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I am assuming that it’s simply dosdude’s files that aren’t working then, what device did you test it on?

@dosdude1 files are working fine, he simply forgot to include into the Mojave Installer /S/L/E/ the most recent apfs.kext or whatever else to support encryption (maybe some extra kext into /Library/Extensions/ ), and adding legacy IO802Family.kext from High Sierra or from previous macOS to enable wifi on Mojave Installer.

I tested on iMac 2009 without APFS native support (I'm using main Mojave in HFS+ mode only).
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I guess you can't from System Preferences since it's required the APFS file system, it seems that the dosdude1's USB Mojave installs Mojave on HFS+ by default, so at the moment the only safe way to upgrade is to recreate a new USB Installer with the latest Mojave Patcher and then booting from it re-install again into your current Mojave Volume doing a refreshing re-installation.
I'm running Mojave on a SSD formatted in APFS with the Mojave Patcher.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean by APFS file system.


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I've been running Mojave on my Early 2011 Macbook Pro 13 for a few days and so far not impressed with it, to say the least.
Dark mode is kind of meh and not nearly as glitch-free as the description suggests. It falls back onto the light mode way too often, and unless you stick with a very limited selection of apps you still still need reduced transparency enabled.
It also came at the expense of a superior dark menu bar/light system mode, which admittedly you can get back, sort of.

Another problem is font rendering. I hate aggressive rainbowy sub-pixel AA and I usually admire Apple for staying true to what's been drawn. That being said, this time they gone too far. Interface itself looks mostly fine (not so much in dark mode though), but some things like Quicklook/Preview engine are outright broken. They didn't just toss AA, but somehow managed to mess up kerning and hinting to the point where PDFs are simply unreadable.
Overall, it feels like Apple is getting ready to abandon lower resolution non-retina screens altogether (which would be fair for laptops, but not for desktops where proper retina displays are still problematic). Lots of rough edges and blurry icons everywhere. It probably didn't start with Mojave, but now it's really getting in your face.

Really, Apple? ↓


I was considering getting a logic board upgrade to 2012 MBP to run Mojave properly, but now I'm not even sure I want it at all.

Also, here's my ugly solution for hybrid transparency dark menu-bar/light mode:


defaults write reduceTransparency -bool false

defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No
killall NotificationCenter
sleep 2
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer"
click menu bar item "Notification Centre" of menu bar 1
click menu bar item "Notification Centre" of menu bar 1
end tell'
defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes

killall Dock

launchctl unload -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
key code 144
key code 145
end tell'

defaults write reduceTransparency -bool true
killall Finder
killall Spotlight

kill `ps -A | grep -w | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`

Gives you Sierra-style dark non-transparent menu bar, dark transparent dock/mission control , dark transparent notification center with properly colored fonts (some widgets might still get messed when they refresh), transparent OSD, light non-transparent everything else.
[doublepost=1538133317][/doublepost]And a fresh set of glitches. Black rectangles in some new apps appear on an external HDMI-to-TB connected (in my case) display. Disappear when move a window onto a laptop screen.

Apple Maps (3D icon in dark mode):


Apple news and Stocks:


Screenshot tool:

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I'm running Mojave on a SSD formatted in APFS with the Mojave Patcher.
I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean by APFS file system.

It's the same thing, you have APFS (not HFS+) so theoretically you can update from System Preferences without a Dev/Public profile enrolment.
I've been running Mojave on my Early 2011 Macbook Pro 13 for a few days and so far not impressed with it, to say the least.
Dark mode is kind of meh and not nearly as glitch-free as the description suggests. It falls back onto the light mode way too often, and unless you stick with a very limited selection of apps you still still need reduced transparency enabled.
It also came at the expense of a superior dark menu bar/light system mode, which admittedly you can get back, sort of.

