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macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2008
As the Mac App store gains speed, things like "bundling" will become less and less likely.

Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

The two we've had this year (this and MacHeist) have been really disappointing.

It's the quality of the apps they're including - I would add in Parallels or VMWare Fusion, iDraw, and an Omni app if they're able.

That bundle would sell like hot cakes. Apps lots of people want but feel are overpriced individually.


macrumors newbie
Nov 15, 2012
Boulder, CO
Howdy y'all, I'm Nate, the founder and co-owner of MacLegion. Thanks for taking the time to post, good or bad. Anyway, I'm the one in charge of putting together these bundles and handling support... The perfect candidate for a post here. So, if you have suggestions on what app(s) you'd like to see in an upcoming bundle or just feel like telling me what a crappy job I've been doing please email me directly via nate (-at-) maclegion (-dot-) com. Obviously not all the apps in a bundle are going to be appealing to all Mac users. For example, I literally use Fantastical every day yet its useless to some of you. Perceived value is a big deal 'cause I'm not putting this bundle together for myself, I'm putting it together for the Mac community as a whole. Bottom line, I genuinely want to know what you're thinking, good, bad or ugly. Seriously, if you tell me apps you'd like to see in an upcoming bundle your voice is heard, simple as that. Doesn't mean the developers will play ball but I'll do my best to get you what you want. For those of you with questions or problems with the bundle please email me via help (-at-) maclegion (-dot-) com. Alright this post is long enough, I'll shut up and let you get back to it.
Last edited:


macrumors 68000
Feb 26, 2011
Thanks for the post. I appreciate what you've done but I'll add in that VMware fusion would be a great addition to your next bundle.
Howdy y'all, I'm Nate, the founder and co-owner of MacLegion. Thanks for taking the time to post, good or bad. Anyway, I'm the one in charge of putting together these bundles and handling support... The perfect candidate for a post here. So, if you have a suggestions on what apps you'd like to see in an upcoming bundle or just feel like telling me what a crappy job I've been doing please email me directly via nate (-at-) maclegion (-dot-) com. Obviously not all the apps in a bundle are going to be appealing to all Mac users. For example, I literally use Fantastical every day yet its useless to some of you. Perceived value is a big deal 'cause I'm not putting this bundle together for myself, I'm putting it together for the Mac community as a whole. Bottom line, I genuinely want to know what you're thinking, good, bad or ugly. Seriously, if you tell me apps you'd like to see in an upcoming bundle your voice is heard, simple as that. Doesn't mean the developers will play ball but I'll do my best to get you what you want. For those of you with questions or problems with the bundle please email me via help (-at-) maclegion (-dot-) com. Alright this post is long enough, I'll shut up and let you get back to it.


macrumors 601
Oct 26, 2009
Coming up with a great bundle is an impossible task because everyone has different needs. As the saying goes "one person's trash is another one's treasure." If multiple smaller bundles were offered, and were specialized, I think there would be much more interest.


Jan 18, 2005
The RRP for those apps are insane. But I still wouldn't pay that discounted price. Guess I just don't need any of them.

But in a world where you can get 5-7 high quality games as "pay what you want" (as cheap as 1p), it seems mad to spend $50 on 10 apps in a sale.


macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2010
Sacramento, CA
anyone have experience with Freeway pro?

Im thinking of FINALLY moving away from iWeb :( and need something just AS EASY to use. Ive looked at sandvox and rapidweaver and dont really like either one.


I have Ripit as well and love it!


macrumors member
Jun 24, 2012
30$ for Copy and Paste?
HAHHAHAA. I always found the price of Mac app crazy.
Dev really are presumptuous to believe they can sell a product priced that high when you can live without it anytime.
Seriously, 30$ to have a better copy and paste ??


macrumors regular
Oct 10, 2012
Freeway pro is a great web site app with hundreds of "actions" that extend usability. I have used it for some time (6 or 7 years in some version or another). RapidWeaver looks very template oriented and its add-ons seem very pricey.

I also like Techtool though I find OSX drastically reduced my need for this type of maintenance app.

RipIt is brilliant; have yet to see a more straightforward and effective DVD ripper.

As for Beamer, I already use Air Video Server so not sure if I need it but the functionality is needed if you have an Apple TV.

