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Jul 28, 2018
Birmingham, Alabama
Your YouTube test didn't reveal any problems for me. I have heard the crackling twice but I tracked down the crackling bug to the T2 driver so I have no doubt a software update will fix it.

It especially happens in Microsoft RDP because that uses an emulated sound driver. Otherwise sound is fine 99.9% of the time.

Please send all your reports to Feedback Assistant. The T2 is a new chip and will probably have a few minor bugs here and there.


macrumors newbie
Jun 13, 2018
It happens when you set the volume to near maximum no matter what you do(music or system sound). The cracking sound is so obvious on the left speaker. I will return it.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2017
overenerginered and overdesigned product

Have same issue (MBP2018 15" i9).
After a long moment, it starts and occurs every 11 seconds exactly. It can occur in iTunes, or in web videos, and so on.
Under VLC, when it happens, the logs are full of "playback too late", so it's not a speaker problem.

sounds more like problems with fans


macrumors newbie
Jul 29, 2018
I got the new MacBook Pro 15" i9 version and I also had some problems with the audio, issues I encountered:
1. While watching a video (youtube/netflix/vimeo..whatever) on any browser the video would randomly stop for a second then resumes (muted!!), and then the audio would resume a couple of seconds after the video. But depending on the software I might need to interfere if it doesn't resume automatically like with chrome for example.
2. Another one would be that the audio gets muffled for some reason. Pausing and resuming the video wouldn't fix it, but using the arrow keys to scrub throw the video would fix the problem and it would resume at normal volume.

I've done everything I could software-wise to fix it but no luck. (reset PRAM, upgrading to Mojave beta software, installing a fresh copy of high Sierra, running the hardware diagnostic tool... etc)

I've got my MacBook Pro replaced, but still the same issue persists (way less frequent though).

I currently have a case filed with apple support and they now have the sysdiagnose for both machines and I'm just waiting for the result of their investigation...

Would probably be a good idea for everyone having similar issues to get in touch with Apple support as to bring their attention to the problem. I also sent the apple support representative I'm contacting the URL to this thread.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2012
New York, NY
Okay so I went to Audio MIDI setup (search for it on spotlight) and changed the MacBook Pro and Microphone Frequency to 44,100 Hz and the issue seems to have resolved itself. No more crackling! Can anyone else try this and let me know if it works for them?
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macrumors member
Mar 20, 2017


macrumors member
Jun 3, 2018
Holy sxxt... I saw this post a few days ago and I thought maybe this was just a very low percentage of production flaw. But a few seconds ago I did hear a crackling sound pop out while I was listening to iTunes music... So far I didn't notice it when I watch Youtube videos. But it just happened and it's a very short crackling sound. Still not 100% sure if it's come from the speaker. So I have to keep using it to confirm this.


macrumors newbie
Jul 27, 2018
Okay so I went to Audio MIDI setup (search for it on spotlight) and changed the MacBook Pro and Microphone Frequency to 44,100 Hz and the issue seems to have resolved itself. No more crackling! Can anyone else try this and let me know if it works for them?

Is this configurable in windows? I looked in the normal place and it's greyed out


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2012
New York, NY
Holy sxxt... I saw this post a few days ago and I thought maybe this was just a very low percentage of production flaw. But a few seconds ago I did hear a crackling sound pop out while I was listening to iTunes music... So far I didn't notice it when I watch Youtube videos. But it just happened and it's a very short crackling sound. Still not 100% sure if it's come from the speaker. So I have to keep using it to confirm this.
Confirm is by doing this test:

Hold down the shift key and on the Touch Bar adjust the volume by clicking on the bar from one end to the other end.


macrumors member
Mar 20, 2017
FYI, when I just move the slider there is no crackling. I can only replicated it with that method when I touch different points on the volume slider really fast.


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2011
Just hope it's a software issue and nothing more. That it happens both on MacOs and Bootcamp is not a good sign though is it?
That you have audio playing correctly for a number of minutes before the crackling starts is a strong indicator that the problem is software related. So an update would thus be able to fix it - whenever Apple gets around to issuing one that is. They seem to have a bunch of stuff on their plate already... :p

yes mine are crackling constantly in bootcamp and a little out of bootcamp my speakers are destroyed now thanks apple
Hm. Sort of a reoccurrence of last year (or was it 2016 model year?) when speakers blew up spontaneously right around when that model launched. I remember reading about people who had two, three repaired machines and then speakers blew up again. ...And still they glue those speakers into the chassis. /facepalm lol


macrumors 6502
Jan 16, 2008
That was strange. I opened a video in safari and held SHIFT + slid the volume slider left to right rapidly and everything was fine, or so I thought. Closed safari and then it was on an endless sound loop that wouldn't go away until I rebooted. But no crackling noises. Not too worried about it, just thought it was strange behavior.


macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2010
This is getting really annoying now.

It happens when watching YouTube or Twitch, any video from Twitter that I load up. Sometimes it cannot even play the sound from twitch without jumping and crackling.

Tempted to send this back, but wondering if anyone else has had anything from Apple yet?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2011
Holy smokes...I didn't think 2018 models would have this many problems. I was reading about the 'bridgeos error' on the other thread and now this, jeez.
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macrumors member
Jul 7, 2018
I've had this happen twice now, both when using Spotify actually, and it's also skipping around like a faulty CD player or something. Coupled with the one BridgeOS crash, I'm giving Apple a call and see what they say.


macrumors regular
Apr 30, 2013
Since my last post I've gotten a couple of nasty, loud crackles while using Splashtop (as a client) over my LAN. I encourage everyone experiencing this issue to submit a report at; I have already done so.
I’ve submitted feedback as a bug report as well.

I've had this happen twice now, both when using Spotify actually, and it's also skipping around like a faulty CD player or something. Coupled with the one BridgeOS crash, I'm giving Apple a call and see what they say.
Please update with what Apple tells you. I’m really curious to see how they resolve this as I’m sure my BTO MBP will be a pain to exchange. Not to mention going through the entire set up process again with the possibility of experiencing the same issues.
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