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The 18A347e build is a developer beta, and will not show up as an available update unless your machine is enrolled in the developer beta program. The 5th public beta has not been released yet.

Does the dosdude1 patcher install the dev build or the public beta build? Would redownloading the patcher and downloading Mojave from there give me dB5 or still pB4? I’m curious how some people here are getting dB5.
I've only worked on this for a few minutes so far, but as a start point I've been looking at some Console errors that I thought were relevant.

The error Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: [x] should be ignored. It happens in High Sierra.

The error Invalid surface [x] for window [y] only happens in Mojave and I traced it to SkyLight.framework/.../SkyLight. Could somebody with a supported Mac please use Mojave for 1/2 hour and see if this error appears for you? I feel this might be the cause of transparency glitches.
Experimented with Mojave Patcher.
I'm trying to get a GeForce GTX 260.

Also copied a file about which parrotgeek1 wrote - /System/Library/Frameworks/coredisplay.frameworkfrom 10.14 beta 1.
The result is identical.

I tried all patches of models in Mojave Patcher.
For patches under imac11.2, imac11.3, imac12.1, macbookair4.1, macbookair4.2, macbookpro6.1, macbookpro6.2, macmini5.1, macmini5.2, macmini5.3 - the result is bad.
Unless on patches from laptops that were started both monitors, but the second monitor went duplicating.

For patches under imac11.1, imac12.2, macbookpro8.1-8.3, macpro4.1 - the most successful result at the moment:
namely to define 2 monitors, the resolution on the second monitor is also identical, on the first 1024x720;
and only on these patches after the login screen allows to log into the system, but after almost complete initialization of the system hangs tightly, also the top bar menu as if it is not active and darkened.

Also I want to note that the system runs without any correct drivers and everything works there, only friezes and artifacts.
NVDANV50HalTesla is loaded without errors, only as I understood the identification of the NDRVShim load can not be determined.

My system Hackintosh - identify imac11,1.
Intel i5-750 3Ghz (Overlocking)
GeForce GTX 260
MSI P55-CD53
SSD Kingston 240GB

Successfully run macOS 10.13.5.

Help me, please.
Your CPU is compatible with the SSE4.2 instruction and I see no need to use the mojave patch, because it's a hachintosh, just change the SMBios in config.plist to a version compatible with mojave, like iMac 14.2, for example.
I've only worked on this for a few minutes so far, but as a start point I've been looking at some Console errors that I thought were relevant.

The error Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: [x] should be ignored. It happens in High Sierra.

The error Invalid surface [x] for window [y] only happens in Mojave and I traced it to SkyLight.framework/.../SkyLight. Could somebody with a supported Mac please use Mojave for 1/2 hour and see if this error appears for you? I feel this might be the cause of transparency glitches.

I’ll try it for you.
[doublepost=1533408228][/doublepost] 62EE3805-8DA8-41D3-8BF3-6A4719EE4268.jpeg

I've only worked on this for a few minutes so far, but as a start point I've been looking at some Console errors that I thought were relevant.

The error Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: [x] should be ignored. It happens in High Sierra.

The error Invalid surface [x] for window [y] only happens in Mojave and I traced it to SkyLight.framework/.../SkyLight. Could somebody with a supported Mac please use Mojave for 1/2 hour and see if this error appears for you? I feel this might be the cause of transparency glitches.

Same issue on a Mid 2012 MacBook Pro.
I've only worked on this for a few minutes so far, but as a start point I've been looking at some Console errors that I thought were relevant.

The error Unknown CGXDisplayDevice: [x] should be ignored. It happens in High Sierra.

The error Invalid surface [x] for window [y] only happens in Mojave and I traced it to SkyLight.framework/.../SkyLight. Could somebody with a supported Mac please use Mojave for 1/2 hour and see if this error appears for you? I feel this might be the cause of transparency glitches.

I did encountered too: Invalid surface posted

I have a supported Mac but in these days can't really do any test on that machine.

I guess we need to patch a SkyLight unix exec from the High Sierra one, and keeping untouched the WindowServer exec from Mojave.

@ASentientBot since you are expert in this, try replacing only the SkyLight unix exec from HS in Mojave, then try to trace any logs why it stucks after the stage2 Apple Logo.

First time I replaced all the UserEventPlugins folder, I got exactly the same behavior of this I wrote before, then re-replaced 20 from Mojave it passed the stage2 Apple Logo, later discovered the telemetry.