Another problem is font rendering. I hate aggressive rainbowy sub-pixel AA and I usually admire Apple for staying true to what's been drawn. That being said, this time they gone too far. Interface itself looks mostly fine (not so much in dark mode though), but some things like Quicklook/Preview engine are outright broken. They didn't just toss AA, but somehow managed to mess up kerning and hinting to the point where PDFs are simply unreadable.
Overall, it feels like Apple is getting ready to abandon lower resolution non-retina screens altogether (which would be fair for laptops, but not for desktops where proper retina displays are still problematic). Lots of rough edges and blurry icons everywhere. It probably didn't start with Mojave, but now it's really getting in your face.

Really, Apple? ↓


I was considering getting a logic board upgrade to 2012 MBP to run Mojave properly, but now I'm not even sure I want it at all.

Also, here's my ugly solution for hybrid transparency dark menu-bar/light mode:


defaults write reduceTransparency -bool false

defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No
killall NotificationCenter
sleep 2
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer"
click menu bar item "Notification Centre" of menu bar 1
click menu bar item "Notification Centre" of menu bar 1
end tell'
defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes

killall Dock

launchctl unload -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
key code 144
end tell'
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
key code 145
end tell'

defaults write reduceTransparency -bool true
killall Finder
killall Spotlight

kill `ps -A | grep -w | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`

Gives you Sierra-style dark non-transparent menu bar, dark transparent dock/mission control , dark transparent notification center with properly colored fonts (some widgets might still get messed when they refresh), transparent OSD, light non-transparent everything else.
[doublepost=1538133317][/doublepost]And a fresh set of glitches. Black rectangles in some new apps appear on an external HDMI-to-TB connected (in my case) display. Disappear when move a window onto a laptop screen.

Apple Maps (3D icon in dark mode):


Apple news and Stocks:


Screenshot tool:


I appreciate alternative scripts but with this: defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes
you don't have more a valid Mojave "dark mode", this will force also the "dark mode" to use "light mode" appearance, I guess many people here want to keep at least the "dark mode" almost untouched.
10.4.1 System Update

Ok - worrying about the 10.4.1 system update, I tried it myself on my bookpro 5,3.

TL;DR - it worked

  1. Downloaded the 10.14.1 beta utility from the developer site
  2. Preferences system update kicked off immediately - downloaded (~1.99Gb I think) - then restarted
  3. Got the no entry due to kernel panic of course
  4. Applied latest post-install (checked off the APFS Patch just for kicks ?)
  5. Rebooted - took a while - but eventually booted right up - Phew!

  1. APFS boot and verbose messages changed - haven't dug into these
  2. In between initial install and post, I booted back up from the patcher stick to dig around and noticed a strange EFI configuration + beaucoup phantom disk images loaded. Disappeared though after successful post-install and reboot. Now my diskutil list looks fine
  3. For some reason Apple doesn't have developer release notes for 10.4.1 up. Still trying to figure out what changed. Anyone have any insights into the changes?
Got the no entry due to kernel panic of course .... what is that please ?
please more exactly info to update to 10.14.1 from installed 10.14 Mojave.
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SmokeItLow [page 311 post 7755] - apologies for this delayed response, I had the exact same situation as in your screenshot but on a different machine (iMac9,1 24”). The APFS ROM flasher threw up the “EEPROM has Multiple Definitions” warning and interpreted the chip as a MX-25L3206E; but when I opened up the box, as in your case what I found was a MX-25L3205DM2I. So I flashed using the MX25L3205D/MX25L3208D definition and for me it was 100% successful. However YMMV, so it’s entirely your call …

Anyway in case it’s of help to others with the “Should I flash the ROM?” dilemma here’s my experience. I’ve five unsupported 2008/2009 Macs (yeah. I know. Don’t ask …) They are:
- MacBook Pro 4,1 15”
- MacMini 3,1
- iMac 9,1 20”
- iMac 9,1 24”
- Mac Pro 3,1

I’ve applied the APFS boot ROM patch successfully to all five, although because I was waiting for the official Mojave release I’ve actually followed it with an APFS install (of High Sierra) on only the MacMini (to a slow Crucial 128GB SSD) and, as a test, to a 1TB mechanical HD in the iMac 24”. Both machines boot and run 10.13.6 perfectly (so far anyway) from their now-supported APFS drives but of course, without a working Recovery partition.

