ok made a picture:
1=soldered location by old owner is gives 005 @ ohm 200 setting
2=same kinda capacitor gives no reply at all to multi meter! i also noticed this is the capacitor which is shorted on pictures above (few posts back by other person)
going further on wled to ground now
Regards, Peter
OK. So just to make sure I understand... Are all of the purple lines you drew on the WLED driver measuring 005 ohms? There should only be a few points measuring shorts to ground.
What is the 200ohm circle you drew?
Also, I am not sure what the fuse you labeled as "2" is. Fuse "1" is the fuse that feeds the WLED driver I believe. Unfortunately I don't have a logic board of your particular vintage to check for myself.
edit: Just looked closer at the picture. Typically components with the "dot" on the top are fuses but you indicated that one of them is a cap? I wish I had one of these boards so I could walk you through it but I need to just go by pictures unfortunately :-(
Peter. Can you enable PM or email on your account so that I can send you an email? I have something that might help....
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