The funny thing is if I want to replace all the entire UserEventPlugins folder from High Sierra, on MB7,1 without keeping the Mojave (or deleting completely) "" I stayed too on black screen after stage2 Apple Logo.

I think of a correlation even between the UserEventPlugins folder with SkyLight unix exec from High Sierra that is the much closer in size and time of development of the Mojave one.
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when I successfully upgraded to DP5 on my internal hdd on my iMac 9,1 I had version b12 of dosdude's Mojave patcher which is version 14014 18A3363 DP4 so when DP5 came out I originally had Mojave enrolled in the public beta so I used SWU Switcher and switched to developers beta checked the software update and successfully updated from 14014 to 14015 DP5 I think the software update scans for a install macOS Mojave beta and which version it is so if you don't have a install macOS Mojave beta it downloads the full installer. Both my macOS Mojave patcher and install macOS Mojave beta are in my applications folder
For testing purposes, I made (and by made, I mean cobbled together from StackOverflow posts -- I don't know Swift) a very simple program to display a semi-transparent window, like the Finder sidebar.

And it behaves just the same as the Finder sidebar! Normal behavior in dark mode, plain grey in light mode.

Not sure if anybody wants to help trace this, but if so, here it is. Run it with swift Transparent.swift from Terminal.


    458 bytes · Views: 189
it does look like it has a metal look to it

This is definitely related to Metal and unfortunately as the years go by Apple will most likely start using Metal for more and more things eventually phasing out the possibility of patching it for older devices as the work required would be too complicated and/or using old drivers and other system files would break the system and thus be impossible.
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This is definitely related to Metal and unfortunately as the years go by Apple will most likely start using Metal for more and more things eventually phasing out the possibility of patching it for older devices as the work required would be too complicated and/or using old drivers and other system files would break the system and thus be impossible.
That is exactly right unfortunately- wonder why they didn't make metal for these systems
  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
This is definitely related to Metal and unfortunately as the years go by Apple will most likely start using Metal for more and more things eventually phasing out the possibility of patching it for older devices as the work required would be too complicated and/or using old drivers and other system files would break the system and thus be impossible.
when I get a chance and find my copy of El Captain and installed will check to see if it has the same 5 kexts that high Sierra uses for the iSight to see if they work in Mojave on my MacBook 5,2 without breaking the system
when I get a chance and find my copy of El Captain and installed will check to see if it has the same 5 kexts that high Sierra uses for the iSight to see if they work in Mojave on my MacBook 5,2 without breaking the system

I can get you the KEXTs from El Capitan. Which ones do you need and where are they located?
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the ones I posted on page 136 those are from high Sierra except the kextutility see if El Captain has those 5 kexts I will look but I think they are from S/L/E Edit yes they are in the system/Library/Extensions folder
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Does the dosdude1 patcher install the dev build or the public beta build? Would redownloading the patcher and downloading Mojave from there give me dB5 or still pB4? I’m curious how some people here are getting dB5.

I believe that it downloads the public beta.

Edit: On my MacBook Pro 8,2, I successfully completed an in-place upgrade of an external USB HDD containing High Sierra to Mojave 10.14 Beta (18A347e) using the installer downloaded via @dosdude1's Mojave Patcher v1.1.1, so I may be mistaken in my belief that it only downloads the public beta.
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  • Like
Reactions: TimothyR734
This is definitely related to Metal and unfortunately as the years go by Apple will most likely start using Metal for more and more things eventually phasing out the possibility of patching it for older devices as the work required would be too complicated and/or using old drivers and other system files would break the system and thus be impossible.
Oh yeah - for sure. My Light Mode on macpro 3,1 + GTX680 is fine without transparency. The mbp5,3 however requires it (I increased contrast too) and it has a GeForce 2400M 256MB. So it's GPU/acceleration/metal (shader?) related. I think @jackluke tried swapping out the entire Skylight framework but it doesn't boot correctly. No surprises there as Skylight is a critical private framework retooled between HS and Mojave (per my previous comment)
At this point, I think the only option is to trace through the code (as @ASentientBot) suggested and glean a patch.
If it occurs on supported systems, Apple may respond to a radar - but I don't think it does (unless I'm mistaken) so fat chance of that happening.

Peeling though the object code I did find symbols related to shaders associated with ui components in dark (like toolbar) and a new addition from the HS base :

00000000002d32f0 b __ZL34_placeholder_selection_system_dark

A class dump of the Skylight binary also indicates the offending code is probably in WindowServer or a lower level framework or dylib. The Skylight class-dump looks like this:

//     Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit).
//     class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2013 by Steve Nygard.

