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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 30, 2016
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macrumors 601
May 30, 2010
It happened once to me for a split second. Was playing iTunes at high volume at the time and re-played the track to see if it was a glitch in the recording, but the second time there was no crackle.

It sounded literally like scratching a record, it wasn’t like a background crackle or anything - it completely distorted the audio.
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macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2015
I had a similar issue with my external DAC/AMP. Lots of hiccups.

Once macOS had finished with its iCloud downloads, indexing, and whatever else it does, the issue went away completely.

I think macOS has a bug related to prioritizing audio streams during these background activities.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 30, 2016
It happened once to me for a split second. Was playing iTunes at high volume at the time and re-played the track to see if it was a glitch in the recording, but the second time there was no crackle.

It sounded literally like scratching a record, it wasn’t like a background crackle or anything - it completely distorted the audio.
It's happening every 10-15 minutes when I'm listening to music. Is it still happening for you?
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macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2018
I'm having the same problem. I was playing audio in iTunes and maybe about 15 minutes in it made this weird metallic scratching sound. I called Apple Support and they think its a hardware issue.
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macrumors member
Nov 8, 2016
I have the same issue and think that my speaker is broken. I am not even in bootcamp just in macOS..... SAD.


macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2018
Sydney, Australia
Just had my new 2018 15" MBP replaced after experiencing severe regular crackling/popping audio, but the new one shows the same initial symptoms.

Wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same problem.

How to test:
- Open a youtube video in safari
- Hold shift and press the volume up/down buttons repeatedly
- Does the volume change sound play consistently for you? Or does it skip, and the audio crackles and pops occasionally?

Video demonstration using an Audacity tone:

If you run into this, you may want to get your machine checked, as this was the most obvious initial symptom, and it got worse to the point where the crackling was constant on both input and output and made calls impossible after just one week.

Other notes:
- It happens on both speakers and through the headphone jack
- Happened for me on both 10.13.5 and 10.13.6
- Resetting SMC and NVRAM do not help the issue
- The crackling and distortion occurs even with nothing playing and volume low, it's just much more difficult to make out


macrumors newbie
Jun 13, 2018
I heard crackles/pops from right top while I was watching a film today.I paused for a minute then it disappeared.
I am worried if that is gonna happen again.


macrumors regular
Jul 18, 2018
Yes I have this issue.

Together with other issues I'm experiencing, I'm quickly moving into the territory of bringing it back to the store unless some quick update releases that fixes most of them.
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macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2018
Have same issue (MBP2018 15" i9).
After a long moment, it starts and occurs every 11 seconds exactly. It can occur in iTunes, or in web videos, and so on.
Under VLC, when it happens, the logs are full of "playback too late", so it's not a speaker problem.

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macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2018
I am noticing the same thing, but only (so far) while playing games. It happens after just a couple minutes in CivVI which is a DX10 game. M$ support site says to download the latest Realtek drivers, but device manager says it's an AMD sound driver?

Bill Gates

macrumors 68030
Jun 21, 2006
I have the same issue with my 2018 15". If I were using Windows, the first thing I would look at would be the DPC latency. I don't know what the equivalent would be (if there is one) under MacOS. From the multiple user reports, I expect this is not a hardware defect, so I see no reason to exchange/replace the machine, although that would certainly help bring the issue to Apple's attention.


macrumors regular
Jul 16, 2018
disturbing! I haven had any issues.
"Crackle?" Sounds like it just ripped a big one.

AHAHAHA that's hilarious.

But yea man, check your macbook's diet bro. i9 too much power, too much protein shakes...
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macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2018
I have the same issue with my 2018 15". If I were using Windows, the first thing I would look at would be the DPC latency. I don't know what the equivalent would be (if there is one) under MacOS. From the multiple user reports, I expect this is not a hardware defect, so I see no reason to exchange/replace the machine, although that would certainly help bring the issue to Apple's attention.
I installed a latency check tool ( and everything is in the yellow, for the mostpart. The tool seems to think there shouldn't be a problem.

Nevertheless, I went through and disabled a few drivers (wifi cards etc) and it didn't reduce the latency.

Where the bar chart turns red is where the crackling started. Where it returns to yellow is where I exited CivVi.
[doublepost=1532743378][/doublepost]Well, I found the problem. And... it's an Apple driver. So not much to do about it since we need that driver for audio.
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