What I did in each case was:
1) Clean-install of 10.13.x to a HFS+ drive using a DOSdude patchstick
2) Applied all the relevant post-install patches
3) Updated to 10.13.6 using a Combo.pkg with edited Distribution file
and then:
a) Rebooted into single user mode
b) Using memtest, verified all RAM was good
c) Rebooted into Recovery; verified the HD and confirmed csrutil disable
d) Rebooted normally, then cold-rebooted into ROM programming mode
e) Flashed the ROM.

As for the actual flashing, it took between 12 and 15 minutes on all of the machines except for the MacBook Pro, which was (relatively) quick at circa four minutes (because of a much faster EEPROM read/write?). Apart from the iMac9,1 24” the flasher detected the correct EEPROM (I didn’t get the “EEPROM has Multiple Definitions” warning) on the other four Macs. I’ve also applied the NVMe boot patch to the Mac Pro, I did that after the APFS flash and again it was completely successful (as far as the flashing went … I don’t have a NVMe drive to test things with. Not yet anyway).

So there ya go, hope that’s of some relevance. Many, many thanks to DOSdude and everyone else who is contributing to keeping our old-but-still-capable Macs alive.

First Mojave installs scheduled for this weekend!
I applied this at the beginning but many texts still look bad, with BOLD.
Can this be solved in the future with a patch?

I followed the received feedbacks and modified the scripts, keeping only the essentials to work, but will not work at startup.

Leave on Desktop:

After switching to light mode, click the LightMode script to run.
When in dark mode, click the DarkMode script to run.

These two scripts impact a lot less than the previous ones, and that's my final contribution.

Feel free to modify and make your changes as needed.
You have to replace the prelinkedkernel file into the USB Mojave Installer path: /System/Library/PrelinkedKernels/
probably the prelinkedkernel inside is "locked", to unlock simply ctrl+click on it, "Get Info" and de-select "locked", after you can move, rename or replace it.

Keep in mind that prelinkedkernel NOT contains the current Mojave kernel, but the last one available when has been created, however it works, you can build a custom prelinkedkernel even using a Mojave beta 1 kernel, and it will work anyway.
Thank you very much


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Hello thanks for share with us. Using system preferences and then software update I received a message that there is no new software actually I am running the GM 10.14. I tried to install the version 10.14.1 using the dosdude1 patcher 1.22 with a pen drive but my Mac is still on the GM 10.14. I don't know what I am doing wrong.

same problem; software update on beta channel states my mac is up to date (I have installed macOS 10.14 (18A391)
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I don't understand the general hurry to update to a beta 10.14.1 , the final version 18A391 is almost perfect on unsupported macs (except those who lack video acceleration), the risk is more forward you go less compatibility you will encounter, as many pioneers reported from 10.14.1 they are changing the EFI partition scheme introducing a firmware update, so for those less expert I'd stay away from updating right now.
Ladies and Gentleman, I know that 99.9% of you are far more advanced than I am. That being said, I am confused. I have installed 10.14 final and have it up and running. I have installed the Night Shift patch. Now my Beta shows the update for 10.14.1. What is the correct way to update? Or should I not do it? Thanks.

Take a look
non-Metal Graphics
Working on macOS Mojave?

Ladies and Gentleman, I know that 99.9% of you are far more advanced than I am. That being said, I am confused. I have installed 10.14 final and have it up and running. I have installed the Night Shift patch. Now my Beta shows the update for 10.14.1. What is the correct way to update? Or should I not do it? Thanks.

Do not update to 10.14.1 yet, this is the first beta of this new version, and has a firmware update that will render your current system unusable, having to reinstall version 10.14 (18A391) or a previous one to be able to work again.

Best thing right now: quit the beta program.
yes it was a clean installation.

i didn't make a time machine backup of the apps, i re-installed all of them from zero.

I don't have that issue, my macbook runs well. try to re-install all the patches or try to re-install mojave again with a clean installation.
I did a clean installation and re-installed all of from zero and now the fan is ok, like on High Sierra, but I don't like that the texts of many applications are with bold font and pixeled. By this I'm thinking go back to high sierra
@dosdude1 files are working fine, he simply forgot to include into the Mojave Installer /S/L/E/ the most recent apfs.kext or whatever else to support encryption (maybe some extra kext into /Library/Extensions/ ), and adding legacy IO802Family.kext from High Sierra or from previous macOS to enable wifi on Mojave Installer.

