Found an interesting thing about greyish menu bar in Mojave and Catalina on the internet. Tested on both systems. You can enable dark menu bar and dock background with light mode, as we had as an option on High Sierra. This is does'nt fix Finder greyish side panel, but i hope someone can test it with
@pkouame hybrid mode, and maybe we can use it as well. So here's the instuction:
Go to the light mode, write in Terminal:
defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool Yes
Choose Logout from Apple Menu, then login again, and enable dark mode. From that moment all things must be in light mode, exept Menu Bar and Dock. To undo this changes write in terminal:
defaults write -g NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool No
Can someone test it with hybrid mode?