doesn't "click" anymore, if you try to close the lid it never goes to sleep and it never creates a crash report, the computer sits like that forever and never recovers until you restart it manually, please see the video bellow for a demonstration.
2. The issue is only affecting 10.11.4, if you had it earlier, it's not the issue discussed in this thread.
3. Using Chrome/Firefox/Opera does not fix the issue, if it does, you weren't affected by this specific issue.
4. If you have an older machine (non-2015) you are most likely not affected by this issue(the insanely lag caused by the hard drive cable failure in the macbook pro 2012 comes to mind or the gpu 2011-2013 macbook failure which happened to my old macbook as well).
5. Reinstalling the OS doesn't help.
6. Disabling flash doesn't help, stop blaming it.
Finally I believe this issue has been solved in the latest 10.11.5 beta 4 (15F31a), although we won't be sure until apple finally acknowledges it.
Video by MacRumors forum member appleofmy"i" experiencing the freeze issue.
Here is the moment in the log I believe the crash happened, pay attention to the first 3 lines:
Mar 25 18:53:01 Macbook com.apple.WebKit.WebContent[2172]: [18:53:01.241] FigAgglomeratorSetObjectForKey signalled err=-16020 (kFigStringConformerError_ParamErr) (NULL key) at /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/CoreMedia/CoreMedia-1731.15.202/Prototypes/LegibleOutput/FigAgglomerator.c line 92
Mar 25 18:53:06 Macbook com.apple.WebKit.WebContent[2172]: <<<< VT-DS >>>> VTDecompressionSessionWaitForAsynchronousFrames: WARNING: waited 5 seconds for video decoder to complete asynchronous frames; maybe it is stuck or has a buggy path that does not complete a frame?
Mar 25 18:53:08 Macbook watchdogd[284]: [watchdog_daemon] @(_wd_daemon_service_thread) - service (com.apple.WindowServer) reported as unresponsive
Mar 25 18:53:10 Macbook Safari[509]: tcp_connection_destination_handle_tls_close_notify 572 closing socket due to TLS CLOSE_NOTIFY alert
Mar 25 18:53:10 Macbook Safari[509]: tcp_connection_tls_session_error_callback_imp 576 __tcp_connection_tls_session_callback_write_block_invoke.434 error 32
Mar 25 18:53:16 Macbook spindump[2217]: Invalid connection: com.apple.coresymbolicationd
Mar 25 18:53:16 Macbook com.apple.WebKit.WebContent[2172]: <<<< VT-DS >>>> VTDecompressionSessionWaitForAsynchronousFrames: WARNING: waited 10 seconds for video decoder to complete asynchronous frames; maybe it is stuck or has a buggy path that does not complete a frame?
Mar 25 18:53:28 Macbook com.apple.usbmuxd[83]: _SendAttachNotification Device cc:20:e8:13:ef:0c@fe80::ce20:e8ff:fe13:ef0c._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local. has already appeared on interface 4. Suppressing duplicate attach notification.
Mar 25 18:53:41 Macbook CommCenter[242]: Telling CSI to go low power.
Mar 25 18:53:41 Macbook AirPlayUIAgent[570]: 2016-03-25 06:53:41.997718 PM [AirPlayUIAgent] BecomingInactive: NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification
Mar 25 18:53:41 Macbook sharingd[297]: 18:53:41.999 : BTLE scanner Powered Off
Mar 25 18:53:42 --- last message repeated 1 time ---