Could someone help me gather some information about the real differences in durability between the MBP/"cMBP" and rMBP? I've only seen an Anandtech review where it said a layer was removed.
I often live with a backpack. It has 20 pounds (not including whichever MBP), and there's space between the back, foam, and sleeping pad where I can put the laptop. But what I fear most is that these newer rMBPs cannot sustain as much force as the cMBPs. That the compressed clothes in front of it, or whatever I throw on it will flex the screen and destroy the screen.
I've had this mid 2010 since, well... It has huge dents on the bottom and scrapes on the top (my laptop after much cleaning: It's often inside my daypack, which sometimes has books on it, or in a travel bag full of clothes in buses and trains. After 5 years of abuse, the keyboard, screen, and touchpad are immaculate.
But the core 2 duo is not, and is reaching load with just web browsing now (maybe simply reinstall OS X?). Anyway, I'm thinking about getting another cMBP (eBay mid 2012+) fearing all these rMBP screen and durability issues.
Anyone have some empirical data? Some experience? Anyone travel with a backpack, bike, dropped it, dinged it, wedge it between heavy items?
Would those hard cases (Kuzy, iPearl, eBay cheapo, etc.) completely save rMBPs from these forces?