If it's the model with an AMD Radeon HD 6xxx series GPU, sleep mode will not work due to lack of graphics acceleration.
Nah, I'm going to revise the Legacy Video Card Patch in the post-install tool to not install by default on systems with the Radeon HD 5xxx and 6xxx series GPUs. That will make that issue not happen. In fact, I'd highly advise that you DON'T run Mojave on systems with these GPUs, simply due to the extremely poor performance, the system running much hotter than normal, and the lack of features such as sleep mode.
Hi, I registered just to reply and point something out about this. I am on an early 2011 15" MBP with a dead video card since the Sierra days. I have used three different methods to disable the GPU and force the computer to use the Intel HD 3000 graphics instead, including dosdude1's method. His resulted in the lack of sleep and brightness functionality in both High Sierra and Mojave for me, causing a lot of excess heat and poor performance.
This method was made by someone else on the forum, but I can't remember the thread or user. I'm very sorry for the lack of credit, but I believe this will save at least the macs running AMD 6xxx chips from being totally unusable. I cannot say if this works for the 5xxx chips since I don't have a machine with that chip.
I do want to point out that this method makes it so an external display cannot be used and I have found using Photoshop and FCPX for major editing is pretty much impossible. If you're in the same boat as me where the card is completely dead anyway and you still want a laptop for basic things that aren't graphically intense, I'd give this a try before giving up.
Right now on High Sierra my CPU is idling at 61°C and has, so far, been the same in Mojave (installed on a second hard drive) with fully functional backlight adjustment and sleep. It lags a bit at first when, say, clicking the apps folder from the dock for the first time after boot, but it only happens at first.
To enable this fix, install Mojave and run the post install tools as usual including the legacy video card patch. Once rebooted, follow the steps in the attachment. I have found that, unlike High Sierra, Mojave doesn't place the AMDRadeonX3000.kext file back into the extensions folder, so there is no need to re-run the Legacy Video Card Patch or do these steps after every update. You will have to run the "force-iGPU-boot.sh" again in single user mode if your NVRAM or SMC gets reset, but I haven't had any major problems with Mojave since using this fix. I specified Mojave because High Sierra required moving the kext back and re-doing the process after every update.
I really hope this helps and wish everyone the best.
Thank you all for your diligent work and especially dosdude1 who gave me the hope of running Mojave at all.
Edit: Sorry, I forgot to mention that the graphical anomalies are still present in Mojave with this GPU fix, it just fixes the backlight, sleep and heat problems.