I would say its a pretty good bundle actually.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
I think bundles work out great when there's an app you were already going to buy and it's the same price so everything else is just icing ... or it's even cheaper ... or you score a couple of "on the fence" apps.

The recent Heist bundle was solid for me because I wanted DiskKeeper Pro and Tune Up, so for $29, I got those two ($99/$39), plus a couple of nice utilities I'd probably never have sprung for, some games, even sold an app making my bundle price ~$22 :)

The Man

macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
I have used Freeway since the 90's. Don't see any problem with this app. It is what it is: Making websites akin to desktop publishing. Yes, you have less control over the code, but it does it pretty well for it's target audience. Still a bit of a learning curve, but the same as desktop publishing software.

I find it wonderful that this company (Softpress) still exists (since 1994).


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2011
3 countries for tax benefit
Fantastical ($19.99) - Calendar application with natural language processing

:D I have owned Fantastical for a while, and I must admit it's once of the most useful calendar tools I have ever used.

How about typing this: Meeting with John Tomorrow 8pm to 9pm at AppleBees:
View attachment 378267

However, 40$?

- iRip ($19.95) - Transfer songs from your iPod or iPhone to your Mac
Might worth a look..

But Really? 40$?

And Freeway Pro? Quite a joke.

You eat at Applebees?



Old Muley

macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2009
Titletown USA
anyone have experience with Freeway pro?

Im thinking of FINALLY moving away from iWeb :( and need something just AS EASY to use. Ive looked at sandvox and rapidweaver and dont really like either one.

When iWeb needed replacing, I looked at all the various options as well before settling on Freeway. My web-designing is more of a hobby, so Freeway Express met my needs just fine. It seems a bit more flexible than Rapidweaver in that you're not so locked into templates. There is a bit of a learning curve, but that has to be expected.

For $50 I'll definitely be doing the upgrade to Freeway Pro to gain a little more functionality.

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
I LOVE Rogue Amoeba's Audio Hijack Pro, use it all the time. Great tool.

I think I checked out RapidWeaver a year or two ago, but then I thought Freeway Express looked easier to use. I tried the demo, but somehow the validation got corrupted and the demo expired after two days. Support couldn't help me and advised to try the Freeway Pro demo instead. I never did.

I'll check out RapidWeaver again. Thanks for reminding me.

Heck yeah, Audio Hijack Pro is amazing, and I got it bundled with Fission (they do this on the site and it's much cheaper than buying both). I also have Nicecast. Bought those years ago, and still get updates. Well worth the investment compared to other apps for that reason alone.

30$ for Copy and Paste?
HAHHAHAA. I always found the price of Mac app crazy.
Dev really are presumptuous to believe they can sell a product priced that high when you can live without it anytime.
Seriously, 30$ to have a better copy and paste ??

Those apps have never ending support though. You're not just paying for the app, you're paying to have it updated and work until it's no longer possible for the developer to update. I have things that were made for OS X Panther originally, then updated for Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard, Lion, and now Mountain Lion.

Westside guy

macrumors 603
Oct 15, 2003
The soggy side of the Pacific NW
That's one of the things I don't understand about the Mac application ecosystem. Why are there certain apps like DVD rippers that are completely free on Windows and have many features, and yet the exact same thing or less on the Mac seems to cost money.

You can easily turn this around - why does OS X include a FREE DVD player while Windows doesn't? Bottom line is - it's really a question for the developers, since they're the ones who make these decisions. Some choose to offer their stuff for free (or with ads), and others don't.


So how does RipIt stack up against Handbrake?

They do different things. RipIt makes an image of the DVD that you can either process through Handbrake or play directly on your Mac (since the Mac DVD player supports .dvdmedia images).

I like to rip DVDs because a) it gives me a backup, and b) having Handbrake process a DVD image for a few hours means you're not spinning your DVD player for those few hours - it's less wear and tear.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA
God, compared to the MacUpdate bundle, this bundle is useless. I wouldn't use any of these apps.

At least the last MacUpdate bundle we got included Parallels and ScreenFlow, which were worth the money. Plus I played Civilization V for the like 3 days :) lol


macrumors newbie
Aug 5, 2010
Nice one Nate - I bought the bundle, but can't get iRip to activate with name & serial provided on receipt. Should I contact them direct?

Many thanks
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