Alag28 said:dont!!! ddont buy the first batches of the memrons...just get a lappie now..there really nice.
Ok being that all your posts in this thread so far have contained the same uninformed logic; i feel the need to put in my two cents. To the OP, definately wait. As with any product, the longer its out the more time people have to call up and complain about it, hence refinements. Or in this case revisions. Thats exactly what revisons are, refinements. I have a rev c ibook and its been phenomenal. Look at the problems the rev a macbooks are having right now (or the problems they're not having! For those of you ready to scream at me that your macbook is perfect) its a new case and a new platform. Apple will get it right, and the rev b macbook with merom is another step in that direction. Ok so now that the quality issue is addressed, 64 bit is arguably "the next big thing." Thats why Apple is bringing on the 64 bit OS, so doesnt it make sense to have a 64 bit processor to go with it? Its your call, but if i were going to drop the money on a computer to keep for 2 plus years, id wait. (sp?)