#pragma mark -

// File: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/SkyLight
// UUID: 25DCE5F7-0737-301F-8A27-CAB3A1AA298C
//                           Arch: x86_64
//                Current version: 600.0.0
//          Compatibility version: 64.0.0
//                 Source version: 336.
// Objective-C Garbage Collection: Unsupported

@protocol MTLResource <NSObject>
@property(readonly) unsigned long long allocatedSize;
@property(readonly) id <MTLHeap> heap;
@property(readonly) unsigned long long storageMode;
@property(readonly) unsigned long long cpuCacheMode;
@property(readonly) id <MTLDevice> device;
@property(copy) NSString *label;
- (BOOL)isAliasable;
- (void)makeAliasable;
- (unsigned long long)setPurgeableState:(unsigned long long)arg1;

@protocol MTLResourceSPI <MTLResource>
@property(readonly) MTLResourceAllocationInfo *cachedAllocationInfo;
@property(readonly) MTLResourceAllocationInfo *sharedAllocationInfo;
@property int responsibleProcess;
- (BOOL)doesAliasAnyResources:(const id *)arg1 count:(unsigned long long)arg2;
- (BOOL)doesAliasAllResources:(const id *)arg1 count:(unsigned long long)arg2;
- (BOOL)doesAliasResource:(id <MTLResource>)arg1;
- (void)waitUntilComplete;
- (BOOL)isComplete;
- (BOOL)isPurgeable;

@protocol NSObject
@property(readonly, copy) NSString *description;
@property(readonly) Class superclass;
@property(readonly) unsigned long long hash;
- (struct _NSZone *)zone;
- (unsigned long long)retainCount;
- (id)autorelease;
- (oneway void)release;
- (id)retain;
- (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)arg1;
- (BOOL)conformsToProtocol:(Protocol *)arg1;
- (BOOL)isMemberOfClass:(Class)arg1;
- (BOOL)isKindOfClass:(Class)arg1;
- (BOOL)isProxy;
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)arg1 withObject:(id)arg2 withObject:(id)arg3;
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)arg1 withObject:(id)arg2;
- (id)performSelector:(SEL)arg1;
- (id)self;
- (Class)class;
- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)arg1;

@property(readonly, copy) NSString *debugDescription;

@interface SLSessionOwner : NSObject
    unsigned int _port;
    NSNumber *_auditSessionID;
    NSNumber *_sessionID;

+ (id)sessionOwnerForNewSessionWithAuditSessionID:(id)arg1;
+ (id)sessionOwnerForNewSessionWithAuditSessionID:(id)arg1 launchData:(id)arg2;
+ (id)sessionOwnerBySettingLoginwindowConnection:(unsigned int)arg1;
+ (id)sessionOwnerWithXPCSerialization:(id)arg1;
+ (id)sessionOwnerWithPort:(unsigned int)arg1 auditSessionID:(int)arg2 cgSessionID:(unsigned int)arg3;
@property(retain, nonatomic) NSNumber *sessionID; // @synthesize sessionID=_sessionID;
@property(retain, nonatomic) NSNumber *auditSessionID; // @synthesize auditSessionID=_auditSessionID;
@property(nonatomic) unsigned int port; // @synthesize port=_port;
@property(readonly, nonatomic, getter=isValid) BOOL valid;
- (id)createXPCSerializationAndInvalidate;
- (id)initWithXPCSerialization:(id)arg1;
- (id)initWithPort:(unsigned int)arg1 auditSessionID:(int)arg2 cgSessionID:(unsigned int)arg3;
- (void)dealloc;


So some higher level code that establishes connections and sessions...
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Boot up on a "prohibitory or stop sign"

I have this current situation on an unsupported MacbookPro 15" mid-2009 (MacbookPro5,3)
  1. Used @dosdude1's Mojave Patcher v1.1.1. Successfully installed and patched on an external USB bootable drive.
  2. Rebooted on my MBP5,3, and got the prohibitory sign after showing the apple logo (on gray screen).
  3. Tried the USB boot drive on my MBP5,5. Same failed result.
  4. Tried the USB boot drive on my unsupported MBAir4,2. This one worked (booted up fine).
  5. Additional note: my MBP5,3 does NOT have any internal drives (will install one later). My MBP5,5 does have an internal drive. But still failed result.
Any suggestion folks?

Appreciate it.
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