I tested on iMac 2009 without APFS native support (I'm using main Mojave in HFS+ mode only).
Nope, simply replacing the prelinkedkernel with one created in *the latest version* from *my device*, fixed both Wi-Fi and APFS encryption. I’m not sure why this is, but I think it might have something to do with what device @dosdude1 used to create the prelinkedkernel.
Nope, simply replacing the prelinkedkernel with one created in *the latest version* from *my device*, fixed both Wi-Fi and APFS encryption. I’m not sure why this is, but I think it might have something to do with what device @dosdude1 used to create the prelinkedkernel.

Yes instead, infact your device contains all the legacy required kexts to make wifi and encryption to work and copying it into Mojave Installer path /S/L/PrelinkedKernels/, will be a valid bootable kextcache, and it will work because the Mojave kernel is embedded in, in any MacOS Installer there is no /System/Library/Kernels folder, so no risk to rebuild a new kextcache on different machines when booting.

But yours is a good idea to use a pre-prelinkedkernel probably in this way also the HDA Audio could work on a Installer.
Dark is nice at night but I think even Apple did not mean it to be a general purpose mode. I'm growing to prefer Light for everything else. So I have a vested interest in this too.
At least I don't have to stare at a listless grey menu bar without fiddling with accessibility transparency and contrast options. My HIToolbox "sledge hammer" fix works pretty well for me (and some others): a set and forget workaround. Not ready for public consumption (the way it's "packaged") but if you're interested just PM.
Great article - thanks.

Is your HIToolbox fix available to try? Can you explain more about what it is?
I've been running Mojave on my Early 2011 Macbook Pro 13 for a few days and so far not impressed with it, to say the least.
Dark mode is kind of meh and not nearly as glitch-free as the description suggests. It falls back onto the light mode way too often, and unless you stick with a very limited selection of apps you still still need reduced transparency enabled.
It also came at the expense of a superior dark menu bar/light system mode, which admittedly you can get back, sort of.

Another problem is font rendering. I hate aggressive rainbowy sub-pixel AA and I usually admire Apple for staying true to what's been drawn. That being said, this time they gone too far. Interface itself looks mostly fine (not so much in dark mode though), but some things like Quicklook/Preview engine are outright broken. They didn't just toss AA, but somehow managed to mess up kerning and hinting to the point where PDFs are simply unreadable.
Overall, it feels like Apple is getting ready to abandon lower resolution non-retina screens altogether (which would be fair for laptops, but not for desktops where proper retina displays are still problematic). Lots of rough edges and blurry icons everywhere. It probably didn't start with Mojave, but now it's really getting in your face.

Really, Apple? ↓


I was considering getting a logic board upgrade to 2012 MBP to run Mojave properly, but now I'm not even sure I want it at all.

Also, here's my ugly solution for hybrid transparency dark menu-bar/light mode:


defaults write reduceTransparency -bool false

defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No
killall NotificationCenter
sleep 2
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer"
click menu bar item "Notification Centre" of menu bar 1
click menu bar item "Notification Centre" of menu bar 1
end tell'
defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes

killall Dock

launchctl unload -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
launchctl load -F /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events"
key code 144
key code 145
end tell'

defaults write reduceTransparency -bool true
killall Finder
killall Spotlight

kill `ps -A | grep -w | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`

Gives you Sierra-style dark non-transparent menu bar, dark transparent dock/mission control , dark transparent notification center with properly colored fonts (some widgets might still get messed when they refresh), transparent OSD, light non-transparent everything else.
[doublepost=1538133317][/doublepost]And a fresh set of glitches. Black rectangles in some new apps appear on an external HDMI-to-TB connected (in my case) display. Disappear when move a window onto a laptop screen.

