Yes, the eject menubar applet has been around for over a decade. It's just not obvious how you enable it. You can do it in apps like Onyx, or manually:
Go to /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras and double click the icon.
By the way, the Apple menubar app ejects the first Optical disc or external device it comes across (or whichever one you have selected) ONLY.
A free app called Semulov (volumes spelled backward) offers more control, including the force eject command. It's quite nice in that you can set ignored volumes, add a keyboard shortcut, and more.
Go to /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras and double click the icon.
By the way, the Apple menubar app ejects the first Optical disc or external device it comes across (or whichever one you have selected) ONLY.
A free app called Semulov (volumes spelled backward) offers more control, including the force eject command. It's quite nice in that you can set ignored volumes, add a keyboard shortcut, and more.