Apple Maps (3D icon in dark mode):


Apple news and Stocks:


Screenshot tool:


If you don’t have metal, you can’t blame dark mode glitches on Apple. This also is not the site to criticize Mojave in general. Users who have Metal are not experiencing this. Search for a way to replace your GPU or look into eGPUs for trade up your box for one that handles it better.

I’ve gone through months of testing til I found what works best and none of it was really on Apple.

I’m getting zero screen glitches with metal enabled.
My attempt to upgrade from 10.14 final to 10.14.1 beta failed.
View attachment 789902
Did a OTA (System Preferences | Software Update) and then used @dosdude1's patcher/macos post install versions 1.1.2, 1.2.0, 1.2.1 and 1.2.2. No dice.

I guess I will need to wait for the "boot rom upgrades" needed for unsupported macs. I do not wish to wait for the final 10.14.1 final release as I need to do some testing with Xcode 10.1 development plus the other options now available on the beta.

Mahalo @pkouame, @TimothyR734 for your suggestions, contributions. Special Mahalo to @dosdude1 for his continuing work on this thread.
I did get it to boot into 10.14.1 then later rebooted and no dice just hung on phase one of the Apple logo white screen
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So I did an install on my late 09 iMac, and it seems to be working good. The only problems I seem to have is this:

1. Waking my iMac up, from pressing a key to the screen turning on and asking for my password, takes about 10 seconds

2. I get a quick, two second flicker every few minutes in the upper right of the menu bar, where i have a couple of apps running (istat, adobe updater, viber, etc.)

3. iSight camera is still not working, and I have no clue how to fix it.

Any ideas?
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Have you fixed booting Mojave with previous methods?

If not, could you post a picture on verbose mode (hold CMD+V at power-on) of your Mojave crash on boot ?

About your bluetooth issue, before find a right fix for your mac you should identify your Bluetooth hardware, you have to do this check from HighSierra open Terminal and type:

system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType

From the result report here only Vendor ID and Product ID

Ok you have MagicMouse1, could you test your MM1 touch features from another Mac or another macOS, and have you upgraded from HighSierra to Mojave or clean install ? You should try a clean install maybe to fix some previous conflicts.

It's ... Vendor ID: 0x05AC ... Product ID: 0x0255... unfortunately I re-installed the high sierra ... I will wait a couple days until I try again

thank you for your support!!!
It's ... Vendor ID: 0x05AC ... Product ID: 0x0255... unfortunately I re-installed the high sierra ... I will wait a couple days until I try again

thank you for your support!!!

Oh that's why, yours is all-in-one BT-Wifi card, so your bluetooth kext should be inside the IO80211Family.kext, probably one of this AirPortBrcm4360.kext or AirPortBrcmNIC.kext or this other tipically outside the wifi kext AirPortBrcmNIC-MFG.kext , anyway when you re-install Mojave will try again to help you to fix it.

You know, probably you don't need to apply the "Wifi patch" when you re-install Mojave again, you have a Wifi/BT 4.0 , apparently it's an airport card supported in mojave, the Wifi patch is tipically for those who have a BT 2.1 card (separated or all-in-one), next time when you re-install Mojave don't apply Wifi Patch and see if BT is there.

To have certain you should launch from Terminal this command:

system_profiler SPAirPortDataType

and report here only this part: "Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x14E4,...)"
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Oh that's why, yours is all-in-one BT-Wifi card, so your bluetooth kext should be inside the IO80211Family.kext, probably one of this AirPortBrcm4360.kext or AirPortBrcmNIC.kext or this other tipically outside the wifi kext AirPortBrcmNIC-MFG.kext , anyway when you re-install Mojave will try again to help you to fix it.

You know, probably you don't need to apply the "Wifi patch" when you re-install Mojave again, you have a Wifi/BT 4.0 , apparently it's an airport card supported in mojave, the Wifi patch is tipically for those who have a BT 2.1 card (separated or all-in-one), next time when you re-install Mojave don't apply Wifi Patch and see if BT is there.

To have certain you should launch from Terminal this command:

system_profiler SPAirPortDataType

and report here only this part: "Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x14E4,...)"

Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0xE4)

Thank's man...
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